The Media Industry

The second best part was hearing some of the press corps(e) yelling at her about "you were prepared for that..." as she was walking away, which shows a complete lack of self awareness.

Dude, she KNEW y'all were going to ask that question because "gotcha" questions are about all y'all are able to parse into complete sentences. Apparently everyone knows your shtick but you.
They are living in their own private Pauline Kael worlds


In case you dont know the history, Nixon beat McGovern 520 electoral votes to 17
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The US media generally is none too pleased with Biden on the ballot. They keep looking for someone else which, I think, is why they keep pimping Gov. Cuomo's pressers. The New York Times last month called Cuomo's coronavirus briefing deliveries “articulate, consistent and often tinged with empathy." They said his pressers are like a "tender embrace."

This has put the media in a weird place since the state of New York is doing the worst of all 50 states (or 57, in case BHO is lurking). Cuomo's "tender embrace" has led NY to a high death rate of 139 per 100,000. This number was made worse by Cuomo's personal decision to force nursing homes to accept any elderly person who had been infected with the virus. This led directly to many more unnecessary deaths. It's been a horrible performance lately.

By contrast, Georgia and Florida have much lower death rates. Georgia is 13 per 100,00 while Florida is at just 8. But the media collectively ignores those states and their governors while they slobber all over Cuomo.

Why? Because both Brian Kemp and Ron DeSantis are Republicans. The media hates that so they ignore it. Doesnt "fit the narrative." Even worse, at least to the media, is that both of these governors have been using the words "reopen" and "economy." And that drives the media batty.
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I'm not ashamed that I didn't vote for Trump. However, I am ashamed that I ever identified with at least some of the NeverTrump people. If you are critical of specific policies or actions he has taken, that's fine. There are legitimate reasons to do that. However, if you refuse to examine his actions on the merits, disregard the opposition's flaws, or worse completely realign your politics just to be in opposition to Trump, that isn't principle. It's derangement and flagrant hackery. Jennifer Rubin, Ana Navarro, Steve Schmidt, and Max Boot fit into that group. William Kristol doesn't go as far, but he dances with it. George Will and John Kasich dance with it some but less so. Personally, I align more with Jonah Goldberg.

Here's where this can go wrong. Suppose the GOP nominee in 2024 is Marco Rubio, Mike Pence, or Nikki Haley. By any measure, these commentators should be fully supportive of them. However, all three have had significant agreement with Trump on a myriad of huge, defining issues - judges, defense spending, tax cuts, social issues, and deregulation. Well, if you've spent 4 or 8 years shitting on all that just because you kneejerk hate Trump, how are you going to flip-flop and suddenly support those things again when they're pitched by someone else? You've lost all your credibility.
Here is another total fraud in the media
Marcy Wheeler was a known charlaton at the time she was allowed by the NYT to write an op-ed weeks before the Mueller Report was submitted declaring that Mueller had been "hiding" the bombshell conspiracy info, and would soon implicate Trump himself in a vast criminal conspiracy
Total fiction based on zero facts - and the Times knew it by then


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