The Media Industry

I disagree. When the press engages in nothing more than propaganda for a political party, they are no longer the press and should not be held as such. There is no reason for them to even hold a press pass, they aren't the press. This goes for anyone that purposefully spreads disinformation to specifically sway public opinion.

I see CNN, WSJ, NYT MSM NBC ABC and such as nothing more than propaganda for the left. I know there are a lot more but those are off the top of my head. And I know there are a few on the right as well.

I have a hard time finding honest journalism and refuse to pay for any of it. So far I've been impressed with Newsy, but even they are reporting things with a left slant.

Bill, they have a right to be propagandists. Are they entitled to have access to the White House press room? No. Do they have a right to publish what they want (in print, on the airwaves, or online)? Yes. Can't shut them down.
I finally took Brian Davis off of my Twitter feed. That idiot tweets more liberal crapola than his real job of covering the Horns for the Statesman.
“But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. Against such things there is no law.” (Galatians 5:22-23)
God made men, Samuel Colt made them equal.

Dear Sir or Madam, we regret to inform you that your son/daughter was killing in the looting because they tried to attack a man with a gun. The man was defending himself and will not be charged as he was within his rights to protect himself. We are sorry for your loss and hope that if you have other kids you will raise them to uphold the law or if they can't do that to bring more than a brick to a gun fight.

Sincerely, Donald Trump.
Another RacistFather&Son™ hollering the n word moment and son yelling, and his son “kiss my white ***”

Witness: "I feel like the old man instigated the incident with a racial slur"
Another RacistFather&Son™ hollering the n word moment and son yelling, and his son “kiss my white ***”

Witness: "I feel like the old man instigated the incident with a racial slur"

My best friend is in town today, going to hang out with him and several other old friends from my high school days. He is a very successful black business owner in Washington DC. He attended Howard University on a Football scholarship and got his Masters at Johns Hopkins. We are likely going to be hanging out with another friend who spent a few years in the Pen where he became a member of the Aryan Nations. He isn't a racist at all, when you go to prison you gotta do what you gotta do to survive.

Every one of us are such good friends I am confident any one of us would take a bullet for the others.

With all that said, when I read about some old dude hating and an entire race and teaching that to his son it saddens me, but I realize he has a right to his opinion. Just like the black man that hates anyone that is white. You can't force someone to not be racist. You can't force them to not have prejudice against someone's religion, or any other aspect. All you can do is choose not to associate with them.
For the first time in my life, I'm now seeing what the White Supremacist are saying. White people on the left are race traitors. Not that I care, but you have to realize that you are their b1tches. Go ahead and put yourself into slavery. Makes no difference to me. I wish someone would tell me to get on my knees and I know for a fact that my ancestors owned slaves. Too bad, deal with it, what they did has no effect on my life but what I'm seeing right now is shaping my attitude and my opinions.

BTW - I had a great time with my Black friends tonight, they are family to me.
Bill, they have a right to be propagandists. Are they entitled to have access to the White House press room? No. Do they have a right to publish what they want (in print, on the airwaves, or online)? Yes. Can't shut them down.
Of course you can. FCC should pull license for every local broadcast affiliate in Metro areas. CNN, MSNBC, and any other entity that blows **** out of their *** onto the airwaves. They can reapply after meeting the new over the air licensing requirements which regulate parent company ownership. Get the $ out of the media and put journalism back in.

Same thing on Print media. New regulations include meeting strict political requirements and Single Entity ownership.

Does BLM think only they can change long established “White Man Rules”

Of course you can. FCC should pull license for every local broadcast affiliate in Metro areas. CNN, MSNBC, and any other entity that blows **** out of their *** onto the airwaves. They can reapply after meeting the new over the air licensing requirements which regulate parent company ownership. Get the $ out of the media and put journalism back in.

Same thing on Print media. New regulations include meeting strict political requirements and Single Entity ownership.

Does BLM think only they can change long established “White Man Rules”


The FCC can't violate the First Amendment in how it gives out or revokes licenses.
Bill, they have a right to be propagandists. Are they entitled to have access to the White House press room? No. Do they have a right to publish what they want (in print, on the airwaves, or online)? Yes. Can't shut them down.

They seem to be doing a great job of shutting down any conservative press. They don't even pretend to be unbias. They don't spin the new, they don't report anything that is against the left and they outright lie about the right.

They aren't the press, they are activist pretending to be the press.

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