The Media Industry

If I understand the new rules correctly, this means Nancy is a NAZI
"Nancy the Nazi" does flow like a rap lyric

Journalism is the US is a complete disgrace
As a long-time staunch defender of the 1st Amendment, its embarrassing
I hope they all eat each other and burn it to the ground so we can start over

Weiss wrote --
"Twitter is not on the masthead of The New York Times. But Twitter has become its ultimate editor."

If you dont want to read it, the short version goes something like this -- She is a SJW who was begging to be fired. She wanted to be a martyr. But the NYT fooled her by refusing, and instead just kept publishing her stuff. Her material was was so bad that she was subjected to much ridicule and mocking on the twitter (which means, if you dont already know, from her own side). So she self-canceled herself.
This "industry" is rotten to the core

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Journalism is the US is a complete disgrace
As a long-time staunch defender of the 1st Amendment, its embarrassing
I hope they all eat each other and burn it to the ground so we can start over

Weiss wrote --
"Twitter is not on the masthead of The New York Times. But Twitter has become its ultimate editor."

If you dont want to read it, the short version goes something like this -- She is a SJW who was begging to be fired. She wanted to be a martyr. But the NYT fooled her by refusing, and instead just kept publishing her stuff. Her material was was so bad that she was subjected to much ridicule and mocking on the twitter (which means, if you dont already know, from her own side). So she self-canceled herself.
This "industry" is rotten to the core

How is Bari Weiss a SJW?? She was one of very few writers at the Times who wasn't a total crackpot.
How is Bari Weiss a SJW?? ..t.

She was a part of cancel culture, tried to get people fired, and apparently had been doing this since her days at Columbia.
She regularly threw out that anyone who disagreed with her were anti-Semitic
To me, everyone at the Times is a SJW, but I will concede she did take some close-to-the-middle position on some issues. Still, I think she appeared close to the middle on these things bc everyone there is so hard left.
She was a part of cancel culture, tried to get people fired, and apparently had been doing this since her days at Columbia.
She regularly threw out that anyone who disagreed with her were anti-Semitic
To me, everyone at the Times is a SJW, but I will concede she did take some close-to-the-middle position on some issues. Still, I think she appeared close to the middle on these things bc everyone there is so hard left.

I don't see her as a middle or left or right. From what I've read of her work, she just tried to be fair and act professionally rather than like a partisan hack.
Andrew Sullivan is resigning from New York Magazine for obvious reasons.

What should astound people is that neither Sullivan nor Weiss are particularly conservative. They are generally moderate, and neither are Trump-friendly at all. It makes me wonder how long people like Bret Stephens or Ross Douthat will remain at the Times.
Short summary - liberal-minded never-trumper conservative not left enough.

Yep. That's what's so absurd about this. They're treating Sullivan and Weiss like they're hard right radicals spouting hate speech rhetoric. They aren't. Sullivan is nominally conservative and frequently breaks with conservative orthodoxy. Bari Weiss isn't a conversative at all. She just doesn't hate conservatives, doesn't hate Jews, and doesn't have a blind spot for antisemitism on the Left. Basically anybody who isn't an SJW freak show isn't left enough.

And when I hear leftists whine that they weren't fired but resigned, I can't help but roll my eyes. They were harassed and demonized by coworkers for doing their jobs, and management did nothing about it. If a black employee was harassed and called the n-bomb by coworkers and the boss didn't give a crap so the black employee quit, would we say it was ok because he wasn't fired? I doubt it.

This has to be a concern for guys like Bret Stephens. He's basically like Sullivan - a conservative who rarely acts like one but occasionally slips a conservative piece past the woke filter. Eventually they'll come for him and others like him.
So is Chris Wallace a liberal jerk? The Trump interview that aired today was fascinating but I know he hasn’t been an agenda puppet at Fox like many others there.
So is Chris Wallace a liberal jerk? The Trump interview that aired today was fascinating but I know he hasn’t been an agenda puppet at Fox like many others there.

Fox definitely has an agenda (conservative) but they're not worse than the mainstream media (liberal).
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So is Chris Wallace a liberal jerk? The Trump interview that aired today was fascinating but I know he hasn’t been an agenda puppet at Fox like many others there.

He's one of the few truly fair people in the national media. It's not because he was tough on Trump. It's because he's like that with everybody. The problem with the rest of the media isn't that they go after Trump (though they are often loose with facts and engage in wild speculation and disregard for context when they do). It's that when they deal with Democrats, they largely just sit and lick their nutsack with softball questions and give them every chance to bash Republicans and do so unchallenged.
He's one of the few truly fair people in the national media. It's not because he was tough on Trump. It's because he's like that with everybody. The problem with the rest of the media isn't that they go after Trump (though they are often loose with facts and engage in wild speculation and disregard for context when they do). It's that when they deal with Democrats, they largely just sit and lick their nutsack with softball questions and give them every chance to bash Republicans and do so unchallenged.
He wasn't fair with Trump yesterday, at least intellectually fair. I actually just happened to stumble across the interview since channels were limited where I was at, but Wallace made a huge point about twice as many blacks per capita are killed by police as whites. What is not discussed when people quote this number is that blacks have 5x as many encounters per capita with police as whites and thus reality is that half as many blacks are killed by police as whites per encounter. At least in my mind this would indicate police are going the extra mile to make sure extra caution is taken in dealing with an encounter or arrest of a black person.
What is not discussed when people quote this number is that blacks have 5x as many encounters per capita with police as whites and thus reality is that half as many blacks are killed by police as whites per encounter.

Do you have a link to the 5 times per capita? I'd like to show that to others.
After weeks of completely ignoring what's going on in Seattle and Portland, our (Dallas) local ABC affiliate had the following headline at the top of its news site:

"Federal Officers Beat Navy Veteran with a baton, pepper spray and tear-gas Portland County Commissioner".

I didn't read the article, but I'm assuming it's something like this:

The mean federal officers went to the Utopia formerly known as Portland and picked out a Navy veteran to beat for fun. Trump approved it.

Wait. I do recall at least one news story about the aforementioned. Something about how the marches and rioting were not a factor in the Corona-Virus spread.
After weeks of completely ignoring what's going on in Seattle and Portland, our (Dallas) local ABC affiliate had the following headline at the top of its news site:

"Federal Officers Beat Navy Veteran with a baton, pepper spray and tear-gas Portland County Commissioner".

I didn't read the article, but I'm assuming it's something like this:

The mean federal officers went to the Utopia formerly known as Portland and picked out a Navy veteran to beat for fun. Trump approved it.

Wait. I do recall at least one news story about the aforementioned. Something about how the marches and rioting were not a factor in the Corona-Virus spread.

From the video, he confronted them and said something to them (which can't be heard), and they smacked him and sprayed him. Then he walked away and flipped them off. The officers look out of line to me. The guy was just standing - not getting physical at all.
From the video, he confronted them and said something to them (which can't be heard), and they smacked him and sprayed him. Then he walked away and flipped them off. The officers look out of line to me. The guy was just standing - not getting physical at all.
Good. It's time to start setting the tone with these ********. It's like coming out in the first series of a football game. Punch 'em in the mouth right away, and set the tone. As soon as the police do get off their asses and actually start arresting and beating the **** out of these losers, they all cower away while yelling expletives.
From the video, he confronted them and said something to them (which can't be heard), and they smacked him and sprayed him. Then he walked away and flipped them off. The officers look out of line to me. The guy was just standing - not getting physical at all.

Right. Whether the vet was 100% right or 100% wrong, the point of the matter is that WFAA decided that that minor story fit the agenda. Hence the front page story. My point is that really HORRIBLE **** has been going on in Portland for months now w/ nary a mention by most news outlets.

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