The Media Industry

You can put me in the "pissed off" category. I expect the other side to always try and pull crap like this. But I hate my side even more for just rolling over and letting them do it (again!) It also seems clear that R-leadership told them to "just shut up about it." Hardly any of them complained. Panic always clouds judgement and causes deviation from rational thought. But there is a small group that always knows that is the perfect time to pounce. This is often where the worst results come from.

In the car yesterday, I heard someone mention what % of this funding was going to reach individual taxpayers and/or small businesses. It was a ridiculously low. I cant recall the exact number but even I was surprised. I will try and find that later.

Both parties in the Congress treated this bill like a grab bag for their lobbyist friends. What they should have done instead was offer a clean bill to help the people. Wasnt that the point? It should have been the point. But, as always, the big wigs feed themselves first while the people get the scraps.

We've been down this road before. The GOP only cares about fiscal responsibility when a Democrat is in the White House. Democrats never care about it. Purely from a fiscal standpoint, probably the best thing that could happen would be for Biden to beat Trump - not because Biden would be a fiscal conservative but because the GOP leadership on Capitol Hill would at least have to pretend to care about the budget again.
Trump praises Maddow.
"Thank you to Rachel @Maddow for putting our Military on full display, and showing how GREAT a job the Federal Government is doing! Also, a special thanks to General Semonite, a Patriot of the highest order and a truly talented engineer and builder!"
But at least historically they have done something about it.

Like what? They went right along with Obama's stimulus package and let GM and Chrysler creditors get screwed out of their investment.

Look, I know the debt is cray-cray out of control, but I'm not willing to give the Dems power just so Reps will make a bunch of noise, and, just for the sake of argument, pay it down 5%.
We've been down this road before. The GOP only cares about fiscal responsibility when a Democrat is in the White House. Democrats never care about it. Purely from a fiscal standpoint, probably the best thing that could happen would be for Biden to beat Trump - not because Biden would be a fiscal conservative but because the GOP leadership on Capitol Hill would at least have to pretend to care about the budget again.
I believe there are two factors at work:

1) Millions of employees have lost their jobs and this will rectify that situation for those made aware of the programs, and

2) Trump wants a second term
Like what? They went right along with Obama's stimulus package and let GM and Chrysler creditors get screwed out of their investment.

They fought the Obama stimulus tooth and nail. Democrats controlled the House and had 59 senators. There was nothing the GOP could do. Once they gained control of the House and especially the Senate, they held the line on spending far more than they have since 2016.

Look, I know the debt is cray-cray out of control, but I'm not willing to give the Dems power just so Reps will make a bunch of noise, and, just for the sake of argument, pay it down 5%.

I agree, but we shouldn't have to make that choice. They should give a crap when they're in charge too, an they've proven repeatedly that they don't. And Trump has been terrible on this issue.
They fought the Obama stimulus tooth and nail. Democrats controlled the House and had 59 senators. There was nothing the GOP could do. Once they gained control of the House and especially the Senate, they held the line on spending far more than they have since 2016.

I agree, but we shouldn't have to make that choice. They should give a crap when they're in charge too, an they've proven repeatedly that they don't. And Trump has been terrible on this issue.
People forget that when Obama was president, congress in 2009-2010 was controlled by the likes of Pelosi, Waxman, Reid, etc. Basically the worst of the worst who were elected during the watergate era and had amassed seniority in congress. That was the real problem, not necessarily Obama.
The Democrats are Socialist. The Republicans have proven beyond a shadow of doubt that they are Socialist-lite.

Thomas Massey tried to explain the errors being made, but Ds and Rs both insulted him.

The Libertarian Party doesn't have a chance. But that is who I am voting for, because if you vote D or R, you are voting for government power, Keynesian economics, and the Orwell's forever war.

I would rather lose than be wrong at this point.
You have decided to make your vote irrelevant. I'll never understand that thinking. It's similar to going to the super bowl and cheering for a team that didn't make the playoffs.
Voting for R or D is the same thing. The very definition of irrelevant. They both print money. They both command private citizens what to do. They both steal from your bank account.

The elites decide who you vote for and you comply. The definition of a sheep. Follow the herd.

Simpletons only understand power. They don't understand truth, or righteousness, or justice.

They just understand, "my dad can kick your dad's ***". I grew out of that many years ago.
You have decided to make your vote irrelevant. I'll never understand that thinking. It's similar to going to the super bowl and cheering for a team that didn't make the playoffs.
My daughter likes the Washington Redskins. They suck and she’s never been to DC. But when the Texans are the home team.....
I just stick to CFB.
The Democrats are Socialist. The Republicans have proven beyond a shadow of doubt that they are Socialist-lite.

Thomas Massey tried to explain the errors being made, but Ds and Rs both insulted him.

The Libertarian Party doesn't have a chance. But that is who I am voting for, because if you vote D or R, you are voting for government power, Keynesian economics, and the Orwell's forever war.

I would rather lose than be wrong at this point.

I voted Libertarian last time, so I get it. However, there is a difference between D and R if you get beyond money issues.

The big difference between D and R is the judiciary. If you vote Republican, you're voting for judges who will mostly accept being bound by the written law. (You'll notice that I said "mostly.")

If you vote Democratic, you are voting for judges who are willing to set aside the written law to force an anti-traditionalist social agenda. Accordingly, you're voting to eliminate the death penalty. You're voting to overturn even the most mild abortion restrictions and for the taxpayer to fund abortions. You're voting for affirmative action. You're voting to turn transgenderism into a protected class - not by changing the law through legislation but by arbitrary judicial edict. That means you're voting to let dudes pull their dicks out in front of your daughter at school and to force businesses to let dudes wear dresses to work and let dudes into the women's bathroom. You're voting to have school choice declared unconstitutional. You're voting to get rid of voter ID. You're voting to strengthen the liberties of pornographers but to weaken the liberties of churches and synagogues. You're voting to make disobeying your religious beliefs on sexuality and marriage a condition of making a living. You're voting to diminish the free speech rights of college students who disagree with leftists on social issues. You're voting to give bums the right to camp out on the street if you don't give them a house. And this is true even if the Democrat seems reasonable or even somewhat conservative on social issues.
I agree, but we shouldn't have to make that choice. They should give a crap when they're in charge too, an they've proven repeatedly that they don't.

That's all well and good but those are not the choices on the table right now.
That's all well and good but those are not the choices on the table right now.

Actually it is on the table. You can vote for Biden but vote for Republicans for House and Senate, and almost surely you'll get a more fiscally responsible outcome than if you reelect Trump. I'm not saying you should do that. I'm not going to do that. However, the last 30 years have pretty much shown it to be true.
The Democrats are Socialist. The Republicans have proven beyond a shadow of doubt that they are Socialist-lite.

Thomas Massey tried to explain the errors being made, but Ds and Rs both insulted him.

The Libertarian Party doesn't have a chance. But that is who I am voting for, because if you vote D or R, you are voting for government power, Keynesian economics, and the Orwell's forever war.

I would rather lose than be wrong at this point.

I prefer to protect my constitutional rights especially the 2nd amendment rights to keep my bear arms :e-muscle:
I like to bear my bare arms. Let's a ll do that now...


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