The Media Industry

You have decided to make your vote irrelevant. I'll never understand that thinking.

Disagreeing with it is one thing; not even comprehending it another.

It's similar to going to the super bowl and cheering for a team that didn't make the playoffs.[/quote]

It's not really very similar to that, but if we're gonna with that, then what you've advocated is like rooting for a team you dislike, just to get to say "I cheered for the team that won".
Look at the ******** that the media stated as fact

I voted Libertarian last time, so I get it. However, there is a difference between D and R if you get beyond money issues.

Most everything is the same. Or will be the same in a few years. Republicans are already starting to talk about energy policy that would be their Green New Deal light.

So if you don't like what Ds are doing. Vote for a R and get something very similar in 5 years.

The big difference between D and R is the judiciary. If you vote Republican, you're voting for judges who will mostly accept being bound by the written law. (You'll notice that I said "mostly.")

Yes. But Trump has been better on this than establishment Rs. He is also better on environmental regulations. He is worse on trade. If he abolishes some FDA regulations permanently, that would be better too. The only other Rs that would do that are Cruz, Paul, Lee, and Massey.

If you vote Democratic, you are voting for judges who are willing to set aside the written law to force an anti-traditionalist social agenda. Accordingly, you're voting to eliminate the death penalty. You're voting to overturn even the most mild abortion restrictions and for the taxpayer to fund abortions. You're voting for affirmative action. You're voting to turn transgenderism into a protected class - not by changing the law through legislation but by arbitrary judicial edict. That means you're voting to let dudes pull their dicks out in front of your daughter at school and to force businesses to let dudes wear dresses to work and let dudes into the women's bathroom. You're voting to have school choice declared unconstitutional. You're voting to get rid of voter ID. You're voting to strengthen the liberties of pornographers but to weaken the liberties of churches and synagogues. You're voting to make disobeying your religious beliefs on sexuality and marriage a condition of making a living. You're voting to diminish the free speech rights of college students who disagree with leftists on social issues. You're voting to give bums the right to camp out on the street if you don't give them a house. And this is true even if the Democrat seems reasonable or even somewhat conservative on social issues.

Like I said wait 5 years and see where the Rs are these things. But your point stands. I have never voted for a D and never will.
Garmel, the media has shown themselves over the last 3 years to be liars, even when trying to point out Trump's lies. You can't ever trust them. They will twist any fact about a news story to try to push a policy or ideological point. They are the enemy of the people.
Garmel, the media has shown themselves over the last 3 years to be liars, even when trying to point out Trump's lies. You can't ever trust them. They will twist any fact about a news story to try to push a policy or ideological point. They are the enemy of the people.

They're going to look even more ****** if chloroquine works against the coronavirus.
You can no longer be taken seriously.

A few points in my defense. First, I grew up in Dallas, not Austin and didn't go to UT, so I wasn't really in tune with the Aggieness problem. In fact I really figured it out from her dragging me to a few games at Kyle Field where I saw their idiocy firsthand. Second, I hadn't dated anyone in a few years (after having to break up with a big boobed woman that I really adored), so I was a bit off my game. Third, she said the "right things," had a nice bod, and was a bit a freak (I still have a scar on my back 13 years later - no ****.), and I was still pretty young and hormone-raged. I was admittedly pretty "bootie-blind" and therefore willing to overlook some things. I'm not saying I did the right thing. I should have had better judgment. I'm just saying that it wasn't as crazy of a call as it seems, and I'll bet most of the men here have shown worse judgment.
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Most everything is the same. Or will be the same in a few years. Republicans are already starting to talk about energy policy that would be their Green New Deal light.

If you have anything specific, I'm open to looking at it, but I haven't seen anything from the GOP that remotely resembles the Green New Deal.

Like I said wait 5 years and see where the Rs are these things. But your point stands. I have never voted for a D and never will.

I don't think the GOP will move hard left on social issues. It's the big way in which they distinguish themselves from Democrats, and it's how they win in swing states. If they ever do, it'll only be because conservatives have failed in the battle of ideas. At the end of the day, the GOP is a political party dedicated to winning. It's up to conservative advocates (including politicians, think tanks, and citizens) to make their case to the public. They haven't done a good job for the last 25 years.
A few points in my defense. First, I grew up in Dallas, not Austin and didn't go to UT, so I wasn't really in tune with the Aggieness problem. In fact I really figured it out from her dragging me to a few games at Kyle Field where I saw their idiocy firsthand. Second, I hadn't dated anyone in a few years (after having to break up with a big boobed woman that I really adored), so I was a bit off my game. Third, she said the "right things," had a nice bod, and was a bit a freak (I still have a scar on back 13 years later - no ****.), and I was still pretty young and hormone-raged. I was admittedly pretty "bootie-blind" and therefore willing to overlook some things. I'm not saying I did the right thing. I should have had better judgment. I'm just saying that it wasn't as crazy of a call as it seems, and I'll bet most of the men here have shown worse judgment.

I absolve you. I also dated a few aggie wimmen back in the day. It was never very serious or long-term (The longest I ever made it with a woman was about 4 months before I met my wife of 27 years) but I know I was relieved when it was over because I would no longer have to make nice when they would talk about or partake in aggie things. Still, a$m has some hot women, so I get it.
Phil, when did you leave 3M and where did you work?

We had some good political debates in the abandoned halls in the old building.

We are in a new place now and there are too many people around to do that kind of thing.
I absolve you. I also dated a few aggie wimmen back in the day. It was never very serious or long-term (The longest I ever made it with a woman was about 4 months before I met my wife of 27 years) but I know I was relieved when it was over because I would no longer have to make nice when they would talk about or partake in aggie things. Still, a$m has some hot women, so I get it.

Thank you. My Aggie fling lasted about 4 months. I met Mrs. Deez very soon after it was over, and the Aggie experience definitely made my appreciate her more. I remember thinking,"wow. She's so intelligent, stable, and and mature."

And of course, Mrs. Deez is three years younger (28 rather than 31), and though she has a Master's degree, the Aggie was working on her Ph.D. She should have been smarter and more mature, but Aggieness trumps all of that. Even an older, well-educated Aggie is as dumb as a box of rocks and as mature 12 year old girl.
I just watched the presser. It really is remarkable how private enterprise was able and willing to step up. People who have never managed a business do not understand what is involved in pivoting. The CEOs were amazing in how they have changec their companies to make product the medical people need.
The news on the malaria meds becoming more available for the virus was encouraging.
But the best part if the presser? It was the way Trump handled Acosta and 2 others who tried to do a gotcha on Trump.
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Dirty bills filled with pork are better than clean bills is not something I thought I would bump into here today. But OK. I guess if people get what they want, whatever else might be in it doesn't matter. That is a nice metaphor for how we got to where we are now

The vultures are already moving in for the next round


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