The Media Industry

$1000 doesn't solve a poor person's problem. And it makes him more likely to be homeless in a year. Multiply that times 10 when the government suppresses the economy for 2 months.
IIRC it won't be just the 1200. If he /she is employed we will pay that company to pay their salary wages too

But if the company isn't allowed to do business, that money won't be worth anything in the aggregate. I can see why people go for it. They can buy something with that money in the immediate term, but it's not going to stimulate the economy long term, because there's no market-driven productivity attached to it.

And this is a symptom of Trumpism. We're ok with New Deal-style Keynesianism now. It's bad policy that'll ultimately do more harm than good. It failed in the 1930s, but for some reason, we think it'll work now.
But if the company isn't allowed to do business, that money won't be worth anything in the aggregate. I can see why people go for it. They can buy something with that money in the immediate term, but it's not going to stimulate the economy long term, because there's no market-driven productivity attached to it.

This point needs to be made over and over and over again. We still trade goods and services not money. Money is just the grease that reduces the effort and complexity to make the trade. Money for nothing is nothing. There are no free lunches is a truism most here agreed with a year ago. It is still true and this is way.

And this is a symptom of Trumpism. We're ok with New Deal-style Keynesianism now. It's bad policy that'll ultimately do more harm than good. It failed in the 1930s, but for some reason, we think it'll work now.

Yes. This is the main reason I didn't vote for Trump. Because his campaign comments on the economy represented the view point of a Democrat from the 70s-90s. He loves government spending. Now is proposing ANOTHER $2T in money creation to fund "shovel ready" jobs. Just like Obama but even more money. Totally crazy.

Now as a candidate he also talked about how the Fed was big problem and the interest rates were way too low. That was a positive to me. However, he changed his tune about 2 years into his term.
A different view of the daily briefings
This point needs to be made over and over and over again. We still trade goods and services not money. Money is just the grease that reduces the effort and complexity to make the trade. Money for nothing is nothing. There are no free lunches is a truism most here agreed with a year ago. It is still true and this is way.

I think people have a hard time looking at it from a macroeconomic standpoint. If the government hands me $1M, it really is a free lunch. It'll be inflated, printed money, but in the context of a $20T economy, the impact of an extra $1M of worthless cash will be negligible. It'll effectively have the same buying power that $1M that's actually worked for and earned would have. However, if the government did the same thing for everybody, it wouldn't take very long for the inflationary impact to set in on a broad scale and nullify the buying power of that $1M. But we just aren't that deep. We just see dollar bills in our pocket and think it's great.

Now as a candidate he also talked about how the Fed was big problem and the interest rates were way too low. That was a positive to me. However, he changed his tune about 2 years into his term.

It was a positive, but I think his economic advisors have told him that trying to solve the problem would at least temporarily hurt the economy as things adjust and likely cost him reelection.

It would be great if he made that a priority in his second term, but I don't see it happening. He might be the most liberal spender in history, and I don't see him wanting any policy that would slow things down even if it would create long term prosperity.
I think Fauci and Birtx are getting a taste of what Trump deals with daily.
The media keeps pressing them with stupid questions .
Tuesday they both shot down that Trump did not act early enough.
Neither in MO are carrying water for him. Both are Dem supporters.
But how many times can you answer the numbers are just projections based on models?
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I think Fauci and Birtx are getting a taste of what Trump deals with daily.
The media keeps pressing them with stupid questions .
Tuesday they both shot down that Trump did not act early enough.
Neither in MO are carrying water for him. Both are Dem supporters.
But how many times can you answer the numbers are just projections based on models?
Trump, in particular, will answer the same inane and misleading questions for hours, too.

But, but, but....he's just so mean.
This point needs to be made over and over and over again. We still trade goods and services not money. Money is just the grease that reduces the effort and complexity to make the trade. Money for nothing is nothing. There are no free lunches is a truism most here agreed with a year ago. It is still true and this is way.

Yes. This is the main reason I didn't vote for Trump. Because his campaign comments on the economy represented the view point of a Democrat from the 70s-90s. He loves government spending. Now is proposing ANOTHER $2T in money creation to fund "shovel ready" jobs. Just like Obama but even more money. Totally crazy.

Now as a candidate he also talked about how the Fed was big problem and the interest rates were way too low. That was a positive to me. However, he changed his tune about 2 years into his term.
Gents, government spending is a component of GDP.
I think Fauci and Birtx are getting a taste of what Trump deals with daily.
The media keeps pressing them with stupid questions .
Tuesday they both shot down that Trump did not act early enough.
Neither in MO are carrying water for him. Both are Dem supporters.
But how many times can you answer the numbers are just projections based on models?

Yeah, the haters keep trying to blame this stuff on Trump and the Covid-19 team keeps shooting them down. They have praised Trump for his response. People want to compare us to how South Korea handled this and that isn't fair. South Korea has more experience with pandemics and it's the size of Indiana. Talk about comparing apples and oranges. The West, with its more open travel than the Far East, also has contributed to this pandemic. If Trump handled this badly are you trying to tell me that every European leader is incompetent too because they are eaten up with Covid-19? The media and the left in this country disgust me and I'm losing patience with them.
Yeah, the haters keep trying to blame this stuff on Trump and the Covid-19 team keeps shooting them down. They have praised Trump for his response. People want to compare us to how South Korea handled this and that isn't fair. South Korea has more experience with pandemics and it's the size of Indiana. Talk about comparing apples and oranges. The West, with its more open travel than the Far East, also has contributed to this pandemic. If Trump handled this badly are you trying to tell me that every European leader is incompetent too because they are eaten up with Covid-19? The media and the left in this country disgust me and I'm losing patience with them.
You and your pesky facts and logic.
Then print $100T and have the government spend it. We will have the world's greatest economy ever, right?
There are different ways to measure GDP. Inflation can be taken into account in the measurement.

Regardless, the people that received the money did buy products too.
Yes. I never argued they wouldn't buy products. That actually creates a long term problem though. It eats capital because the printing money doesn't increase the amount of goods and services available.

That is the Keynesian deceit. He conflates money with wealth. Now 95% of all economists do too.

To the GDP statement. If counting money spent on things is really economic performance (which is again from Keynes in contradiction to classic economists like Adam Smith and Frederic Bastiat), then printing more and more money is the way to prosperity. Again, if that is the case we should all print dollars on our printers at home too. But we know ithats false. Cuba, Venezuela, and Argentina among others keep printing more and more money to try to solve their economics problems.

Economics prosperity comes from production. Demand itself doesn't exist until there is supply, in an economic sense.
CNN and MSNBC have stopped showing Trumps daily briefing live
But still show Fredo's NY pressers live
Nah NO politics from those fine news agencies
Facebook isn't conservative. It just has the balls to not remove political content just because some self-important "fact" checker doesn't like it. They actually believe in free speech, unlike Twitter. They get rid of anything the Left gets upset about. They are gutless cowards.
I got rid of facebook for several reasons, chief among them is that I don't want anyone knowing too much about me. However, a very close second is all the fake news they put up. It's like virtual high school for semi-adults the way my friends would argue. So, yea, I'm done with Facebook

I didn't limit myself to facebook, I also got off of Linkedin as well. As of now I have no presents on social media that shows my real name.

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