The Media Industry

Trump didn't incite the violence but he has had lots of opportunities to stem it while freestyling and does crap like this.

The only time he condemns the behavior is when some staffer writes the script and he unenthusiasticlly reads it off a teleprompter.

If he's not inciting violence, then people (if they're being honest, which most political commentators are not) need to stop talking as though he is. Should he joke around when some redneck jokes about shooting people? No, but it doesn't promote violence anymore than Obama's comment about bringing a gun to a knife fight (which some Republicans criticized) promoted violence. Were both comments ill-advised? Yes. Promoting of violence? No.

And if he had shut that guy down by saying something like, "no, we don't shoot people. We just enforce the laws," it wouldn't have stemmed violence. (Frankly, it probably wouldn't have gotten any meaningful news coverage.) The El Paso shooter still would have gone on his rampage, because he's a nut. I don't mean legally insane. He knew what he was doing and knew it was wrong. He's a nut because he has nutty values and beliefs and was willing to do something nutty to enforce those values and beliefs.
I disagree. I like that he challenges the PC "normals". The rest of the Republicans need to shut up and nut up and start playing hard ball like Trump. If the rest of the GOP would challenge the BS put out by the left, then Trump could tone it down. As it is, he has to go all out to make up for the pansies in the rest of the GOP.

Exactly. Problem is the so-called Rs run scared of the media.

It's also possible that they don't like needlessly handing the suburbs over to the Democrats with nothing to show for it.

Trump was not elected to win a popularity contest. The establishment just keeps ignoring that. First it was Russia to serve as a distraction, then it was Trump is crazy, and now back to racist. It’s as if the entire establishment is in denial and can’t face the truth.
So, the Mooch is now not a Trump fan? Does this mean he is no longer considered to be a white nationalist racist like everyone else associated with Trump? Now that he possibly is on the outs with Trump, he is a credible person in the eyes of Dems and liberals? Of course, just like Cohen, et al.
Planet K in Bee Caves, Texas has a "Persist" and "Revolution" sign out front. Been there a long time. What does Revolution mean? Violence? Vote the b*astard out?
Planet K in Bee Caves, Texas has a "Persist" and "Revolution" sign out front. Been there a long time.

Does it say "Revolution"? Or does it say "rEVOLution" or something like that, where "love" is highlighted in the middle? That what it used to say and that is a Ron Paul thing.
The rest of the Republicans need to shut up and nut up and start playing hard ball like Trump. If the rest of the GOP would challenge the BS put out by the left, then Trump could tone it down.

If he was actually a conservative when it came to government principles, and played intelligent hard ball rather than just spouting off all the time, I could get behind this way of thinking more. Also, let's be real, even if the rest of the GOP did just that, Trump wouldn't turn anything down one bit.
So Richard Gere is on a ship full of African men off Italy demanding Italy let them in and " take care of them"

Here is the Italian Interior Ministry Salvini said to Gere
"Given this generous millionaire is voicing concern for the fate of the Open Arms migrants, we thank him: he can take back to Hollywood, on his private plane, all the people aboard and

support them in his villas. Thank you Richard!" he said in a statement."
So Cindy Crawford meets your standards. Well!

She's not my ideal chick, but I'd certainly take her over a gerbil.

Of course, I know where this is headed, so I'll go there. If we were talking about Farrah Fawcett, then Gere's preference becomes a little more defensible, but not enough to make it the smart choice. Farrah still has the gerbil beat. It's just a closer call. Of course, before you start saying that I've made some big concession about Farrah Fawcett, do bear in mind that I'd say the same thing about Kathy Bates. I can't think of a woman whom I'd kick out of bed for a gerbil
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Only a marginally better choice than a gerbil according to Deez:

What I also remember about her is there was No drama, no tanttums as a star, no scandal.And she was not afraid to do movies where she had to act and not just look beautiful.
I don't see her hoping on a ptivate jet to go protest climate change or demand another country take in illegals anf take care of them.

Gere is trying to be relevant and he got pawned.
For those trying to downplay domestic terrorism and the role white supremacist ideology plays in it I present you FBI Director Christopher Wray's congressional testimony on July 23rd of this year.

Two years ago a concerned parent informed the FBI about the El Paso shooter (reference article last week). Nothing was done. Add that to the Peter strock's of the world, I'm not sure I can believe much of what the FBI rolls out anymore. They've become as much a political entity as one of law enforcement.

Also... The Dayton shooter wasn't a white supremacist. Given another 2 minutes his body count would have exceeded the el paso shooter. You know. The white supremacy nut.

Funny how the FBI downplays ms13. Why doesn't that group get the notoriety? My wife is a math teacher, has taught in the valley (Harlingen) as well as three very tough schools in the Dallas area. Florence (pleasant grove) and Greiner and another in oak cliff. Ms13 was a massive problem.

Yes, white supremacy is a big problem. I hope it dies a quick death. But , as I read, 1800+ people were killed in California last year. The FBI has taken their eye off the ball for whatever reasons. There are bigger fish and they need to address those quickly.
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Yes, white supremacy is a big problem.

It's a "big problem" in the left's eyes. There are in fact VERY few people who are actual white supremacists. Like 5 figures nationwide I would guess. Their rallies, when they have them, are attended by <25 people usually, not counting the slobbering media who is there to convince everyone that this is a huge problem in our country and is being funded/driven by DJT.
If he was actually a conservative when it came to government principles

Please do tell me what conservative principles he is sacrificing that are so important to you? Because, from where I sit, fighting off the ever-increasing level of socialism that this country suffers is more important than anything else.
There is clearly a problem with rogue white guys who have gone mental/unstable/angry/unhinged.

But I believe the entire white supremacy campaign from the Left is an escalation of the white privilege campaign; all designed to regain power and kneed the American public into compliance with the wealth redistribution inherent in reparations, de facto open borders (benefits), the green deal etc.
Won't be a problem much longer.

CNN anchor Anderson Cooper seemed to celebrate the idea of white people no longer constituting the majority of those in the United States.

"The idea that, you know, whites will not be the majority, I mean, that's -- it's an exciting transformation of the country, it's an exciting evolution and you know, progress of our country in many different ways," he said.

He made those comments while interviewing Univision anchor Jorge Ramos, who has openly advocated for more open immigration policies.

After Cooper noted that white supremacists opposed the demographic change, Ramos argued that white nationalists were basically helpless against it.

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