The Media Industry

You want to apply logic to the ramblings of a lunatic? This is a guy that cited Dr freaking Seuss as a defense of killing humans to protect the environment. I agree that he was targeting Mexican immigrants but he obviously also was motivated by his desire to protect the environment. From his deranged perspective it was two birds with one stone.

In the end, the guy was clearly mentally ill. Not sure how any rational person can argue otherwise.

Here is a link to the manifesto. It's impossible to read it and not see that the killer's fear of immigration was the driving factor and his solution to scaring Hispanics to leave the USA.

What's even scarier is the section on his reasoning for choosing his weapons. Not sure which one he chose but he discusses owning an AK47 and hoping to acquire an AR15.

More than anything, the manifesto displays how much thought and preparation this "crazy" individual put into his attack.

While some try and pretend this isn't a problem being fanned by your POTUS I'll continue to point out the facts.
He actually uses global warming to advocate for killing people to reduce the population. I guess we can give Al Gore credit for this and the internet.

I believe it is a combination of issues causing it:

Current political rhetoric by Trump and Democrats
Rhetoric and lies by the media.
Proliferation of video gaming which is an addiction. It desensitizes gamers.
Poor parenting
Bystander, you would fit into the Libertarian Party ideologically. Many are pro-choice and many are pro-life. But they (we) are all about live and let live.

I think Conservatives on the whole should start to vote Libertarian. There is some kookyness in it, but right now the Republican Party is basically Progressive Light.

They don't want Obamacare, but they don't want anything different. Let's keep it and modify a little bit. Same on virtually every issue out there.
An AR-15 isn't as dangerous as a real AK47. So I don't get it. If he owned an AK47 automatic he did it illegally. Which means no gun control law would have prevented this a-hole from murdering people.
An AR-15 isn't as dangerous as a real AK47. So I don't get it. If he owned an AK47 automatic he did it illegally. Which means no gun control law would have prevented this a-hole from murdering people.

As someone who learned in Army basic training the design and purpose M16A2, a clone of the AR-15. It fires the smaller .223 equivalent round. This is smaller than prior standard military issued guns and smaller than the AK-47. Why? Maximum damage. If the bullet enters the body then immediately exits on the opposite side the damage is bad. Whereas, if the bullet enters the body then tumbles around, bouncing off bones and fails to exit, the internal damage can be much worse, specifically to internal organs. The smaller recoil of a lower caliber round also helps the accuracy of the AR-15 compared to other higher capacity military style guns.

Authorities haven't released the info on the guns used. It's possible the El Paso shooter had a semi-automatic version of the AK-47 which would be legal. What's not surprising is that someone intent on maximum casualties would choose a gun designed for military conflict.
If it's anti-Trump it has to be true.
Are you saying the Trump supporter did not pick up a child by the neck and fracture his skull when he slammed him to the ground for disrespecting the national anthem by not removing his baseball cap? Or his defense is not related to Trump nationalism flag rhetoric?.

What part isnt true, Garmel? Why don't you tell us?
“.....didn't understand it was a crime."

That tells me there is something seriously wrong with this guy. Blame it on Trump if you want but this guy has some serious problems. If Trump has said you should kiss every Democrat would this creep have done that? What the heck is going on in our society?
1) The "conflation" of gang-bangers and mass murderers such as what happened in El Paso is because we never see Democrats on their soapbox about gun control after the gang-bangers do their dirty deeds.

They do speak out and often. Of course, gang related violence is generally local thus gets much more local coverage. Body counts matter too. The drip drip of a few separate killings each weekend don't get the notoriety that 9 killings in 30 seconds will. Finally, check out Dick Durbins calls for gun regulation, or Elijah Cummings, or Rahm Emanuel or virtually any politician representing a high crime area. I believe it was Dick Durbin that pointed out that >60% of guns used in Chicago shootings come from out-of-state, notably Indiana.

2) Writing a 2,300 word rant, driving nine hours to El Paso and murdering 23 people sounds pretty crazy to me.

Let's define "crazy". Methodically planning and executing an attack over multiple months without tipping off family or authorities takes a bit of sanity to be successful. Yes, it's "crazy" and twisted to kill a mass of people but one isn't necessarily "insane". This is why most of the individuals who are captured alive are competent enough to stand trial.

3) China? You want to cherry-pick or would you like to add the communist despotic human rights violating template on top of their wonderful gun control laws?

I used China as an example because they had had recent terrorist attacks. If you don't like that example how 'bout UK? Knife attacks there aren't killing dozens which is why they've resorted to trucks which still can't do as much damage as a man with a military style weapon and a high capacity magazine in a crowd.
Are you saying the Trump supporter did not pick up a child by the neck and fracture his skull when he slammed him to the ground for disrespecting the national anthem by not removing his baseball cap? Or his defense is not related to Trump nationalism flag rhetoric?.

What part isnt true, Garmel? Why don't you tell us?
Do you hold Bernie Sanders responsible for the shooting of Rep. Scalise? Im guessing you guys have a cute rationalization why Trump is responsible for the actions of his supporters but liberal politicians are not.
Are you saying the Trump supporter did not pick up a child by the neck and fracture his skull when he slammed him to the ground for disrespecting the national anthem by not removing his baseball cap? Or his defense is not related to Trump nationalism flag rhetoric?.

What part isnt true, Garmel? Why don't you tell us?

If you can't read that guy's back history and see a desperate lawyer in action then I feel sorry for you.
Do you hold Bernie Sanders responsible for the shooting of Rep. Scalise? Im guessing you guys have a cute rationalization why Trump is responsible for the actions of his supporters but liberal politicians are not.

This is why I can't these libs seriously. On top of that the rhetoric from the left has been 10x worse than Trump's. Longesthorn, as usual, is full of ****.
Did Bernie incite his supporters with violent rhetoric against those victims? Did he ever?

Trump has spread more violent and hateful rhetoric than can be typed in this space. And but a few words of a POTUS can move markets. Go figure.
I don't know who you consider "you guys" the brain injured perp in Montana may truly have been influenced by Trump's words, but any of us could be misinterpreted by folks lacking orderly brain function.
Those who are using the term "incite" have no idea what the word means. They are talking out their *** - plain and simple. Bernie Sanders hasn't incited anything. Nothing Trump has said about illegal aliens is incitement. That doesn't mean his rhetoric is tasteful, helpful, or accurate. Much of it isn't. Furthermore, it's politically stupid and likely cost the GOP control of the House and will cost him the presidency if the Democrats don't nominate a wingnut.

However, it's not incitement - not even close, not anywhere near the line, or even anywhere near being near the line.
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Those who are using the term "incite" have no idea what the word means. They are talking out their *** - plain and simple. Bernie Sanders hasn't incited anything. Nothing Trump has said about illegal aliens is incitement. That doesn't mean his rhetoric is tasteful, helpful, or accurate. Much of it isn't. Furthermore, it's politically stupid and likely cost the GOP control of the House and will cost him the presidency if the Democrats don't nominate a wingnut.

However, it's not incitement - not even close, not anywhere near the line, or even anywhere near being near the line.

I've said it many times; all Trump had to say was he was going to enforce the law and then go out and do it. He did not have to justify doing it because you don't have to justify upholding the Constitution.

Trump turned a lot of people on because they had pent-up frustrations about PCness. He has no filter. He needs one. He can still pursue all his policies. A big mouth is not needed. In fact, a filter would have made it easier for other Republicans to support him.
Those who are using the term "incite" have no idea what the word means. They are talking out their *** - plain and simple. Bernie Sanders hasn't incited anything. Nothing Trump has said about illegal aliens is incitement. That doesn't mean his rhetoric is tasteful, helpful, or accurate. Much of it isn't. Furthermore, it's politically stupid and likely cost the GOP control of the House and will cost him the presidency if the Democrats don't nominate a wingnut.

However, it's not incitement - not even close, not anywhere near the line, or even anywhere near being near the line.

If you're talking about me it was just a joke on my part.
Those who are using the term "incite" have no idea what the word means. They are talking out their *** - plain and simple. Bernie Sanders hasn't incited anything. Nothing Trump has said about illegal aliens is incitement. That doesn't mean his rhetoric is tasteful, helpful, or accurate. Much of it isn't. Furthermore, it's politically stupid and likely cost the GOP control of the House and will cost him the presidency if the Democrats don't nominate a wingnut.

However, it's not incitement - not even close, not anywhere near the line, or even anywhere near being near the line.

Trump didn't incite the violence but he has had lots of opportunities to stem it while freestyling and does crap like this.

The only time he condemns the behavior is when some staffer writes the script and he unenthusiasticlly reads it off a teleprompter.
Trump just said: "We have this notion that somehow if you're poor, you cannot do it. Poor kids are just as bright and just as talented as white kids."

So in his mind, white kids are automatically talented, and nonwhite kids comprise the entirety of the poor.

How are the national media and the socialmediaverse both giving him a pass on this statement?

Oh, sorry, I mistyped Trump there, I mean to type Biden.

That is why we ALL need to stand up and say, "ENOUGH!"

That's a good sound bite, but I think it misses the point when you think about it, in several ways.

For one thing, it implies that we currently don't say "enough" now. Which generally comes from a position of "Only the people who agree with the efficacy of my solution want this to stop. Everyone else is a heartless bastard who doesn't care." I don't think you were saying that, but that is how many people act, and thus they perceive a need to get others to care more, by saying stuff like "HOW MANY MORE UNTIL YOU CARE ENOUGH TO SAY THAT ENOUGH DEATHS ARE ENOUGH?"

For another, it tends to be inconsistent with other things we are desensitized too. Why don't we say enough is enough with knife deaths, or car deaths, or cop deaths, or suicides? And I know they aren't mutually exclusive - but we all do have limited time, money, emotional energy, mental effort, etc. Some people will naturally concentrate more on one or the other (or on some other issue like trafficking or whatnot). But people only tend to say stuff like "other people need to say 'enough!'" for their own personal hot-button issues, and not on others.

I think Conservatives on the whole should start to vote Libertarian. There is some kookyness in it

There is. But there is just as much kookyness in the Democrats and Republicans - it's just kookyness that we are desensitized to (much like automobile deaths vs rail deaths).
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Trump just said: "We have this notion that somehow if you're poor, you cannot do it. Poor kids are just as bright and just as talented as white kids."

So in his mind, white kids are automatically talented, and nonwhite kids comprise the entirety of the poor.

How are the national media and the socialmediaverse both giving him a pass on this statement?

Oh, sorry, I mistyped Trump there, I mean to type Biden.

If Trump had said that the usual suspects here would be in complete hysteria.
It would be labeled racist if Trump said it. Or, any other Republican.

Biden and any other Democrat, well, any Democrat the media likes and thinks can beat Trump, gets a pass.
Are you saying the Trump supporter did not pick up a child by the neck and fracture his skull when he slammed him to the ground for disrespecting the national anthem by not removing his baseball cap? Or his defense is not related to Trump nationalism flag rhetoric?.

What part isnt true, Garmel? Why don't you tell us?
Our presidents have been promoting patriotism an expression of allegiance to the flag and national anthem for over 200 years. Even JFK ridiculed people for desecrating the flag. I'm not sure which is more disgusting, an adult assaulting a child or blaming the assault on Trump flag rhetoric.
He has no filter. He needs one. He can still pursue all his policies. A big mouth is not needed. In fact, a filter would have made it easier for other Republicans to support him.

I disagree. I like that he challenges the PC "normals". The rest of the Republicans need to shut up and nut up and start playing hard ball like Trump. If the rest of the GOP would challenge the BS put out by the left, then Trump could tone it down. As it is, he has to go all out to make up for the pansies in the rest of the GOP.
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I disagree. I like that he challenges the PC "normals". The rest of the Republicans need to shut up and nut up and start playing hard ball like Trump. If the rest of the GOP would challenge the BS put out by the left, then Trump could tone it down. As it is, he had to go all out to make up for the pansies in the rest of the GOP.
Exactly. Problem is the so-called Rs run scared of the media.

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