Let's be clear. The El Paso incident made me sick. I know a lot of people who live out there and have been in communication with some of them. The shooter may well be a white supremacist. He ain't me. He ain't anybody I've ever known.
And yes, Trump should tone down the rhetoric. But he should also do his job like Obama did (3 million deportations). If the Left doesn't like the law then work with Congress.
But I do not trust Beto et al one bit. They are political opportunists. I would grant that Beto is personally affected by this but he was saying he'd vote to impeach Trump BEFORE the Mueller report came out. Kamala, Booker, AOC etc have been attacking Trump and white people (supremacists/privilege) ALL ALONG. That is what I'm arguing about. The political stakes are very high and there is no middle ground from the Left. Castro's revelations of Trump's donor's is prime evidence that they want Republicans to be attacked as racists. ALL OF THEM.
Here is a poem I wrote about El Paso and posted on my Facebook page.
El Paso
i want to walk through its doors
see them gather their clothes
tell them i love their brown skin
so they know i’m not one of those
i want to see the red stained tiles
the tears that tried to wash it away
to the river their people try to cross
now the blood of Christ as they pray
who would so punish our neighbors
in such a way that they would seek
revenge because they cannot believe
in the faith of turning another cheek?
will the hill of the bible speak loudly?
will Malverde return to plant seeds?
finally someone told us what is truth
El Paso, in whom God is well pleased
Here is something else I posted on Facebook:
This may seem to be a political comment but it's more my impression of people's emotions and how we can soothe our minds. If you are concerned that our Hispanic friends want revenge on white people then think about how our Islamic friends feel when an apparent Islamic terrorist attacks white people. It's the same thing. Innocent people suffer no matter who is the perpetrator and who is the victim. That is why we ALL need to stand up and say, "ENOUGH!"
What is the answer? I don't have it. It may be a combination of things involving gun control and mental health. But the climate in the air is what I am thinking about and I believe it is important to protect the innocent even if they look like the killer. And if you look like the killer then it is also important that you protect the targeted victims.
It may take decades to solve the problem. We dropped two atomic bombs on Japan and regardless of your opinion about that, it was a tragedy for many innocent people. Yet today we are close friends of the Japanese people and love their country. And what is the relationship between Israel and Germany? How did we get to this point of peace and understanding after what seemed like hopeless division and hatred?
A movement arose from the ashes that said we must change our ways.
We must work together and not separate ourselves. Do not think of yourself as a color; think of yourself as a soul.
If you believe THOU SHALT NOT KILL then maybe you already know where you stand.
Don't underestimate the power of your words. There may be someone who is listening. What message are you sending?