The Media Industry

I appreciate the link. There is a lot of info there I'll need to digest before I respond.

If those stats are correct 40% are white and 60% are other races. I find it almost offensively curious why we only see one race talked about in the media. I would say 90%+ reports are on white mass shootings and less than 10% of the coverage is on the others. Honestly since I don't hear about them I'm very surprised 60% of these things are by minorities.
@Seattle Husker

Point by point is wearing me out.

Let me back this up. I believe the Liberal politicians in California as ruthless and arrogant as you believe Trump to be. I have talked to many Liberals and their hatred of white Christians is pronounced. There is very little difference in many ways between the people coming from Mexico and the white Christians hated by the Left. This is something I've though about a long time. I believe the love for illegal immigrants being shown by the Left to be a combination of racism (the Latino's in the US take care of their own; they put them first) and political power acquisition.

It makes zero sense for a state that is so strapped financially to invite more over and that is what is happening.

Why? Compassion? I don't get it.

Those other conspiracy theories you listed are not on my radar. But what is on my radar is that the Left knows they cannot repeal (by amendment or court ruling) the electoral college. So what's next? Census counts. Why were they so upset about Trump wanting to ID people in the Census? Because of some law prohibiting it? I seriously doubt they are worried about that law. They know why; it would throw out all those numbers in the count.

The idea that they are not thinking of this and managing it doesn't make sense to me. You think it's not what they do or how they operate. You believe they are operating in good faith.

I can't get there in my head. I don't believe it.

Like I said; I was raised in South Texas. I can speak to the reality of the mind-set. And if you don't think homophobia and misogyny is rampant then you excluding a vital part of the picture. They are not progressives and progressives are UNCOMPROMISINGLY IDEALISTIC. Yet they welcome them.

I don't get it.
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A wiki pic.
The list does not include those shootings where no one will speak to police.

At least 20 of the mass shootings this year were in Chicago, Illinois.
2019 shooters.docx
Well you have to admire Republican out-of-the box thinking on the mass shooting. Folks are using military style weapons with vast magazines full of armor piercing rounds to mow down scores of innocents ... and they are talking about violent video games. There is scientific literature on the subject... mostly negative and inconclusive... But we can't reasonably look at issues like easy access to those beloved dadgum guns.
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Who knew Biden was a Republican?
Yesterday Joe Biden said, "“I’ve talked about it, too,” Biden said. “But it is not healthy to have these games teaching kids that, you know, this dispassionate notion that you can shoot somebody and just, you know, sort of blow their brains out.”

He went on to say as all others have said that violent vid games are not the only factor in what is going on today. I think we all agree there is no single factor.
One factor that does seem to show up most often and across racial lines is absence of a father in the that significant?
If you look at the list of mass shootings the vast majority were not done with "military style weapons".
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Well you have to admire Republican out-of-the box thinking on the mass shooting. Folks are using military style weapons with vast magazines full of armor piercing rounds to mow down scores of innocents ... and they are talking about violent video games. There is scientific literature on the subject... mostly negative and inconclusive... But we can't reasonably look at issues like easy access to those beloved dadgum guns.

A) These AR-15s are semi-automatic weapons. If you went to war with one you'd be outclassed by the enemy. Real military weapons are hard to obtain. You're just espousing MSM talking points.

B) We didn't have these mass killings even when full military weapons were legal. Blaming guns for something that is obviously a cultural problem isn't helpful.

C) I wouldn't call getting a gun easy nowadays.
Well you have to admire Republican out-of-the box thinking on the mass shooting. Folks are using military style weapons with vast magazines full of armor piercing rounds to mow down scores of innocents ... and they are talking about violent video games. There is scientific literature on the subject... mostly negative and inconclusive... But we can't reasonably look at issues like easy access to those beloved dadgum guns.

If easy access was the root cause then we'd have a civil war going on right now. Think about it. Easy access. How many people do we have in the population? Why aren't they all doing it? There is something else at play. I don't understand your sarcasm about it.
Its funny that now dems are saying that violent video games could not possibly drive these sorts of shootings, it's the guns themselves. However, Donald Trump can tweet things that will shape people into hateful racists who will use guns for racist mass shootings.

A wiki pic.
The list does not include those shootings where no one will speak to police.

At least 20 of the mass shootings this year were in Chicago, Illinois.
2019 shooters.docx

I have to admit, this surprises me. When I see "mass shooting " on all media, it's almost always about exclusively white males. Even this hour, CNN and msnbc is driving the point that white males are to blame for the vast majority of mass killings. If the attachment is true, we've been mislead
here is noted Republican Joe Biden from 2013
The perennial controversy over violent video games was again a topic of discussion at the White House on Friday, where Vice President Joe Biden met with representatives of the video game industry as part of his effort to find legislative remedies to the problems associated with gun violence.
Joe Biden Talks Violent Video Games With Industry Reps In Wake Of Newtown Shooting | HuffPost

Crock was Biden thinking outside the box in 2013?
As one who frequently votes Democratic, I will cheerfully admit that what comes out of the mouth of Joe Biden and Mrs. Clinton is frequently less authoritative than a scientific study. I'm willing to fund more rearch into linkage of mass shootings and gaming. Also, like my distant relation David Crockett, I own and enjoy firearms. Had the murderous young white men in Dayton and El Paso used those kinds of weapons they would not be dominating the news cycle.
Well you have to admire Republican out-of-the box thinking on the mass shooting. Folks are using military style weapons with vast magazines full of armor piercing rounds to mow down scores of innocents ... and they are talking about violent video games. There is scientific literature on the subject... mostly negative and inconclusive... But we can't reasonably look at issues like easy access to those beloved dadgum guns.

Flipping between fox and CNN, a fmr girlfriend of the Dayton shooter was interviewed, fox gave some of her comments. Said he was a "dark personality " , had 'thoughts of violence in his head'. That race, politics etc were not at issue with him, he simply didn't get the help he needed.

Hopefully her interview gets air time, because it's not toeing the liberal talking point. It's real **** that needs addressing. The sooner both parties and their flag waivers see this problem for what it is, the better off we'll all be. And, why I see this type of behavior nowadays as opposed to the 70s, 80s is beyond me, but it's more prevalent
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did you watch the Hillary vid?

You said, "There is scientific literature on the subject... mostly negative and inconclusive.."
Can you link to any ? Especially any that are" Inconclusive"
did you watch the Hillary vid?

You said, "There is scientific literature on the subject... mostly negative and inconclusive.."
Can you link to any ? Especially any that are" Inconclusive"
Chicken and egg situation. Are dark minded people drawn to video games or vice versa?
Most people are drawn to vid games, maybe not the extreme violent ones
So you ask a good question
Even most of those who play the most violent dont go out and murder people.

I am guessing though that the ones who play the games to the exclusion of all other activity could be triggered . Thr shooter at Sandy Hook played them something like 15 hours a day.
Banning them is not the answer.
Maybe taking a closer look at isolated prople who do not interact socially with others And who make dark threats might stop some. Everyone interviewed after the latest said there were signs

It will not stop the mass shootings going on in Chicago Baltimore or St Louis etc .
Well you have to admire Republican out-of-the box thinking on the mass shooting. Folks are using military style weapons with vast magazines full of armor piercing rounds to mow down scores of innocents ... and they are talking about violent video games. There is scientific literature on the subject... mostly negative and inconclusive... But we can't reasonably look at issues like easy access to those beloved dadgum guns.
Parents of two Americans killed in Benghazi attack sue Hillary Clinton ... Libya, have filed a wrongful-death lawsuit against Hillary Clinton, ... Clinton having told them that the Benghazi attack was caused by an anti-Muslim YouTube video”. ... and had been joined by rioters who were protesting the video.
Iatrogenic: man there is a theme to your posts. For future reference, I am no fan of either Clinton and I think Ted should have been jailed for what happened at Chapaquidic. Your hostility is beyond tiresome.
Iatrogenic: man there is a theme to your posts. For future reference, I am no fan of either Clinton and I think Ted should have been jailed for what happened at Chapaquidic. Your hostility is beyond tiresome.
There's a hostility to pointing out you're a hypocrite? You criticize the GOP for thinking outside of the box, but ignore the Libs that do the exact same thing. Feel offended.
I'm tired of the blaming, on either side, of political ideology. Damnit, let's talk about the parents. Where the hell is the parenting of these lunatics? Let's start talking about this.

And, how about all the damn people they interview now who say they were afraid of the Dayton guy? Why didn't they speak up earlier? Problem is, it sounds really good to say we should bring in people under "Red Flag" laws. Yeah, right. Good luck with that. The ACLU and other groups would cry foul. Perhaps correctly.

Damnit, it just isn't Trump's or Warren's or anyone else's fault that these psychopathic loons commit these acts.
Americans aren't the only country to play violent video games. In fact, they are equally as common in many other countries yet there is no mass killing problem. An online CoD (Call of Duty) can matchup opponents from all over the world. Yet other countries don't have the mass killing problem. Biden and HRC are wrong just as Tipper Gore was on her crusade against music with bad language.
Iaotrogenic as a favor would you make a comprenisive list of Democratic idiocy, dishonesty and hypocricy. Sadly, at this point I remain ignorant of all I must do to overcome my hypocricy, but I nevertheless wish to address the issue of TODAY.

I think the Republican leadership line of looking at mass shootings and then bringing up "mental illness" and "violent video games" is the equivalent of saying "Hey LOOK! A squirrel."

I know these links don't come from media you trust, like Brietbart, The Blaze or Alex Jones, but I will provide links:

On violent video games:

On the lethality of weapons much more dangerous that I or Davy Crockett ever used, I offer this:
Dayton Shooting Shows 6 Good Guys with Guns are No Match for High-Capacity Magazine
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Iaotrogenic as a favor would you make a comprenisive list of Democratic idiocy, dishonesty and hypocricy. Sadly, at this point I remain ignorant of all I must do to overcome my hypocricy, but I nevertheless with to address the issue of TODAY.

I think the Republican leadership line of looking at mass shootings and then bringing up "mental illness" and "violent video games" is the equivalent of saying "Hey LOOK! A squirrel."

I know these links don't come from media you trust, like Brietbart, The Blaze or Alex Jones, but I will provide links:

On violent video games:

On the lethality of weapons much more dangerous that I or Davy Crockett ever used, I offer this:
Dayton Shooting Shows 6 Good Guys with Guns are No Match for High-Capacity Magazine

The Dayton shooter had a drum that contained 100 rounds. He got off 41 shots and was dead in under a minute from the time he started shooting. 6 officers responded within 30 seconds and fired 58 shots within the latter 30 seconds to take down that ******.

Abolishing high capacity magazines should be a no brainer.
I'm tired of the blaming, on either side, of political ideology. Damnit, let's talk about the parents. Where the hell is the parenting of these lunatics? Let's start talking about this.

And, how about all the damn people they interview now who say they were afraid of the Dayton guy? Why didn't they speak up earlier? Problem is, it sounds really good to say we should bring in people under "Red Flag" laws. Yeah, right. Good luck with that. The ACLU and other groups would cry foul. Perhaps correctly.

Damnit, it just isn't Trump's or Warren's or anyone else's fault that these psychopathic loons commit these acts.
How do you put love of humanity in people's hearts? I know of no way to accomplish that en masse. It is something worthwhile to consider.
How do you put love of humanity in people's hearts? I know of no way to accomplish that en masse. It is something worthwhile to consider.
I don't know, but if all these people from high school knew that guy was a loon, what about the parents? Other people who were around? At some point, do we start blaming all those people for negligence?

I don't have to love everyone, but damnit, I don't decide to go out and mow down a bunch of people indiscriminately.

These people are nuts, period. How can society change that? Society can't. A lot of it is driven by social media and mainstream media. I'd be very curious to see the coverage today of the UT Tower sniper.
Americans aren't the only country to play violent video games. In fact, they are equally as common in many other countries yet there is no mass killing problem. An online CoD (Call of Duty) can matchup opponents from all over the world. Yet other countries don't have the mass killing problem. Biden and HRC are wrong just as Tipper Gore was on her crusade against music with bad language.
Look up western violence. For example, Other countries don’t decapitate their enemies like they do in the Western Hemisphere
3) The feeling I get (not a fact; just my impression) is that the Left is against the wall and in favor of open borders,

This occurs incessantly on this board...take the extreme views and claim they stand for the entire political spectrum.

People need to define "open borders." You have the literal, legal phenomenon of open borders or what I might call de jure open borders. This would be making a change in the law to allow anyone to unconditionally enter with no requirement to ever leave. I suspect that SH isn't going to use the term "open borders" to describe any position other than this one, and that is ok. I'm a stickler for precision in language, and there's nothing wrong with anyone else requiring it. I doubt that you'd find many Democrats who would publicly take that stance.

When conservatives describe Democrats as "open borders," they're really referring to what they argue to be a de facto open border or the idea that Democrats won't do anything meaningful to prevent almost anyone from entering and staying. They base it on these things.

1. Opposition to the wall. By itself, I think this is dumb. You can oppose the wall without being for open borders.

2. Signaling their opposition to border security in general. Many Democrats would disagree with this characterization. However, listening to those Democrats running for President, I hear very little rhetoric about border security. Basically, they bash the wall and at least in the case of Beta, affirmatively support removing physical barriers that previously had support from both parties. They don't offer much of an alternative to a wall to enhance security. If they do have one, they virtually never talk about it. They spend a lot more time talking about how much easier they want to make it to illegally emigrate to the US than about how they'd make it tougher to emigrate.

3. Decriminalizing illegal entry. That effectively makes "catch and release" official and absolute policy. No basis to take anyone into custody for only a civil violation. And of course, as Jeh Johnson explained a few weeks ago, repealing the law strongly encourages people to try to illegally cross.

4. Bashing deportations and immigration enforcement officers and agencies. Hillary Clinton started this when she promised to end deportations of anyone to who doesn't commit a violent crime. Of course, AOC and others have called for eliminating ICE. if you adopt these policies, basically if someone makes it in, he can stay unless he's a total monster. Though there are plenty of monsters in the world most people are not. Does that mean that any non-monster who can save enough money to hire a competent human smuggler can stay? If not, I'd like to see some evidence or at least some argument that it's not.

5. Expanding legal immigration without any clear limits. Do we draw the line somewhere, or should it basically be a free-for-all? Nobody really answers that. (Of course, our media never asks, so I can hardly blame them for not answering.)

6. Like Trump, they're not talking about doing anything meaningful to employers. I guess nobody gives a crap about this. My civil action is here for those who actually care. No illegal wage competition. No expensive deportation proceedings. They'll just go home.

7. Taxpayer-funded healthcare to illegal immigrants. Who the hell wouldn't come??

So is it "open borders?" Not in the literal sense. It's still going to be illegal to enter the US without authorization. They are just going to make it very easy to get away with it, eliminate the major deterrents to it, and not do much to you if you happen to be dumb enough to get caught.

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