The Media Industry

What happened in El Paso is beyond sickening. Just like all other mass slayings it has more to do with mental health issues than anything else. I was saddened to see Beto capitalize on this tragedy, saying trump's racist comments brought this on. This sickens me as much because it just stokes hatred.

I watched trump give his Jamestown speech last week, he spoke of the "evil of slavery" and "all men created equal ". Far from what I'm hearing on CNN and msnbc in the past 18 hours. It would be nice if those media outlets covered speeches like this. Instead we get slanted and distorted coverage
Did you read his manisfesto? He had 3 main complaints (pollution, corporatism, and “invaders”). 2 of the 3 are traditional dem issues, so I figured he was another crazy liberal. Also, he specifically said Trump had nothing to do with this.

The shooter was also for universal healthcare and universal income as well.
Did you read his manisfesto? He had 3 main complaints (pollution, corporatism, and “invaders”). 2 of the 3 are traditional dem issues, so I figured he was another crazy liberal. Also, he specifically said Trump had nothing to do with this.

What happened in El Paso is beyond sickening. Just like all other mass slayings it has more to do with mental health issues than anything else. I was saddened to see Beto capitalize on this tragedy, saying trump's racist comments brought this on. This sickens me as much because it just stokes hatred.

I watched trump give his Jamestown speech last week, he spoke of the "evil of slavery" and "all men created equal ". Far from what I'm hearing on CNN and msnbc in the past 18 hours. It would be nice if those media outlets covered speeches like this. Instead we get slanted and distorted coverage

The shooter was also for universal healthcare and universal income as well.

Nah. Has to be tied to Trump somehow. Anyone who thinks otherwise is complicit and probably racist. :whiteflag:
A Black Man kills someone. We hear, “Those people are so bad.”

A Muslim kills someone. We hear, “Those people are so bad.”

A Mexican kills someone. We hear, “Those people are so bad.”

A White Man kills someone. We hear, “We have to do something about the mental health problem in Our Country. This is just so sad.”

See the difference?
A Black Man kills someone. We hear, “Those people are so bad.”

A Muslim kills someone. We hear, “Those people are so bad.”

A Mexican kills someone. We hear, “Those people are so bad.”

A White Man kills someone. We hear, “We have to do something about the mental health problem in Our Country. This is just so sad.”

See the difference?
Your criticism is noted. I’ve read that a high percentage of these shooters had no father figure in their lives.
A Black Man kills someone. We hear, “Those people are so bad.”

A Muslim kills someone. We hear, “Those people are so bad.”

A Mexican kills someone. We hear, “Those people are so bad.”

A White Man kills someone. We hear, “We have to do something about the mental health problem in Our Country. This is just so sad.”

See the difference?
A Black Man kills someone. We hear nothing about it. The media doesn't report it. If it somehow does get reported, we may not hear that the killer was black.

A Muslim kills someone. We hear nothing about it. If we do hear about it, we will not learn his religion.

A Mexican kills someone. We hear nothing about it. If we do somehow hear about it, we will not learn if the Mexican is in the country illegally.

A White Man kills someone. We hear, “These racist ******** are inspired by Donald Trump to kill poor immigrants."
Here is Patricks Crusius home:

It looks like he was very poor. Only drove a short 10 hour drive to target brown people. Keep on making excuses though since he is white.
A Black Man kills someone. We hear nothing about it. The media doesn't report it. If it somehow does get reported, we may not hear that the killer was black.

A Muslim kills someone. We hear nothing about it. If we do hear about it, we will not learn his religion.

A Mexican kills someone. We hear nothing about it. If we do somehow hear about it, we will not learn if the Mexican is in the country illegally.

A White Man kills someone. We hear, “These racist ******** are inspired by Donald Trump to kill poor immigrants."

Do you read this forum, watch fox news or listen to any conservative pundit? Exact opposite of what you just stated. You live in bizzaro world, just like 90% on this forum.

The shooter could spell out Trump with his guns, post that pic on social media, and you would STILL say there is no connection to Trump.
I'm not aware he did that. If he did, what would be the "connection" to Trump? Would Trump have conspired with him somehow? Oh, I'm sorry, it's Trump's "incendiary rhetoric" that forces loons to do loony things. My mistake. However, as was noted above, he apparently said it had nothing to do with trump. Interesting that if a psychotic killer would do what you suggest, you would take such a killer's actions as Gospel since it would, in your mind, vilify Trump.

But, with the Jussie Smollett thing still going on, your point is noted because that is how loony some on the left are. Wouldn't surprise me to see some loon do something like this and "blame" Trump just to enrage people and become a martyr for the left.

All that said, I know I won't change your views and you won't change mine either.
The shooter could spell out Trump with his guns, post that pic on social media, and you would STILL say there is no connection to Trump.

So if I spelled out Obama with guns, took a pic, posted it on facebook then killed a bunch of people that would connect me to Obama? You are just as loony as that killer. Does calling you loony make me racist?

The shooter could spell out Trump with his guns, post that pic on social media, and you would STILL say there is no connection to Trump.

Even in that case, it is mostly the media fault for inciting hatred by using inflammatory rhetoric against Trump. Remember 3 years of calling Trump a traitor? Where’s the apology? How about the false accusations against the Covington kids? How about the false attacks accusing Trump of calling immigrants animals when he did no such thing? The media no longer reports news, but creates incitement for the purpose of profit.
Even in that case, it is mostly the media fault for inciting hatred by using inflammatory rhetoric against Trump. Remember 3 years of calling Trump a traitor? Where’s the apology? How about the false accusations against the Covington kids? How about the false attacks accusing Trump of calling immigrants animals when he did no such thing? The media no longer reports news, but creates incitement for the purpose of profit.

He never said that? You lie almost as much as he does.
LOL! Did you read any of his manifesto?

I read it, and him saying this has nothing to do with Trump and the fake news will react in a way that blames Trump just reeks of gaslighting. Look at his twitter feed. And his 8chan posts. And everything he's ever "liked" on social media. He's not some leftist Bernie supporter. His most recent twitter activity was liking someone's post who came to Bill O'Reilly's defense. He called liberals cucks. Turning this into an "automation is stealing our jarbs" doesn't make this some radical pipe dream. He's a right wing extremist and anyone without brain damage understands that.

I don't think Trump caused him to pull the trigger, but this isn't just a case of mental illness and toxic masculinity.
He called liberals cucks. Turning this into an "automation is stealing our jarbs" doesn't make this some radical pipe dream. He's a right wing extremist and anyone without brain damage understands that.

Well, regardless of what people think here I'm not brain damaged. He's on too many parts of the political spectrum in his thoughts to be labelled completely right or left.
A Black Man kills someone. We hear, “Those people are so bad.”

A Muslim kills someone. We hear, “Those people are so bad.”

A Mexican kills someone. We hear, “Those people are so bad.”

A White Man kills someone. We hear, “We have to do something about the mental health problem in Our Country. This is just so sad.”

Combination of selective memory, and of a ubiquitous internet argument technique of taking various contradictory comments that some different people out of a group of thousands of millions said and pretending that is indicative of widespread hypocrisy or a double standard.
I read it, and him saying this has nothing to do with Trump and the fake news will react in a way that blames Trump just reeks of gaslighting. Look at his twitter feed. And his 8chan posts. And everything he's ever "liked" on social media. He's not some leftist Bernie supporter. His most recent twitter activity was liking someone's post who came to Bill O'Reilly's defense. He called liberals cucks. Turning this into an "automation is stealing our jarbs" doesn't make this some radical pipe dream. He's a right wing extremist and anyone without brain damage understands that.

I don't think Trump caused him to pull the trigger, but this isn't just a case of mental illness and toxic masculinity.

Read it again. He's not a trump supporter (universal health care, universal income). He's not a Bernie supporter either. He's a nut job.

From interviews of former classmates post elementary school, he's pretty much from the Lee Oswald mold. Picked on. Didn't get along with others. Didn't fit in. Socially inept. Confrontational. Arguementative...Pretty toxic mix.

Look at his selfie photo. That's a troubled young man. Anyone who massacres people for twenty minutes, regardless of his intended targets, is mentally ill.

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