The Media Industry

Can we just have one day that the MSM and their loyal followers of fake news just not cry about anything. Just one day of not being snow flakes.
Yes. Every conservative, Republican, or Trump supporter is a Qanon supporter. That woman in the picture represents every person LongestHorn disagrees with politically. Everybody who agrees with LH thinks JFK Jr. is coming back. Fact.

I'm not a fan of conspiracy theories, and some on the Right believe in some nutty ones. However, one of the Democratic presidential candidates thinks that transwomen need abortion services (which means he thinks they can get pregnant). For saying so, he got cheered and wasn't challenged at all. In other words, significant numbers of Democrats agreed with him - enough to make calling out this idiocy political damaging. Next to that, a conspiracy theory about JFK, Jr. faking his death and being a Trump supporter is quite sane.
This Jason Campbell hack is falsifying the quote. The quote is correct, but he didn't say "just." He said, "In many cases . . ." His point was that you could oppose forced busing for non-bigoted reasons, and of course, he is right.
Busing was one of the dumbest actions ever forced on society, and a very long list of liberal policies exist. Creepy, tired Uncle Joe got one right.
Busing was one of the dumbest actions ever forced on society, and a very long list of liberal policies exist. Creepy, tired Uncle Joe got one right.

He is old enough to have held office when significant parts of the Democratic Party were sane. "Wokeness" wasn't the overriding force in the party. Accordingly he took positions that don't comport with the party's nuttiest elements. Busing was an example. So was crime. So was abortion. Now that the crackpots are in the driver's seat, he looks like a friggin' heretic for taking positions that only the biggest lunatics didn't agree with at the time.
Jason Campbell is good as smearing people. All I could get from that tweet and video. Campbell is good at ignoring things that make Shapiro sound reasonable and taking things out of context to paint in the most negative light possible.

This is the state of the media industry today. It is why they are the enemy of the people. They are not independent reporters of truth. They are Democratic and Progressive propagandists.
I'm not a fan of conspiracy theories, and some on the Right believe in some nutty ones. However, one of the Democratic presidential candidates thinks that transwomen need abortion services (which means he thinks they can get pregnant). For saying so, he got cheered and wasn't challenged at all. In other words, significant numbers of Democrats agreed with him - enough to make calling out this idiocy political damaging. Next to that, a conspiracy theory about JFK, Jr. faking his death and being a Trump supporter is quite sane.

To be fair, Transgender discussions are a challenge due to the syntax of language, specifically the English language. Do you think Julian Castro intended to say "biological men" should be able to have abortions or the more plausible scenario a biological woman acting and claiming to be a male? He was clearly pandering to the far left.
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Campbell is good at ignoring things that make Shapiro sound reasonable and taking things out of context to paint in the most negative light possible.

In other words, Campbell did to Shapiro what Shapiro does to others?

I can't stand these social media shock jock equivalents conservative or progressive). They make money on being provocative, not genuinely educating their followers. That gets you an invite to the White House though.
I didn't enable anyone, in the first election. I voted for Ross Perot in '92 as a registered Republican. In hindsight I should have been more judicious with my '96 vote. What's your excuse?
I was a volunteer on Ross Perot for POTUS on both his campaigns. He said and did plenty of dumb things. But by today’s standards, he’s a Roosevelt.

RIP Ross.
In other words, Campbell did to Shapiro what Shapiro does to others?

I can't stand these social media shock jock equivalents conservative or progressive). They make money on being provocative, not genuinely educating their followers. That gets you an invite to the White House though.
Maybe you could give an example of Shapiro doing the same thing to others to back up your point.
Annnnd then CM owns the moment, drops the mic and walks away.

That may have been the most brilliant response to a liberal reporter that I have ever seen. Pointing out that their Messiah Obama held a similar position is impossible for the MSM to counter-punch.
To be fair, Transgender discussions are a challenge due to the syntax of language, specifically the English language. Do you think Julian Castro intended to say "biological men" should be able to have abortions or the more plausible scenario a biological woman acting and claiming to be a male? He was clearly pandering to the far left.
So the problem is the faulty articulation of a politician that has nothing else to offer other than his ability to articulate.
To be fair, Transgender discussions are a challenge due to the syntax of language, specifically the English language. Do you think Julian Castro intended to say "biological men" should be able to have abortions or the more plausible scenario a biological woman acting and claiming to be a male? He was clearly pandering to the far left.

You are correct, and I don't think he meant to say "biological men." However, why didn't anyone correct him? Why didn't he correct himself? No way to know for sure, but if he had done so, it would have required him to make distinctions based on objective sex rather subjective gender, which would likely cause uncomfortable moments for whoever decided to make the point.
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