Laufer still toeing the rubber for the Eagles. Nine-hole hitter up.
Hernandez pops up behind the plate. B.C. catcher settles under it for out No.1. Tucker up.
Tucker stares at strike three. Again, we're downright passive at the plate. We're looking for walks, not battling for hits.
Another pitching change for the Eagles ... Chris Kowalski to relieve Laufer. His numbers aren't good, but he only needs one out to escape the inning.
Belt fouls Kowalski's first pitch back. Kowalski then misses outside, ball one. Next pitch is lifted foul; count goes to 1-2. Two balls from Kowalski fills the count. After fouling off the first payoff pitch, the next one misses wide and Belt is on first with a two-out walk. Torres up.
Torres takes strike one on the outside corner. Pitch misses outside for ball one and Belt easily steals second.
Torres stares at strike No.2, then grounds harmlessly to first. Another easy out with a runner in scoring position. I believe that's the third or fourth time Torres has failed to come through in such a situation. There's been so many, though, it's hard to keep track.
To the bottom of the 21st ...