307 pitches by us, and 376 pitches by them for 683 total pitches in the game. I am sure that is a record too.
At one point there was a 5 innings stretch where Austin Wood and Mark Belfiore combined to retire 28 batters straight - a strange complete game equivalent!
Here is yet another oddity - a whole 25 inning game that was such an amazing pitching display, but there was not a single double play in the whole game. How is that even possible?
Easily the most amazing game ever in college baseball, if not all of baseball.
We should not forget Cameron Rupp in all this. No 12.1 inning no-hit can happen without an excellent catcher calling pitches. He has had the opportunity now to do this multiple times .. Twice this year itself! .. We will forgive the 6 Ks, Cameron - and you got the right ribbing from Augie for that - being equated to Ray Charles in a poor joke!.
I am still not over that game and had trouble sleeping though it was only midnight in California.