Riots in Minneapolis

? The headline called it police brutality but the story is one dude with an AK 47 walks up to a car so the dude in the car shoots the AK 47 guy
And that is police brutality?
The potential is there for it to be worse than Chicago 1968

".... over 100 police agencies withdrew from agreements to send rank-and-file officers to provide security at the Democratic National Convention in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, this month..."

Hill Democrats confident of repairing relationships with law enforcement
Wow. I've been saying long before the Floyd killing and riots that this year's Dem convention might end up like Chicago 1968, complete with violence. Looks like it's going to happen.

The nature of the Democratic Party is, and seemingly has always been, a coalition party. The coalition changes over the decades, but it's still a coalition party. The problem is that the coalition(s) have disparate, and sometimes incompatible, elements, ideologies, priorities, and beliefs that come into conflict. Such conflict can boil over at the convention. If the Dem convention goes forward, I can't see it being pretty on the streets outside.
...The nature of the Democratic Party is, and seemingly has always been, a coalition party. The coalition changes over the decades, but it's still a coalition party. The problem is that the coalition(s) have disparate, and sometimes incompatible, elements, ideologies, priorities, and beliefs that come into conflict. Such conflict can boil over at the convention. If the Dem convention goes forward, I can't see it being pretty on the streets outside.

Agree. It's a miracle they havent killed each other yet
There is no way Chauvin is guilty of murder. He may still be convicted depending on the jury though.

Even manslaughter looks debatable to me. If George Floyd was already having trouble breathing and he had OD levels of fentanyl in his blood, he may have died anyway. Maybe it happened a couple of hours earlier due to the policeman, but not sure he makes it to the next morning either way. Super sad.
I see the Downtown Council of Minneapolis is worried that 45 or so businesses have made public their intentions to leave. Also, lots of downtown condo owners want to bail for the suburbs. I guess people want a safe environment to live and work in. Imagine that?
It's interesting, if you look at how Minnesota is so liberal, it's more to do with the twin cities than the whold state. In fact the vast majority of the state is Red with just the twin cities being blue. I'm feeling pretty confident that the state of Minnesota is going to go red in the coming election.
Gunny needs to get his *** to Portland quick.

I see the Downtown Council of Minneapolis is worried that 45 or so businesses have made public their intentions to leave. Also, lots of downtown condo owners want to bail for the suburbs. I guess people want a safe environment to live and work in. Imagine that?

maybe we call these "economic zones of Non-Opportunity" now. Can you imagine what kind of crazy incentive packages it would ever take to get development in a black neighborhood now. Heck, I bet even the black biz owners don't want to be in black neighborhoods now.
It's interesting, if you look at how Minnesota is so liberal, it's more to do with the twin cities than the whold state. In fact the vast majority of the state is Red with just the twin cities being blue. I'm feeling pretty confident that the state of Minnesota is going to go red in the coming election.[/QUOTE

The problems is the Cities are cosmopolitan and growing. They are getting bigger and bigger. Almost half the population is in the Cities too. Plus the towns aren't all that conservative. They like hunting and fishing and camping but they also like big government. They aren't going red anytime soon.
And the reason for the riots was a drug addict who was going to die anyway without any police interference.

You'd think as a society we would be better. That video is going to get all 4 cops acquitted and then BLM and Antifa are going to start riots all over again.

People are so stupid. Emotions first, facts later.
It's interesting, if you look at how Minnesota is so liberal, it's more to do with the twin cities than the whold state. In fact the vast majority of the state is Red with just the twin cities being blue. I'm feeling pretty confident that the state of Minnesota is going to go red in the coming election.
Probably like most "Blue" states. IL for damn sure.
Feet or Knees
by Bystander

Are we real
Or just an ideal?
America, old and taut
Can't be bought
Just the people
Least that's what I say

We the people
On the streets
Under a steeple
What do they want
A Joe Biden
A Donald Trump

Is it so when the man
Puts money in your hand
Or is it in your heart
Where love and hate start
What is the message
America's wreckage

Whosoever would hate
Sea from shining sea
Can they ever be free
When their injured minds
Hear's no anthem
Only oppressions ransom

And what of the rest
As the seas crest
Above their heart
Can they ever understand
That a nation is free
On its feet or wounded knee

But how will we come together?
By prayer or angry weather?
Empathy or resentment
An open mind's contentment
Is it in our manifest destiny
To calm our stormy sea?
People are so stupid. Emotions first, facts later.

Cops getting acquitted is just an excuse they are looking for, the riots are the goal. They want to destroy this country and what they don't understand is they are going to go too far and come at people in their homes and a lot of people are going to die. We are not going to allow people to just attack our neighbors in our homes, we might die from the rioters but I guarantee we will take out a lot more of them they they will of us. Especially in the smaller towns and suburbs. Honestly, it's not worth it to think you can attack a man in his home and think we won't fight back.

Besides, long before we even get to a trial, there will be major fighting in the streets due to the election. We have raised a generation of princesses, both boys and girls who have no concept of consequences for their actions. They are going to push and we are going to eventually fight back.

The best part about living in San Antonio, we are home to one of the largest communities of retired veterans and active duty soldiers and I guarantee they won't put up with this kind of **** here.
I believe that - consequently I have bought two new guns I wanted for quite some time and my excuse? Potential home defense.
I already had quite the collection before all of this bs. But, I've also added a couple of new ones as well. I will never forget after Obama was elected- seeing the T-shirt with his photo on it. The caption underneath read "Gun Salesman of the Year!"
I think gun sales are even more brisk now.
I already had quite the collection before all of this bs. But, I've also added a couple of new ones as well. I will never forget after Obama was elected- seeing the T-shirt with his photo on it. The caption underneath read "Gun Salesman of the Year!"
I think gun sales are even more brisk now.
Yep, a lot of gun stores nationwide ran out of weapons and ammo for a while there. BLM etc will be in for a fun and rude wakening if they branch out of their downtown major city safe spaces.

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