Riots in Minneapolis

Typical chicken sheet attack. Always on someone inferior that’s not looking. Kinda like our chicken sheet wide receiver a few years ago that sucker punched a tennis player.

young boy needs to learn that when you see someone like that approaching, you had better look at them like a coiled up rattlesnake.
This should go well

Can you imagine all the criminals salivating, packing their bags, getting ready to move to Minneapolis.
This should go well

They should send comedians. Maybe they could get people laughing and defuse the situation.

The only time I wanted the Sherriff to come out to my current location (the air conditioner sucked open a door with a faulty latch, which set off my alarm at 3AM, which triggered the system to call for help) it took them about 45 minutes to respond. You'd be long dead if it was a real home invasion. And that's why I'm a heavily armed redneck!
This should go well

Call to 911: There’s two guys trying to break into our home. Send the police.

911 operator: We don’t have police anymore, but we’ll send an artist to paint you a mural. Or maybe a poet to compose some lyrics about this event.

Folks in these places will truly be on their own. Of course we’ve all been on our own, because the police can’t be everywhere and they primarily investigate and arrest after the crime has already been committed.
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^From the linked article:

"The tragedy in Minneapolis was completely avoidable. It was virtue-signaling by radicals who placed more importance on placating a mob hell-bent on destruction than in performing the primary duties of their office; keep residents safe."

Nice summary statement.

“Accountable” is a word that does not exist on any politicians vocabulary, and apparently is now foreign to The University of Texas as well.
Your optimism is commendable but do you really think in places like Seattle Portland Chicago Minneapolis etc etc there is a chance in heck a liberal idiot won't be elected?
Your optimism is commendable but do you really think in places like Seattle Portland Chicago Minneapolis etc etc there is a chance in heck a liberal idiot won't be elected?
6721, you're probably correct, but one can always hope. Maybe - just maybe - enough voters will get sick and tired of the liberal screw-ups and toss them out.
The dust is starting to settle. Turns out that the government knew all along that right wing extremist groups were engaging in false flag terrorism. While at the same time Trump/Barr/et al were claiming "ANTIFA". Interesting that the pictures of the bricks being staged was started by a right wing guy. Who could imagine?

Leaked Documents Show Police Knew Far-Right Extremists Were the Real Threat at Protests, Not “Antifa”

...while the White House beat the drum for a crackdown on a leaderless movement on the left, law enforcement offices across the country were sharing detailed reports of far-right extremists seeking to attack the protesters and police during the country’s historic demonstrations, a trove of newly leaked documents reveals.
“It’s chatter, it’s ‘intelligence reporting suggests,’” he said. On June 2, for example, the Department of Homeland Security circulated a tweet to law enforcement agencies across the country reporting that antifa was stashing bricks to “fuel protests.” The intelligence made its way to a law enforcement fusion center in Maine. Last week, Mainer magazine tracked down the original source of the tweet: a far-right, pro-Trump biker who goes by the name “the Wolfman,” who claimed that Facebook kept deleting his brick-planting evidence “because they are BLM supporters.”

Even if antifa were staging bricks, German said, “you have these heavily armed groups right there, who have a much more direct and lengthy history of violence than anything antifa or anarchist-involved does.”
...on May 29, two days before Trump tweeted that antifa would be labeled a terrorist organization and Barr issued his DOJ statement, the president’s own DHS analysts issued an open source intelligence report detailing how a white supremacist channel on Telegram, an encrypted messaging service, was encouraging followers to capitalize on the unrest by targeting the police with Molotov cocktails and firearms.

“The use of firearms greatly influences the scale and intensity of these events,” a source in the group, titled “National Accelerationist Revival,” wrote on May 27, advising followers to break police lines “with cocktails, chainsaws, and firearms.” At the time, DHS reported, the group included more than 3,400 subscribers. “Looting and shoplifting are both cool and whites should be doing it way more,” the source went on. “When the laws no longer benefit you, break them for personal gain. If you don’t feel like buying something, steal it. If you don’t feel like driving slow, drive fast. If you don’t like someone, hurt them.”

“We ought to revel in the destruction of the police state,” they wrote. “It is just as necessary to break down the police state and the system of control as it is to spread racial hatred.”
At one point, the FBI suggested that videos of law enforcement officers flashing the “OK” hand signal often used by white nationalists and the far right might actually be part of a left-wing plot to make police look bad.
Seriously? Laughable. Who again was trying to burn down a police precinct building with folks barricaded inside?

“German argued that the impulse to paint both sides of the political spectrum with the same brush, despite the fact that only the far right is actively killing people, is among the most dangerous features of modern American law enforcement. In his review of the documents produced in response to the recent protests, German said purported “threats” from antifa were routinely overblown, often framed vandalism as terrorism and were typically absent of concrete evidence of serious criminal activity.”
The dust is starting to settle. Turns out that the government knew all along that right wing extremist groups were engaging in false flag terrorism. While at the same time Trump/Barr/et al were claiming "ANTIFA". Interesting that the pictures of the bricks being staged was started by a right wing guy. Who could imagine?

Leaked Documents Show Police Knew Far-Right Extremists Were the Real Threat at Protests, Not “Antifa”

A "perceived relationship" to Antifa. Now there's some real journalism work, right there....

The writer looks like he's 13. Looks like you've found your honey hole of fair and balanced ****
The dust is starting to settle. Turns out that the government knew all along that right wing extremist groups were engaging in false flag terrorism. While at the same time Trump/Barr/et al were claiming "ANTIFA". Interesting that the pictures of the bricks being staged was started by a right wing guy. Who could imagine?

Leaked Documents Show Police Knew Far-Right Extremists Were the Real Threat at Protests, Not “Antifa”

Sure, Bubba. German is a fellow for the Brennan Center for Justice. Tells you all you need to know.
Seriously? Laughable. Who again was trying to burn down a police precinct building with folks barricaded inside?

“German argued that the impulse to paint both sides of the political spectrum with the same brush, despite the fact that only the far right is actively killing people, is among the most dangerous features of modern American law enforcement. In his review of the documents produced in response to the recent protests, German said purported “threats” from antifa were routinely overblown, often framed vandalism as terrorism and were typically absent of concrete evidence of serious criminal activity.”
We do know who gunned down a cop.
“At one point, the FBI suggested that videos of law enforcement officers flashing the “OK” hand signal often used by white nationalists and the far right might actually be part of a left-wing plot to make police look bad.”

Well there ya go. Watch out for your hand signs. And Bubba I thought at one time you said that the police dept had purposely put out the bricks, but I could be wrong.

From what I've read about bugaloo, they're "anti government". So what's your point here? They're not Trump supporters (remember..."anti government")

Antifa and current rioters are saying F Trump, carrying signs that say so as well. We already know their political affiliation.

So I'm not sure where your bugaloo angle fits in. No one here is going to defend cop killers, at least not conservatives

Oh, and it would be nice if you acknowledged Garmel's post in reference to David Dorn- Without misdirection. "Who killed him"
From what I've read about bugaloo, they're "anti government". So what's your point here? They're not Trump supporters (remember..."anti government")

Antifa and current rioters are saying F Trump, carrying signs that say so as well. We already know their political affiliation.

So I'm not sure where your bugaloo angle fits in. No one here is going to defend cop killers, at least not conservatives

Oh, and it would be nice if you acknowledged Garmel's post in reference to David Dorn- Without misdirection. "Who killed him"

Bubba's gonna Bubba. :p

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