Riots in Minneapolis

When it hits home. I know a lot of people in Chicago as I lived there for a while. The son of a black lady I know was murdered Thursday night as he was doing nothing but sitting in his car. I didn't know the son, but she is one of the nicest people I've ever met.

And of course the MSM doesn't care as I was hardly even able to find any news on it, and when I did it was only listed on a site for total murders. I did a quick tabulation and about 90% of the murders in the last year were blacks. I still want to know why the MSM doesn't care about all of these murders?
When it hits home. I know a lot of people in Chicago as I lived there for a while. The son of a black lady I know was murdered Thursday night as he was doing nothing but sitting in his car. I didn't know the son, but she is one of the nicest people I've ever met.

And of course the MSM doesn't care as I was hardly even able to find any news on it, and when I did it was only listed on a site for total murders. I did a quick tabulation and about 90% of the murders in the last year were blacks. I still want to know why the MSM doesn't care about all of these murders?
Sorry to hear that. Tragic.
When it hits home. I know a lot of people in Chicago as I lived there for a while. The son of a black lady I know was murdered Thursday night as he was doing nothing but sitting in his car. I didn't know the son, but she is one of the nicest people I've ever met.

And of course the MSM doesn't care as I was hardly even able to find any news on it, and when I did it was only listed on a site for total murders. I did a quick tabulation and about 90% of the murders in the last year were blacks. I still want to know why the MSM doesn't care about all of these murders?
I think the answer has been discussed here about 10,000 times. They only care about blacks being killed if they think they can use the killing to their political advantage.
When it hits home. I know a lot of people in Chicago as I lived there for a while. The son of a black lady I know was murdered Thursday night as he was doing nothing but sitting in his car. I didn't know the son, but she is one of the nicest people I've ever met.

And of course the MSM doesn't care as I was hardly even able to find any news on it, and when I did it was only listed on a site for total murders. I did a quick tabulation and about 90% of the murders in the last year were blacks. I still want to know why the MSM doesn't care about all of these murders?

This is horribly sad. To be honest, I understand why civil rights leaders don't like black on black crime being brought up in the context of police brutality, because it's irrelevant and a diversion. Whether one black or a million blacks are killed by other blacks, true police abuse is unacceptable.

The problem I have is that black on black crime is almost completely ignored by the national media at all times. There's never a good time to bring it up, so it never becomes an issue. If you truly believe black lives matter, you have to make it an issue at some point.
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When it hits home. I know a lot of people in Chicago as I lived there for a while. The son of a black lady I know was murdered Thursday night as he was doing nothing but sitting in his car. I didn't know the son, but she is one of the nicest people I've ever met.

And of course the MSM doesn't care as I was hardly even able to find any news on it, and when I did it was only listed on a site for total murders. I did a quick tabulation and about 90% of the murders in the last year were blacks. I still want to know why the MSM doesn't care about all of these murders?

That is rough.

Attacking flags and monuments and songs (like the Eyes of Texas) is pretty easy and lazy.
Attacking a problem like the violence in Chicago is much more difficult. But bring it up and the statue-haters will call you names and run away. They want nothing to do with it. They are cowards.
That is one of the weirdest things about this entire matter. It's mostly Whitey McWhiteface doing it all. Self-hate? Marxism? Whatever it is, we have to get on top of it
@Mr. Deez

Watch this hot girl in Austin get attacked by BLM for supporting the police, but is then defended by a black trans lady. Beyond this craziness, where are the guys defended this hottie?

@Mr. Deez

Watch this hot girl in Austin get attacked by BLM for supporting the police, but is then defended by a black trans lady. Beyond this craziness, where are the guys defended this hottie?

That's a good question. You'd think some dude would have helped her out, but we don't have men like that anymore.
That's a good question. You'd think some dude would have helped her out, but we don't have men like that anymore.

They are too scared to step in. And have good reason to be.
As we have already seen, they will dox you which means they will find you. post pictures and videos of you, your home and your vehicle. Even identify your children. Besides simply the intimidation factor and suppression of your own free speech, I think they often are actually hoping one of their emotionally disturbed friends will attack you and your family.
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And now no police, what could go wrong here? Or better said, how can it get any worse.
Well at least they’re changing the name of John Wayne airport, I know not Minnie but still, this should help things right?
Better rename everything named for somebody who lived during that time. That was part of the culture. CBS ran black face shows like Amos and Andy and nobody thought anything of it.

People thought something of it and complained from time to time, and it was dropped long ago. I've seen a few episodes of the show. I can see why people thought it demeaned blacks. However, even if you put aside the racial element, at least what I saw was pretty funny, and the cast was dominated by superb comics. It's sad in a way. They killed the show for defensible reasons, but they denied some very talented black comics a lot of fame, notoriety, and money by doing so.
I think it was actually in the '70s. Some of it was pretty harsh, but do you deem somebody a monster for saying some stupid-*** things 50 years ago?

BIG BROTHER DOES NOT TOLERATE UNACCEPTABLE THOUGHTS. We have completely lost "treat others how you want to be treated". The inviducals in the mob would not like it if the mob turned on them... yet they are too blind to see it.

The Obsolete Man - Wikipedia

^ The mob makes me think of this. I cannot help but feel they would completely wither if their own hate was turned on them.
Yes, but the problem now is they will be shamed etc even though they are doing exactly what they are supposedly fighting for.

These losers have no such worry since they are probably unemployed to begin with.

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