Riots in Minneapolis

I wish states would do this, but busting those who destroy or damage federal monuments is a step in the right direction. For those they can't reach and those located in states with leaders who don't believe in the rule of law, it's time for a "monuments mob" to protect them. They can't jail anyone, but these Antifa people should have to ask themselves whether attacking a monument is with losing a kneecap.

My vision of a solution is something like the movie The Purge
I stand ready
This mess is starting to remind me of Mao's Cultural Revolution of the sixties. Mao was losing his grip on the CCP so he unleased the Red Guards to purge society of impure elements and rekindle China's revolution. The result was a decade of chaos and violence bordering on civil war.

We seem to be bordering on civil war ourselves. Sadly the Democrats keep pouring fuel on the fire rather than trying to put it out. If they think they've got any control over this, they're insane. The Antifa and BLM hoodlums would like nothing better than to get rid of old whities like Pelosi, Schumer, Nadler, and company and replace them with leftists like AOC, Omar, and friends.

What is funny is the Democrats are arrogant enough to believe they can control this mob. But as we have seen already, these mobs are uncontrollable. This is becoming a fight for idology and the government can't fight this fight. This is between the people and it is we the people that have to decide what kind of society we want to have. Waiting for government to step in is asking for your big brother to stop a bully from picking on you. All you are going to do is piss the bully off and he will never stop. This has to be a fight in the streets between the left and the right. Winner take all.

Let me know if we ever actually prosecute one of these thugs.
Now they are calling for the release of the thugette who set fire to Wendys

We need to show force to people like this, then you will see them crying for the police to protect them. They are children in adult bodies, it's pretty obvious none of these people have grown up and now they think they are a revolution. Well it's the people that need to put this crap down stop waiting for the government.

I read how the family of one of the people killed in Chaz is so devastated. Honestly, I have no sympathy for them, if they really cared, they should have raised their kids better, they should have taught their kid about what happens when you take part in riots, looting, and revolution. If they really cared, they should have kicked his *** for being there.

$hit is going to get real for a lot of people and when it does there is going to be a lot more crying.
I’m up to 5,000 rounds of A/R ammunition plus plenty of ammunition for my Sig, my shotguns and rifles. Show up in my yard and you will be met with force.
What about the flag itself?
The original stars and stripes represented the 13 states/colonies. Slavery was legal in each.
The haters already squat on it, fornicate on it, wipe their noses and rears with it and light it on fire.
How soon before they want to eliminate it altogether?


And here we go


Read this article about a progressive Minneapolis neighborhood that vowed to not call the police after the Floyd killing if you need a good laugh. Talk about getting what you deserve. They are getting it.

Instead of calling the police, they decided to call the American Indian Movement if they were in physical danger. Ha, ha, ha. You can't make this stuff up.

My favorite is the guy who was robbed by two black teens at gunpoint. He called the police, but regretted it because "I put those boys in danger of death by calling the police". And, did they not put you in danger of death when they robbed you?

Minneapolis neighborhood that vowed not to call police in wake of Floyd death is already being tested by 300-strong homeless encampment
Read this article about a progressive Minneapolis neighborhood that vowed to not call the police after the Floyd killing if you need a good laugh. Talk about getting what you deserve. They are getting it.

Instead of calling the police, they decided to call the American Indian Movement if they were in physical danger. Ha, ha, ha. You can't make this stuff up.

My favorite is the guy who was robbed by two black teens at gunpoint. He called the police, but regretted it because "I put those boys in danger of death by calling the police". And, did they not put you in danger of death when they robbed you?

Minneapolis neighborhood that vowed not to call police in wake of Floyd death is already being tested by 300-strong homeless encampment
Stupid is as stupid does.
Read this article about a progressive Minneapolis neighborhood that vowed to not call the police after the Floyd killing if you need a good laugh. Talk about getting what you deserve. They are getting it.

Instead of calling the police, they decided to call the American Indian Movement if they were in physical danger. Ha, ha, ha. You can't make this stuff up.

My favorite is the guy who was robbed by two black teens at gunpoint. He called the police, but regretted it because "I put those boys in danger of death by calling the police". And, did they not put you in danger of death when they robbed you?

Minneapolis neighborhood that vowed not to call police in wake of Floyd death is already being tested by 300-strong homeless encampment

Ever notice that the only Liberals that are actually Alpha Males are blacks and women. White male liberals are all a bunch of betas. Put one of them in prison and they become the instant prison *****. Of course that is probably how they will like it.
This is pretty questionable but if you get past that part, the conclusion is interesting
A tech company collected the data on protesters in certain cities, by race, using their phones
They confirmed just what you thought, in most places, the majority of the protesters were white.

If I were Trump, I would hire everyone of the police as special capital police and pay them double their current wage to move to DC for 6 months. Then let Minneapolis burn through October.
This is pretty questionable but if you get past that part, the conclusion is interesting
A tech company collected the data on protesters in certain cities, by race, using their phones
They confirmed just what you thought, in most places, the majority of the protesters were white.

Did this include the rioting and looting that occurred during the day in Minneapolis and Chicago? Apparently not. This appears to be the night protests after the initial riots
If I were Trump, I would hire everyone of the police as special capital police and pay them double their current wage to move to DC for 6 months. Then let Minneapolis burn through October.

just watch, as robbery hits an all-time high. Banks about about to get their asses robbed. Minneapolis is home to Wells Fargo, you can bet there are people right now about to rob the hell out of them.
Did this include the rioting and looting that occurred during the day in Minneapolis and Chicago? Apparently not. This appears to be the night protests after the initial riots

That is a good question
And seems like most looters could be identified and caught that way

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