Riots in Minneapolis

From what I've read about bugaloo, they're "anti government". So what's your point here? They're not Trump supporters (remember..."anti government")

Antifa and current rioters are saying F Trump, carrying signs that say so as well. We already know their political affiliation.

So I'm not sure where your bugaloo angle fits in. No one here is going to defend cop killers, at least not conservatives

Oh, and it would be nice if you acknowledged Garmel's post in reference to David Dorn- Without misdirection. "Who killed him"
A thief. Not "ANTIFA".

Does anyone really care about "umbrella man"?

What will you have to say after a jury in Minneapolis acquits the policemen in the Floyd case? Will they burn down Minneapolis because the truth is too hard to face? The law is not on the side of the protesters when the cops get to court, if the state of Minnesota ever brings them to trial.
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"This was the first fire that set off a string of fires and looting throughout the precinct and the rest of the city," Sgt. Erika Christensen wrote in a search warrant affidavit filed in court this week. "Until the actions of the person your affiant has been calling 'Umbrella Man,' the protests had been relatively peaceful."

Does this officer really expect us to believe this? I guess Umbrella Man went around the country sparking riots everywhere. Right wingers caused all of these riots!

It sounds like we have officers in Minneapolis that are BLM/Antifa sympathizers.

Does anyone really care about "umbrella man"?

What will you have to say after a jury in Minneapolis acquits the policemen in the Floyd case? Will they burn down Minneapolis because the truth is too hard to face? The law is not on the side of the protesters when the cops get to court, if the state of Minnesota ever brings them to trial.
Many people (government intelligence staffers) were saying to look out for right wing extremists trying to take actions to paint protesters with the riot brush. This is exactly what that was referring to.

Also, I brought this up on page 8 of this thread. I was called gullible and generally lampooned for this theory. Scrolled back through doing a search on the word umbrella. I was called pathetic, cookoo, etc. for saying, "just because he's a white guy wearing black does not make him ANTIFA, let's see how this plays out".
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Many people (government intelligence staffers) were saying to look out for right wing extremists trying to take actions to paint protesters with the riot brush. This is exactly what that was referring to.

Also, I brought this up on page 8 of this thread. I was called gullible and generally lampooned for this theory.

I see a lot of umbrella men in Portland....

No I don't
I don't doubt there were people of different colors trying to exploit the situation. I would shoot them all. That said, it still remains, when the truth of George Floyd situation comes out, the police are not likely to be convicted under Minnesota law. Federal? Maybe.

These morons that are more interested in stealing free **** and destroying property for no reason, aren't going to stop long enough to understand what the law says, or what the circumstances were.

FWIW, I have a good friend, who was in the same situation as Floyd (resisting arrest, handcuffed behind his back, face down on the street, knee on back of head, unable to breath) when a policeman rescued him. He got 25 years. My friend is black, but has a much different view of things than you seem to have, including black lies matter.
Many people (government intelligence staffers) were saying to look out for right wing extremists trying to take actions to paint protesters with the riot brush. This is exactly what that was referring to.

Also, I brought this up on page 8 of this thread. I was called gullible and generally lampooned for this theory. Scrolled back through doing a search on the word umbrella. I was called pathetic, cookoo, etc. for saying, "just because he's a white guy wearing black does not make him ANTIFA, let's see how this plays out".
Is it the same umbrella man from the Kennedy assassination? He must be old now.
Interesting article Bubba. If he is guilty lock him up but I found it strange, unless I’m reading it wrong the article says his identity was unknown yet he was unwilling to comment? What?
Many people (government intelligence staffers) were saying to look out for right wing extremists trying to take actions to paint protesters with the riot brush. This is exactly what that was referring to.

Also, I brought this up on page 8 of this thread. I was called gullible and generally lampooned for this theory. Scrolled back through doing a search on the word umbrella. I was called pathetic, cookoo, etc. for saying, "just because he's a white guy wearing black does not make him ANTIFA, let's see how this plays out".

This is the problem with the media now, we neither believe them or trust them. So I couldn't really care less what they say or who they quote, as far as I'm now concerned, it's more propaganda from the left. This is what you get when continually lie to use and act as the propaganda machine for the left. They can kiss my ***. Oh I forgot, I'm a racist, so kiss my racist ***. Just another thing I don't care about anymore.
Interesting article Bubba. If he is guilty lock him up but I found it strange, unless I’m reading it wrong the article says his identity was unknown yet he was unwilling to comment? What?
I think he is known to the authorities but the journalists weren't going to use his name. That's my inference anyway.
This is the problem with the media now, we neither believe them or trust them. So I couldn't really care less what they say or who they quote, as far as I'm now concerned, it's more propaganda from the left. This is what you get when continually lie to use and act as the propaganda machine for the left. They can kiss my ***. Oh I forgot, I'm a racist, so kiss my racist ***. Just another thing I don't care about anymore.
So, how does the media have anything to do with the actual facts here? On the face of it the facts don't sync up with your perception and the story that "your" media has told you about this event in history. That should have you irritated at "your" media for feeding you a line of ****, not the media writ large. The "media" did not pick a lane on who this guy was to my understanding. I'd seen two other ideas. One that he was a St. Paul cop and the other that he was a MSNBC reporter (honestly that one looked almost as good as any). That's why I continued to say "let's let the dust settle".
So, how does the media have anything to do with the actual facts here? On the face of it the facts don't sync up with your perception and the story that "your" media has told you about this event in history. That should have you irritated at "your" media for feeding you a line of ****, not the media writ large. The "media" did not pick a lane on who this guy was to my understanding. I'd seen two other ideas. One that he was a St. Paul cop and the other that he was a MSNBC reporter (honestly that one looked almost as good as any). That's why I continued to say "let's let the dust settle".


I see uncut video of crazy leftist throwing things at the police, setting fires, attacking innocent people. Or is it a bunch of black Nazis? I hate black nazis almost as much as I hate Illinois nazis. You know I consider everything out of the mouth of mainstream media as lies and ********. Just like they told us Hydroxychloroquine would kill us. Just like they told us about Trump collusion with Russia, Just like they refuse to tell us about all the people killed in these peaceful marches.

You are in over your head, the media is nothing to me but propaganda ********,

I see uncut video of crazy leftist throwing things at the police, setting fires, attacking innocent people. Or is it a bunch of black Nazis? I hate black nazis almost as much as I hate Illinois nazis. You know I consider everything out of the mouth of mainstream media as lies and ********. Just like they told us Hydroxychloroquine would kill us. Just like they told us about Trump collusion with Russia, Just like they refuse to tell us about all the people killed in these peaceful marches.

You are in over your head, the media is nothing to me but propaganda ********,
When you type using ******'s it confuses me. :)
^NO! The Minneapolis government has lost any sense of reason (if they ever had it). If they want their residents to be safe, maybe they should consider increasing the police presence.
How low have we sunk?
"Minneapolis City Government tells residents to be ready to give up their phones and wallets and to always cooperate with criminals:

Minneapolis Prepares Its Residents: Give Up Your Property To Criminals And Obey Them | Weasel Zippers

I could not live like that, I would buy a bunch of hipoint handguns and walk around with one everywhere I go. To hell with the laws of that state. If I shot someone I probably wouldn't even report it, just get the hell out of there. You are victim to the robber or a victim to the system.

In case you didn't know, hipointe might be the cheapest and worst guns made, but they are effective and will fire. Plus if you get it confiscated, it will only cost you 200 bucks to replace it.
How low have we sunk?
"Minneapolis City Government tells residents to be ready to give up their phones and wallets and to always cooperate with criminals:

Minneapolis Prepares Its Residents: Give Up Your Property To Criminals And Obey Them | Weasel Zippers

I hesitate to jump into this hornet's nest, but most law enforcement agencies would agree with the Minneapolis PD and would have before George Floyd. Generally cops say not to use force to protect property even if the law says you can.
When Americans start handing over their wallets without resistance and there is no police presence, it is over.

I will resist with my Sig. I’d rather die than live like that.
When Americans start handing over their wallets without resistance and there is no police presence, it is over.

I will resist with my Sig. I’d rather die than live like that.

I agree. I'm just saying that what the Minneapolis PD is saying is pretty consistent with what most police departments have said for a long time. Generally, they say to cooperate with crooks and then call the cops on them.
Yea We can see how well that works even before. Now we see cops standing there doing nothing while thugs beat burn and destroy not to mention standing there while BLM thugs try to harm them.
The question I have is are you willing to give up your property and do as they say"?
Would you get on your knees if they told you to?
Are you so confident they will not harm you?
I am not.Things have changed
So far law and order has not changed in San Antonio, as long as this is the case, I'm no going to worry about what I would do in such a situation. I feel for everyone around the country, and I'm with you guys about protecting my self and my property. We have the right to life liberty and property. We have the right to protect those things.

I've lost all respect for the leaders in places like Portland, Seattle, Minneapolis etc. I've lost respect for the leaders in Austin as well. I carry my gun now, something I didn't do in the past because I always felt pretty safe. If things continue down the road we are going I'm pretty sure many of us are going to be victims of these things.

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