Riots in Minneapolis

Until they're ready to vote differently it doesn't matter. If you want this sort of crap to end, the woke idiots can't have a seat at the table - not even the kiddie table.

I am beginning to take this attitude more and more towards cancel culture generally - fight back or stop whining about it
Mr D
Do you think it can ever change in cities like Chicago?

I think it can, but we need to start speaking their language and foster credibility with them. I think big cities consist of a few groups.

You've got ideological leftists - AOC types. You'll never reach them, because they're freaks. They hate capitalism, hate Christianity and Western values, and are cheering on violence. They are the loudest group right now.

You've got ethnic minorites who are less ideological but are very sensitive and receptive to identity politics. You can reach some of them but not many.

Then you've got regular people - white people with normal jobs and ethnic minorites who are less but still somewhat receptive to identity politics and mostly just want to live their lives in peace. These are the people we need to reach, and it's probably the biggest but quietest group. However, you need to speak their language and foster credibility with them on issues that resonate with them. Think Seattle Husker.
That goes for all of us, doesnt it?
Do we have the right to "make sure our homes are secure?"
What about our businesses?
Nope. I think it is one of the few thing the Chicago "police" will enforce is people defending their homes. Although, I don' think it breaks any laws to defend your home. But, like the St. Louis couple, who cares about the law? Let the rioters non-peaceably assemble and then come and raid the homes of the good people who defend themselves.
Nope. I think it is one of the few thing the Chicago "police" will enforce is people defending their homes. Although, I don' think it breaks any laws to defend your home. But, like the St. Louis couple, who cares about the law? Let the rioters non-peaceably assemble and then come and raid the homes of the good people who defend themselves.

I think roughly half the states have some form of the castle doctrine, but even among that half, there is a lack of uniformity
I think roughly half the states have some form of the castle doctrine, but even among that half, there is a lack of uniformity
Unless you are willing to fight the city while they ignore that and also deal with the doxxing and further throngs yelling and possibly vandalizing your home, you are just screwed and have to deal with it. Oh, and possibly being fired from your job for standing up for yourself. This ain't Texas or most other normal parts of the country.
A position a lot like that of the mayor of Seattle

How did I miss this gem?

This is what I'm talking about. Black people in Chicago are living in a war zone, but Lightfoot doesn't care until there is a semblance of threat to her and she will ban protests on her block.


This is why there are more planned parenthood locations in black neighborhoods, and more violence with less economic opportunity. They want to keep them down and at the same time blaming the Republicans.

Go to Google maps and type in planned parenthood locations in your city and tell me where they are, minority parts of the city or white parts? This is on purpose.

Democrats sicken me.
Over the weekend in Chicago, at least 60 were shot with at least 5 dead
Given the lack of attention, it appears some lives do indeed matter more than others
Over the weekend in Chicago, at least 60 were shot with at least 5 dead
Given the lack of attention, it appears some lives do indeed matter more than others
So what? Lightfoot has police guarding her block. That's all that matters. Nothing else matters. No one else matters.
So what? Lightfoot has police guarding her block. That's all that matters. Nothing else matters. No one else matters.

It seems like high levels of violence in Chicago has been going on my entire life
No one ever cares or wants to discuss it
Dems dismiss it a "Republican talking point"
Perhaps to them, it is just another form of late term abortion?
It seems like high levels of violence in Chicago has been going on my entire life
No one ever cares or wants to discuss it
Dems dismiss it a "Republican talking point"
Perhaps to them, it is just another form of late term abortion?
Lightfoot actually blames it on Republican stances on guns and that there are too many guns on the streets. Yeah, I forgot that Republicans run Chicago.

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Since Kenosha only has a population of 100,000, obviously a bunch of people that don't live there rush in after the shooting, loot, burn it down, and leave. Sucks for that little town.
So Jacob Blake has a history of assaulting police as well as a past history of sexual assault and domestic violence. Resisted arrest and went for something in his car while the police tried to detain him. And so BLM burns the city. Ridiculous.
lol - as if we need an explanation

I don't know of any big city that I'd want to live in now. Certainly not NYC, LA, San Fran, Baltimore, Detroit, Seattle, Minneapolis, New Orleans, Denver. The big three Texas cities rapidly going that way too. Talk about white flight.
I don't know of any big city that I'd want to live in now. Certainly not NYC, LA, San Fran, Baltimore, Detroit, Seattle, Minneapolis, New Orleans, Denver. The big three Texas cities rapidly going that way too. Talk about white flight.

I lived in Sandy Eggo for a few years - was good then -- but dont know what its like now
So Jacob Blake has a history of assaulting police as well as a past history of sexual assault and domestic violence. Resisted arrest and went for something in his car while the police tried to detain him. And so BLM burns the city. Ridiculous.
And his kids were in that car. So, was he trying to escape and risk a high speed pursuit while endangering his kids?

Yep, another role model for the "black community".

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