Riots in Minneapolis

Kenosha's mayor is a democrat. I don't know the situation up there, does he direct the actions of the PD in an instance like this? In my Dallas suburb the PD basically has to follow the mayor's lead nowadays. Wasn't always that way but local police tell me they're basically at the mayor's whim (if rioting happens here)
I'm guessing the mayors of these cities where rioters have free rein are giving orders to stand down.
Laws need to be passed that allow citizens to hold government leaders responsible losses when they have their police stand down.

Everyone that dies on the street because of rioting is blood on the hands of local leaders that don't enforce the law.
You wonder how a mom so caring and thoughtful could raise a bonehead like him. Really sad for her. She condemned the rioting, and added the below when Don Lemon tried to get an anti Trump rant from her

Jacob Blake’s Mom Blasts Rioters For Destroying Kenosha, Apologizes To Trump

LEMON: Do you have anything to say, Ms. Jackson, to the politicians who are out there? Anything you want to say to the presidents or the candidates or Trump or Biden or anything like that?

JACKSON: For our President Trump, first I want to say a family member and I don’t know if it was heard or not said something that was not kind. She is hurting and I do apologize for that. Our outburst does not reflect our behavior. And also, for President Trump, I’m sorry I missed your call because had I not missed your call, maybe the comments that you made would have been different. And I’m not mad at you at all. I have the utmost respect for you as the leader of our country. Like I said before and I’m not saying this to him directly, we should always get the details from the right source before we start throwing bricks

Damn momma! I'd give up sex for a year just to see the look on Lemon's face after she said that.
Heard the real story on Breonna Taylor today. The media described her as an innocent EMT. Actually, she and her boyfriend were big time drug dealers. When the police arrived and announced themselves, her boyfriend shot one police officer in the leg. The police shot back and killed her.
The NBA refused to play today due to Jacob Blake’s death. He sexually assaulted a 15 year old girl. If anything, the NBA is hurting the cause they purport to support. Idiots.
Some of the vids seem to show the 17 yo was attacked and shot in self defense.
Who knows right now?
Hopefully the entire story will come out soon
Weird. I clicked the link and went straight to the article. Sorry.

Basically, her boyfriend was a drug dealer. Drugs were being delivered to her apartment. When they tried to serve the warrant, a police officer was shot in the leg prior to any police shots. She was on the couch when they started defending themselves.
17 year old boy from Antioch, Ill. arrested for killing two and shooting a third in Kenosha. I guess he just drove the 30-40 mile trip to participate in the fun. F'd his life up and at least 3 other lives.

Kenosha violence: Juvenile arrested in deadly shooting amid Jacob Blake unrest, Illinois police say

This kid is a dumbass for being there, and his parents are crap for letting him be there. However, in this new normal in which police don't stop violence in Democratic cities because of political motivations, you're going to see vigilantism. And frankly, I think an organized militia would be appropriate. However, a lone gunman out shooting people is the wrong approach.
When the police arrived and announced themselves

They claim they did. Witnesses do not corroborate this. I'm not inclined to believe the police report filed by the officers on the scene when they lied on the report in other ways. Also see the Laquan McDonald case. Also, why specifically ask for a no-knock warrant if your plan is to knock and yell "police" and then wait for a response? That simply doesn't add up.

Also, the standard for "announcing themselves" is pathetically low. They can do or say anything, even if it's unintelligible to someone who is on the other side of, say, a door that is getting bashed in, and claim it as announcing themselves, and then use any sort of defensive or panicked behavior on the part of someone inside as carte blanche.

When they tried to serve the warrant, a police officer was shot in the leg prior to any police shots

But from the way he tells it, he fired his gun after the place was broken into by intruders. I don't know for sure he's right, but it's certainly believable. It was believable enough that Kentucky prosecutors dismissed all charges against him based on reasonable self-defense.

And even if he wasn't right, it doesn't explain why an unarmed bystander was shot eight times. It was clearly a case of negligent discharge of weapons by police given that one man shot blindly into the place from the outside and another fired multiple bullets into adjacent apartments; even their own superiors agreed with that assessment.

Drugs were being delivered to her apartment

Allegedly. The Postal Inspector said nothing suspicious had been delivered. No traces of drugs were found in the apartment. Neither Taylor nor her boyfriend had any criminal history.

But if were going to talk about alleged crimes involving drugs, we should mention that one of the officers who killed Breonna already was under investigation under suspicion of planting drugs. And also had multiple women accuse him of sexual assault.
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Weird. I clicked the link and went straight to the article. Sorry.

Basically, her boyfriend was a drug dealer. Drugs were being delivered to her apartment. When they tried to serve the warrant, a police officer was shot in the leg prior to any police shots. She was on the couch when they started defending themselves.


Wait on the evidence. It's not as clear cut as the Left makes it out to be, but it's not a slam dunk the other way either. If Walker believed that the place was being broken into, then he was justified in firing the gun. Obviously that started the violence.

Remember, everybody who is talking in this case has a reason to lie.
Like Jacob Blake, the MSM is providing a narrative of an innocent person was murdered by the police. If you read anything from them Breonna was an innocent EMT just sitting on her couch when they barged in and killed her.

I’ll wait on the evidence, but I will not blindly listen to CNN destroy our country through false news stories.
How bad would a non peaceful rally look?

ike Jacob Blake, the MSM is providing a narrative of an innocent person was murdered by the police. If you read anything from them Breonna was an innocent EMT just sitting on her couch when they barged in and killed her.

And Michael Brown was just a big ole friendly bear who was shot for defending himself against police aggression and George Floyd wasn't a drug addict, ex-con dying of a drug overdose.
I hear BLM was grabbing more reparations in Minneapolis last night.

When business owners do not rebuild, they will be called racists. But why would you rebuild?

In one of the areas of DC where I lived, there were several empty city blocks in old neighborhoods that were otherwise full of nice brownstones. I always thought it was weird, why would someone put an asphalt parking lot in the middle of a residential area? There were no cars being parked there, no large businesses or offices nearby. They just had trash and what we called 'vagrants' back then. Later I was told that the spaces used to be filled with beautiful brownstones too, but they were burned to the ground in the riots of 1968. Can you imagine? All the decades since, and nothing was rebuilt. Nothing. I thought that was incredible.

Same thing may happen with these cities now. Businesses ended, many forever. Lives ruined. Bankruptcies. Insurance companies soiling themselves. Then vacant lots for decades.
Like Jacob Blake, the MSM is providing a narrative of an innocent person was murdered by the police. If you read anything from them Breonna was an innocent EMT just sitting on her couch when they barged in and killed her.

I’ll wait on the evidence, but I will not blindly listen to CNN destroy our country through false news stories.

I don't expect you to blindly listen to CNN or back their narratives. However, you're generally a lot more intellectually honest and unbiased than CNN is. I think there's a good chance that this incident is going to be a swearing match on the specifics, and the specifics are everything.
Some of the vids seem to show the 17 yo was attacked and shot in self defense.
Who knows right now?
Hopefully the entire story will come out soon
Piecing things together, it appears he shot one and then was chased/beaten and then fired AGAIN. He probably loses the self-defense argument when he commenced the incident upon which self-defense was based.

I still believe the feds should take over the case...crossing the State line, even though it was only a 20 mile drive, gave them jurisdiction.

What is appalling is how the extensive presence of Blue Lives Matter materials on his social media makes him a 'racist.' In each of the instances where someone had claimed his pages were filled with racist stuff, they always point to his support of law enforcement through various images including the badges with black tape...

When you read between the lines, and given his prior involvement with local police youth programs, it seems like the kid had good intentions when Kenosha police chose to do nothing to protect the community but went horribly off the rails and has now screwed up the rest of his life.

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