You wonder how a mom so caring and thoughtful could raise a bonehead like him. Really sad for her. She condemned the rioting, and added the below when Don Lemon tried to get an anti Trump rant from her
Jacob Blake’s Mom Blasts Rioters For Destroying Kenosha, Apologizes To Trump
LEMON: Do you have anything to say, Ms. Jackson, to the politicians who are out there? Anything you want to say to the presidents or the candidates or Trump or Biden or anything like that?
JACKSON: For our President Trump, first I want to say a family member and I don’t know if it was heard or not said something that was not kind. She is hurting and I do apologize for that. Our outburst does not reflect our behavior. And also, for President Trump, I’m sorry I missed your call because had I not missed your call, maybe the comments that you made would have been different. And I’m not mad at you at all. I have the utmost respect for you as the leader of our country. Like I said before and I’m not saying this to him directly, we should always get the details from the right source before we start throwing bricks