Riots in Minneapolis

Allegedly. The Postal Inspector said nothing suspicious had been delivered. No traces of drugs were found in the apartment. Neither Taylor nor her boyfriend had any criminal history.

Not saying it is the case here, but the USPS is NOT the only means by which drugs have been shipped across the country or even within the State by involved persons. I see the various overnight carriers used far more frequently when such claims are included in the offense reports. I even know people who live on one coast but fly to a different coast where pot is legal...they load up and ship it home, albeit to a cut-out address in an attempt to mitigate the risk (I refrain from telling them it really doesn't give them much additional protection from forfeitures).

And the lack of criminal history means little. I've seen MANY cases through my career where people had made literally millions of dollars in the dope trade before they finally got caught on any manner of offense. Every person has no criminal history until they get that first case...
How bad would a non peaceful rally look?

Heard the real story on Breonna Taylor today. The media described her as an innocent EMT. Actually, she and her boyfriend were big time drug dealers. When the police arrived and announced themselves, her boyfriend shot one police officer in the leg. The police shot back and killed her.
The NBA refused to play today due to Jacob Blake’s death. He sexually assaulted a 15 year old girl. If anything, the NBA is hurting the cause they purport to support. Idiots.

iis, they always say the people they murder are drug dealers. Unless I see material evidence of that I don't believe it AT ALL. That is called CYA 1.0.
Do you think Lin is sincere about desire to defend Rittenhouse or merely opportunistic to get publicity and continue to stir the pot?
That's going to be a tough defense. Yes, they were chasing him & he has the right to defend himself, but he armed himself and then drove 40 miles to get into the fray. It's not like he was defending his property. He went looking for trouble and found it.
That's going to be a tough defense. Yes, they were chasing him & he has the right to defend himself, but he armed himself and then drove 40 miles to get into the fray. It's not like he was defending his property. He went looking for trouble and found it.

He was defending himself. One guy he shot was about to shoot him. Not sure about the other guy. This guy is going to walk.
He had attended a public safety cadet program where he received firearm training.
He went to Kenosha to defend property being destroyed by the rioters
Perhaps not the wisest decision but understandable watching the police let businesses get destroyed.
Certainly his motives were better than those who travelled there to destroy.
Charges should be brought
And charges should be brought against the rioters who are destroying
That's going to be a tough defense. Yes, they were chasing him & he has the right to defend himself, but he armed himself and then drove 40 miles to get into the fray. It's not like he was defending his property. He went looking for trouble and found it.

This is true, and I think he showed bad judgment by showing up. Furthermore, his parents showed even worse judgment by letting him go. One kid (even if well-armed and trained) showing up to take on an angry mob and a police force unwilling to enforce the laws is certainly asking for trouble. However, what's really going to matter is what was happening incident to the shooting. Why did he fire his gun? Was he defending himself from being attacked, or was he just shooting at protesters who weren't threatening him?
Do you think Lin is sincere about desire to defend Rittenhouse or merely opportunistic to get publicity and continue to stir the pot?

I think Wood is a first amendment lawyer. The guy needs a crim defense atty. Wood was just trying to organize a fund for him and see that he got good representation.
Don’t know about the first guy he shot, but I saw a photo of the kid on the ground and a guy hitting him in the neck with a skateboard. That was the second person he shot. Bad choices all around.
There were other armed civilians there protecting property from the thugs. He was not the only one. Some reporter said he was on his way to join the others when he got surrounded.
I think there is an earlier vid of police handing him water.
From what I have seen he was not agitating.
Was it foolish of him? Probably
We don't even know if his parents knew he went there.
The facts will come out
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I hope that goes super viral.
It won't change the thugs minds but it might get more reasonable people to act and demand the Dem mayors and Govs to back law and Order.
Do you think Lin is sincere about desire to defend Rittenhouse or merely opportunistic to get publicity and continue to stir the pot?
Being good with civil work and with getting headlines or other media coverage does NOT mean one is equally good at securing the freedom of a client with a pending slew of felony charges...

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