Riots in Minneapolis

Johnny come lately.

He's trying to condemn the violence while showing solidarity with the underlying cause. It's possible to do this, of course and to be intellectually honest. The problem is that ultimately the rioters have proven that not only are their methods morally bankrupt, their cause is wrong and was always wrong. He needs to disassociate from them entirely, but be can't do that and hold the Bolshevik wing of the Party.
If history can be a guide, he will take whatever position the polling indicates he should take.

He will, but eventually they lose credibility. It has taken three friggin months for Democrats to start to act like they take any of it seriously.
my team is made up of the best of all players and they are each and every one a kind and decent person and full of virtue whereas their opponents are the most vile refuse of all societies and cheat on every play and are hated by the gods.

.................and my dog does not bite.
my team is made up of the best of all players and they are each and every one a kind and decent person and full of virtue whereas their opponents are the most vile refuse of all societies and cheat on every play and are hated by the gods.

.................and my dog does not bite.
Yes, that is how we got Trump. Please keep up.

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