Riots in Minneapolis

Sheldon Adelson (that's what we do right? throw names out there of rich people). Or Hillary. Does anyone have any shed of proof that he's done anything like this? The thing is there are security cameras that can tell us who put bricks somewhere or who's walking around Minneapolis with hammer, a gas mask, and an umbrella. Let's see how this plays out.

I mean, you guys don't seem to see the big picture the way I do. Who benefits from making these police brutality protests riots? A. The police because it distracts from the actual problem. B. The law enforcement "apparatus". C. The far right wanting to start the "revolution. D. The racist elements wanting to further divide the races. E. Possibly the President. F. Foreign entities that want us weakened (physically and financially). Who do these violent protests damage the most? Those who are protesting peacefully and those that are part of the friendly fire.

How does "antifa" actually benefit other than being able to fight Nazis? It actually hurts their cause to do anything other than protect peaceful protesters. I think they're a much less organized outfit than some of the right wing versions.

Your on the wrong side of this pal. You obviously are not well read on Soros, just simply sympathetic to him or dont give a **** about his actions to undermine the US for a long time.
Since you are defending all this fuckin' mayhem LH, you and Bubba are wasting time here. You both should get out there to support all the lawless rioters, looters and losers.
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Sheldon Adelson (that's what we do right? throw names out there of rich people). Or Hillary. Does anyone have any shed of proof that he's done anything like this? The thing is there are security cameras that can tell us who put bricks somewhere or who's walking around Minneapolis with hammer, a gas mask, and an umbrella. Let's see how this plays out.

I mean, you guys don't seem to see the big picture the way I do. Who benefits from making these police brutality protests riots? A. The police because it distracts from the actual problem. B. The law enforcement "apparatus". C. The far right wanting to start the "revolution. D. The racist elements wanting to further divide the races. E. Possibly the President. F. Foreign entities that want us weakened (physically and financially). Who do these violent protests damage the most? Those who are protesting peacefully and those that are part of the friendly fire.

How does "antifa" actually benefit other than being able to fight Nazis? It actually hurts their cause to do anything other than protect peaceful protesters. I think they're a much less organized outfit than some of the right wing versions.

Was that a Freudian slip when you called Hillary a "he"? I like to think you were enlightened.

You know what killed Israel in the Gaza strip? It wasn't military it was the images on TV of Israel with their big bad tanks attacking kids with bricks. You want to know what ANTIFA is trying to accomplish is they want to show the world that America is exactly what they claim it is, a facist country. On the other side we have the White Supremacist who are trying to provoke a war between the sides that will usher in the next Civil War.

In the middle you have black people who want justice for a brutal murder, if the powder keg explodes, it will be more innocent black people who are caught in the crossfire, and that is exactly what both sides want. I want those ANTIFA fvcks dead same with the white power idiots. Our country isn't perfect but it's the best there is.

Minneapolis PD Lieutenant Bob Kroll was named defendant in a discrimination lawsuit brought by four black cops against the PD for discrimination. In their complaint, the plaintiffs demonstrated that the Lieutenant openly wore a “White Power badge” on his a motorcycle jacket. Kroll, who admits that he is sometimes called racist, but he rejects that particular characterization, has referred to the Black Lives Matter movement as a “terrorist organization.”

City cash settlement later, you can imagine how his police brothers felt that reflected on him and the entire Minneapolis PD for being a racist pos. Bad apple. It happens, but trust the process that has been implemented to discover, address, and punish as needed. The system eventually worked. What are you gonna do?

They elected him as their union president and serves as such even today. KKK cop is gonna defend George Floyd’s murderer. Because that’s the way these racist cops want it.

That’s not entirely true. They neither want nor expect to be charged at all.
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Minneapolis PD Lieutenant Bob Kroll was named defendant in a discrimination lawsuit brought by four black cops against the PD for discrimination. In their complaint, the plaintiffs demonstrated that the Lieutenant openly wore a “White Power badge” on his a motorcycle jacket. Kroll, who admits that he is sometimes called racist, but he rejects that particular characterization, has referred to the Black Lives Matter movement as a “terrorist organization.”

City cash settlement later, you can imagine how his police brothers felt that reflected on him and the entire Minneapolis PD for being a racist pos. Bad apple. It happens, but trust the process that has been implemented to discover, address, and punish as needed. The system eventually worked. What are you gonna do?

They elected him as their union president and serves as such even today. KKK cop is gonna defend George Floyd’s murderer. Because that’s the way these racist cops want it.

That’s not entirely true. They don’t want or expect to be charged at all.
When are you going to attack teachers’ unions?
I like you but you sound like a real dumb *** saying that ****. To be clear, I'm not attacking you or name calling you. I'm saying how you sound with that idiotic comment.

Edit: Maybe you were just trying to be funny.
That clip with him holding the Bible (upside down I think) like it was a plaque he picked up for the team for winning the Area Consolation Finals was straight out of a North Korea photo op. They cleared the area with tear gas and rubber bullets just for that little excursion. He’s about as religious as you guys think Barry Switzer is.

Really dispicable.
Since you are defending all this fuckin' mayhem LH, you and Bubba are wasting time here. You both should get out there to support all the lawless rioters, looters and losers.
I’m not supporting it. I’m just saying let’s wait until the dust settles on these instigators. That’s all and you paint that as me defending mayhem?
That clip with him holding the Bible (upside down I think) like it was a plaque he picked up for the team for winning the Area Consolation Finals was straight out of a North Korea photo op. They cleared the area with tear gas and rubber bullets just for that little excursion. He’s about as religious as you guys think Barry Switzer is.

Really dispicable.
It was past curfew. The little snits should have been home.
They cleared the area with tear gas and rubber bullets just for that little excursion. He’s about as religious as you guys think Barry Switzer is.

Really dispicable.

You're buying into the MSM ******** again it seems. The reason why the crowd was dispersed was because a 7PM curfew was put into effect because the "peaceful" protestors went berserk the night before. They were warned three times to go home and they didn't listen. It had nothing to do with an excursion or photo-op or any other that garbage that's been reported.
You're buying into the MSM ******** again it seems. The reason why the crowd was dispersed was because a 7PM curfew was put into effect because the "peaceful" protestors went berserk the night before. They were warned three times to go home and they didn't listen. It had nothing to do with an excursion or photo-op or any other that garbage that's been reported.
Seig heil.
Trump accidentally holds a bible upside down and he's now Hitler. Now I've heard everything. Maybe he should have he used the "O" hand signature to signal to his base as well [/tinfoil hat]

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