Riots in Minneapolis

The local news here just ran a segment with clips from around the country showing protesters and police officers interacting peacefully. The clips all showed different things, but the common thread was a willingness of each side to listen to others. For example, some of the clips showed officers joining the protests, and others showed offers kneeling/saluting/clapping for the protesters. One showed a group of officers and protesters praying together.

What I don't know is what percentage of the protests have been peaceful and productive like the ones discussed above, and what percentage have turned violent. My guess is that the number of violent outbreaks has been tiny, and that the media is making it out to be much worse than it is.

I think large segments of the law-enforcement community agree that there are legitimate issues that need to be explored and discussed. Hopefully, we are able to reach solutions that don't cater to either end of the spectrum.
My guess is that the media is overplaying the kumbaya moments, but I only have experience and history supporting my guess that the media is a bunch of Libs.
Ironically, blacks on the Left are also thanking God for the 2A. The fear of government power and force as justification for the 2A crosses all lines.

It's not Ironic, it's part of why we have the 2A, The whole reason we have gun laws is because the Black Panther Party armed themselves and scared the hell out of the California government, so they enacted the first gun laws. I'm extremely sad to say the governor who did that was Ronald Reagan.

I absolutely support the rights of Black Americans to fight for their rights, for far too long they have been suppressed by the man. I saw pictures of armed black men with assault style weapons protecting black owned businesses in Minneapolis. Too bad whites didn't do the same.

If the ANTIFA want to start a revolution then it's time to declare war on them and meet violence with violence. If the Far right wants to start it, they need to be put down as well.
It's not Ironic, it's part of why we have the 2A, The whole reason we have gun laws is because the Black Panther Party armed themselves and scared the hell out of the California government, so they enacted the first gun laws. I'm extremely sad to say the governor who did that was Ronald Reagan.

I absolutely support the rights of Black Americans to fight for their rights, for far too long they have been suppressed by the man. I saw pictures of armed black men with assault style weapons protecting black owned businesses in Minneapolis. Too bad whites didn't do the same.

If the ANTIFA want to start a revolution then it's time to declare war on them and meet violence with violence. If the Far right wants to start it, they need to be put down as well.

I remember reading about that situation with Reagan. Open carry was the law (I believe) and when the Panthers exerted their Constitutional rights it was, "Whoa Whoa!"

"The Mulford Act was a 1967 California bill that repealed a law allowing public carrying of loaded firearms. Named after Republican assemblyman Don Mulford, and signed into law by then governor of California, Ronald Reagan, the bill was crafted in response to members of the Black Panther Party who were lawfully conducting armed patrols of Oakland neighborhoods, in what would later be termed copwatching.[1] They garnered national attention after Black Panthers members, bearing arms, marched upon the California State Capitol to protest the bill.[2][3][4]"

I called it ironic because the general broad-brush is to pain Democrats as anti-gun. It's the Liberals who are. Yet they make so much noise and intimidate so many people with the way the try to destroy people for minor PC errors that the entire voting block of Democrats are seen as totalitarian socialists.
Antifa typically don't have 3% tattoos. That would be commitment to a false flag.
Maybe he is, maybe he isn’t. But everything I read both locally and nationally says there is no real evidence he is anything more than a heroin addict. The purported pictures of the 3% is not conclusive based upon the two pictures I saw.

At best, you are once again spewing false liberal narratives to try to explain the idiocy of these riots.

If you are going to continue to spread fake news on this site, sponsor it. The rest of us are tired of paying your way.
Maybe he is, maybe he isn’t. But everything I read both locally and nationally says there is no real evidence he is anything more than a heroin addict. The purported pictures of the 3% is not conclusive based upon the two pictures I saw.

At best, you are once again spewing false liberal narratives to try to explain the idiocy of these riots.

If you are going to continue to spread fake news on this site, sponsor it. The rest of us are tired of paying your way.
He may be a wanna be. It would appear so, actually. But to imply that every light skinned dude with a dark shirt on is antifa is what I'm pushing back on.

My "narrative" is let's let the dust settle. They'll figure it out at some point.

Like a kid who's grounded getting grounded for longer each time he asks when he gets his playstation back. Maybe you're not the mother ****** to be requesting that I sponsor here as you do nothing but talk **** to me.
Re: Reparations (or tax the rich, feed the poor until there are no rich no more):

"The Forbes 400 Richest Americans list has been published annually since 1982. The combined net worth of the 2019 class of the 400 richest Americans was $2.9 trillion, up from $2.7 trillion in 2017. As of October 2019, there were 621 billionaires--a record high--in the United States."

So we'd have to print quite a bit of money if we seized the combined net worth of the richest 400 Americans (regardless if their ancestors fought on the side of the North in the Civil War).

Also, this is the combined NET WORTH, so the whole idea of taxing the rich to solve our problems would seem to be a big demagogue as taxing the annual earnings would yield much less in revenue wouldn't it?
He may be a wanna be. It would appear so, actually. But to imply that every light skinned dude with a dark shirt on is antifa is what I'm pushing back on.

My "narrative" is let's let the dust settle. They'll figure it out at some point.

Like a kid who's grounded getting grounded for longer each time he asks when he gets his playstation back. Maybe you're not the mother ****** to be requesting that I sponsor here as you do nothing but talk **** to me.
Leave Bubba alone. He's a true Lib so we will pay his way. It's similar to having a quota or goals for minorities. Our goal is to have 20% Libs on the West Mall.
So now we have Biden's people paying the bail for the ANTIFA people to get them out of jail. Time to stop jailing and start shooting, let them pay for the medical bills as well.

I'm absolutely pissed at the DNC and think we need to start arresting them for sedition, specifically AOC, Pelosi, and Biden. Cut off the head of the snake.
She’s speaking to the OU bubba’s of the world.
You mean singing! Like a Broadway tune!

If you're talking about Facebook she's actually not wrong. I don't think there are any Russians rioting in Austin. I do think there are Russian "actors" typing on keyboards in places like North Africa trying to sow discontent here. Like half of all COVID tweets were by bots. There's no telling how they twist this hot mess up.
The prevailing message of the day is looting, rioting, and burning down cities. I'm not sure why rioters managed to mute their intended message (police brutality on black males) but Mission Accomplished, I guess
Nothing cures the ills of racism quite like removing a plasma television safely from the evil stores...
The easiest thing (and the Conservative thing) is to apply the full force of the law to anyone breaking it. Floyd was killed by some sort of criminal act. I won't say murder one but I'll put it up there. It should be easy to recognize this.

In the same regard, a broken window or stolen TV is also a broken law.

If we just apply the law even-handedly then we take the steam out of much of this.
What is happening made me think of this song:

Can you imagine what it must be like to be a cop nowdays? You couldn't pay me enough $. So sad to think some might have a life expectancy less than Robert Kennedy. What will happen when no one wants to be a cop? I never thought I would say this 10 years ago, but now I can see the possibility of lawlessness and another civil war.
“In turn, users on alt-right, pro-gun message boards on Reddit, 4chan and 8chan labeled the upcoming Civil War as “Civil War 2: Electric Boogaloo,” which was then shortened to “the Boogaloo,” which then evolved into “the big Luau” (and “the big igloo”). As such, aloha shirts have made appearances at recent protests around the country. When paired with combat gear, guns and racism, the Hawaiian shirt is apparently symbol that the wearer is prepared to go to war against America.”

South Postpones Rising Again For Yet Another Year
Sad that you would believe the Onion. You really should go seek a refund on any diplomas conferred to you, General Equivalency or otherwise.
Right? Those naughty white people protesting the inability to buy paint or use their cabins in Michigan were so bad, but now not only is social distancing no longer an issue, looting and stealing your neighbors businesses is total awesome now too.
BUT...they violated NO quarantine since NO purchases can be documented as having been made.
Watching all the white supremacists in Philly destroying police cars, beating up on police and looting minority owned businesses.
Oh wait not a white person to be seen

Someone pointed out that if all the cities being destroyed all but Bakersfield have Dem or leftist mayors
It was interesting to see how much food was left in that South Philly Aldi's that was 'looted.' If the looting was truly about getting necessities, as some seem to always assert, that Aldi's should have been picked clean. My local Kroger was more picked over in the day leading to the lockdowns...

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