Riots in Minneapolis

Then the cop gets a better deal than he deserves
This will seem cold but they probably need to let him commit suicide a la Epstein. A trial will only start this crap all over again
It will be the acquittal that followed any effort to over-charge which starts this over again in a year or so...

Even the private autopsy gives the defense much to work with given the opinion from the doctor that many officers don't realize the issues that come with being hand-cuffed while laying on stomach.

It would appear that it was NOT the knee to the neck but rather a combination of factors that resulted in the tragic outcome. Family should have kept the autopsy to themselves or not permitted the doctor to speak at the press conference...
It is difficult to post facts without seeming to diminish the senseless death.
I hate that it happened and hope the murderer gets what he deserves.
Unfortunately even 3rd degree murder is only something like 15 years.That will not satisfy anyone.
Ok Bubba
Then who in your opinion is financing all this.Who do you think is paying to get all these piles of bricks all over the country? Who pays for the thugs from other areas to get to riots?
Ok Bubba
Then who in your opinion is financing all this.Who do you think is paying to get all these piles of bricks all over the country? Who pays for the thugs from other areas to get to riots?
Sheldon Adelson (that's what we do right? throw names out there of rich people). Or Hillary. Does anyone have any shed of proof that he's done anything like this? The thing is there are security cameras that can tell us who put bricks somewhere or who's walking around Minneapolis with hammer, a gas mask, and an umbrella. Let's see how this plays out.

I mean, you guys don't seem to see the big picture the way I do. Who benefits from making these police brutality protests riots? A. The police because it distracts from the actual problem. B. The law enforcement "apparatus". C. The far right wanting to start the "revolution. D. The racist elements wanting to further divide the races. E. Possibly the President. F. Foreign entities that want us weakened (physically and financially). Who do these violent protests damage the most? Those who are protesting peacefully and those that are part of the friendly fire.

How does "antifa" actually benefit other than being able to fight Nazis? It actually hurts their cause to do anything other than protect peaceful protesters. I think they're a much less organized outfit than some of the right wing versions.
Sheldon Adelson (that's what we do right? throw names out there of rich people). Or Hillary. Does anyone have any shed of proof that he's done anything like this? The thing is there are security cameras that can tell us who put bricks somewhere or who's walking around Minneapolis with hammer, a gas mask, and an umbrella. Let's see how this plays out.

I mean, you guys don't seem to see the big picture the way I do. Who benefits from making these police brutality protests riots? A. The police because it distracts from the actual problem. B. The law enforcement "apparatus". C. The far right wanting to start the "revolution. D. The racist elements wanting to further divide the races. E. Possibly the President. F. Foreign entities that want us weakened (physically and financially). Who do these violent protests damage the most? Those who are protesting peacefully and those that are part of the friendly fire.

How does "antifa" actually benefit other than being able to fight Nazis? It actually hurts their cause to do anything other than protect peaceful protesters. I think they're a much less organized outfit than some of the right wing versions.
jeez you're gullible...
He’s tempting God. :)

does he think he looks tough with all of those people when he’s been holed up in the White House bunker over the weekend?
I like you but you sound like a real dumb *** saying that ****. To be clear, I'm not attacking you or name calling you. I'm saying how you sound with that idiotic comment.

Edit: Maybe you were just trying to be funny.
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Interesting pic
Can you perhaps provide a link or context?
Looks to be BS. Has to be photo shopped A little girl calmly staring down a weapon like that?

Or, it is a perspective illusion. The cop may be pointing well to the left of the man and girl. LH posted it, so it's likely ********.
While I would hate it, time for some of these liberal thugs to be shot. Both by citizens they attack as well as the police if they attack the police. Time to put a stop to it. As well, anyone like the two supporters of these acts on this board (ironically not supporters of this site) lose their home, business or get hurt. It needs to stop.
The only significant outcomes of this fiasco so far:
-2 dead black guys
-antifa will be under the law enforcement microscope moving forward
-blacks set themselves back even more
-Trump benefits because Republicans back law enforcement
Play football and STFU. Free ride, well deserved, from UT. Any complainers, kick them off the team. This isn't the government and the 1st Amendment here.

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