Riots in Minneapolis

Julie screwed up, he should have edited the video to stop once the cop shoved the man to the ground, by seeing the cop actually help him up tells me more about the cop in that situation than Julie wanted us to see and renders his point...well pointless. Better luck next time Julie.
I just started looking at this again. WTF? At this point property owners just need to shoot people who are trying to destroy their stuff. Kill enough Antifa and things will be peaceful. They are trying to force a violent Russian style revolution. They are tough enough but they should still end up as fodder. Can't let chaos rule.

Tell me that didn't happen in Texas. We are having our share of this BS but that stuff is crossing a line, I hope we start using real bullets on these animals.

Antifa and all it's members need to be put down like rabid dogs and anyone who does violence on innocent people should get the same.
Tell me that didn't happen in Texas. We are having our share of this BS but that stuff is crossing a line, I hope we start using real bullets on these animals.

Antifa and all it's members need to be put down like rabid dogs and anyone who does violence on innocent people should get the same.

It's ok to beat women if you're doing it for a woke cause.

Unless we do something about that cadre of young people — tens of thousands of them, born out of wedlock, without parents, without supervision, without any structure, without any conscience developing ... because they literally have not been socialized ... A portion of them will become the predators 15 years from now, and ... we have predators on our streets that society has in fact, in part because of its neglect, created We don't very well know how to rehabilitate them at that point. That's the sad truth.
I just started looking at this again. WTF? At this point property owners just need to shoot people who are trying to destroy their stuff. Kill enough Antifa and things will be peaceful. They are trying to force a violent Russian style revolution. They are tough enough but they should still end up as fodder. Can't let chaos rule.

Yep, and the failure to enforce the law to protect innocent people from bodily injury and property damage is going to lead to rioters being killed. Eventually somebody is going to attack somebody who is armed, and it's going to get ugly in a hurry. By the way, I don't ever want to hear someone ask, "why does anyone need an AR-15???" This kind of situation is why someone would need an AR-15. If a gang of thugs attacks your home or your business and the police won't help, what the hell are you going to do if you don't have an AR-15?

As I've said before, long term, I think you'll start seeing paramilitary organizations arising to protect citizens and political activity that the state-sponsored (but illegitimate) law enforcement agencies don't care to protect. If that happens, we'll be heading for a second civil war.
There is another headline on Yahoo saying right wing groups have been spotted near the protests. The narrative is now changing. Because there is no defense to the looting and violence, they have shifted to focusing on blaming right wing groups. There is NO DOUBT the media is in the pocket of the extreme left.

It makes me sick. The blatant propaganda is unbelievable.
Then the cop gets a better deal than he deserves
This will seem cold but they probably need to let him commit suicide a la Epstein. A trial will only start this crap all over again
In defense of Satan, though he was wrong, he knew the scripture a lot better.

We should just quote a few comments from Madelyn Murray O'Hare the next time you hear some left-wing atheists embracing fundamentalists from the ME or Catholics from Mexico.
Then the cop gets a better deal than he deserves
This will seem cold but they probably need to let him commit suicide a la Epstein. A trial will only start this crap all over again
So, the thugs will have won. He needs to be duly punished for whatever he did wrong. That's it.
Who cares about income inequality when the rioters and looters destroy minority-owned businesses?
Is that relevant to this incident? At least if you buy the shop owner's story, the police definitely had a reason to stop and confront Floyd. Obviously that doesn't excuse their behavior during the confrontation, but race isn't why he was stopped.

I don't have any reason to think it is relevant to the incident. But it is relevant to the psychology of the response. And no, I don't mean it excuses the response -- I just mean it helps to explain it.

As for police generally being more suspicious of black men (and therefore following and stopping them more often), that's not going to change until black men are no longer committing a grossly disproportionate share of the crime. They're going to profile, whether the law permits it or not. They'd be stupid and somewhat suicidal not to.

I understand your point and accept it to a degree. But it doesn't explain away the psychology of the response. If law-abiding black people feel they are unfairly targeted by the police for their law-abiding conduct, it is only natural that they will be biased when it comes time to judge how police treat other black people. When you couple that bias with a decades-old tendency to excuse police misconduct, you create conditions for a hostile response -- even if the response is irrational judged on the facts of an individual case.
Rep. Ilhan Omar (D., Minn.) said Sunday that Minneapolis protesters who defied the governor's curfew orders Friday and Saturday night were "terrorized" by the National Guard and police enforcing the governor's orders.

"There really was also many people who chose to demonstrate and not abide by the curfew, who felt like they also were terrorized by the presence of tanks, by the presence of the National Guard and a militarized police," Omar said on ABC's This Week.

You can let an idiot out of Somali and into our country but clearly you can't take Somali out of the person.
So she admits there were people who did not abide by the curfew and were then upset by NG and police trying to keep order.
Ilhan thinks laws are for other people.
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Rep. Ilhan Omar (D., Minn.) said Sunday that Minneapolis protesters who defied the governor's curfew orders Friday and Saturday night were "terrorized" by the National Guard and police enforcing the governor's orders.

"There really was also many people who chose to demonstrate and not abide by the curfew, who felt like they also were terrorized by the presence of tanks, by the presence of the National Guard and a militarized police," Omar said on ABC's This Week.

You can let an idiot out of Somali and into our country but clearly you can't take Somali out of the person.
So she admit there were people who did not abide by the curfew and were then upset by NG and police trying to keep order.
Ilhan thinks laws are for other people.
But she would have been the first one applauding if those same people were "terrorized" a few weeks ago for breaking lockdown orders.
Antifa needs to get their riots straight.
No Black would spray paint this

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