Riots in Minneapolis

Looks to me like a peaceful demonstration, I don't think any of us have a problem with a peaceful demonstration. Are you dense enough to say that police in riot gear caused the riots?

I'm starting to think you are high and just posting crap. I guess if he wasn't kneeling you would see all those people in the streets rioting.
Looks to me like a peaceful demonstration, I don't think any of us have a problem with a peaceful demonstration. Are you dense enough to say that police in riot gear caused the riots?

I'm starting to think you are high and just posting crap. I guess if he wasn't kneeling you would see all those people in the streets rioting.
He is that dense, and you are just now starting to think that?
LH, thanks for the info. Looks like that dumbass was looking for trouble.
I wish they would all get it and not survive but then that would the pro lockdown crowd ammo to do it again. So, I hope they all get it and do well after suffering for a week or so.
Since the activists are outside, I doubt there will be anything to notice due to low transmission.
Okay, so not a shop owner, just crazy. I actually feel more sorry for him, he is obviously not in the right mind. This is a guy that doesn't need a gun or to be issued a license to have one. I'm sure there would have been a lot of dead people if he had a gun and this would have given more weight to the anti-gun people.
Turned on cnn to see what the narrative tonight is. Much different. Fredo is calling it like it is. Protests are far from what's happening after the sun goes down. Dude is making sense tonight, for a change
Turned on cnn to see what the narrative tonight is. Much different. Fredo is calling it like it is. Protests are far from what's happening after the sun goes down. Dude is making sense tonight, for a change
It's bad when that idoit makes sense. Like Bill Maher making sense. I'm sure the rioters and looters are tuned in to CNN though, so it's all good.
Austin update. All of the violence here is Antifa. Launching 10-15# rocks at cops. Mixing piss and rotten milk and dumping it on cops.

Now that they are classified as a terrorist group they all need to be put out of their misery.
Austin update. All of the violence here is Antifa. Launching 10-15# rocks at cops. Mixing piss and rotten milk and dumping it on cops.

Now that they are classified as a terrorist group they all need to be put out of their misery.

According to the ACLU, Al Qaeda needs to move their headquarters to Portland or Seattle. Then they wouldn't be labeled as a terrorist group.
Jesus flipped the tables of the money changers. I doubt he destroyed any property or take any for himself. A more apt comparison with the biblical story would be a private club that discriminated and people protested on the sidewalk in front of said club.

I can accept that he might have damaged some property - of the tables or whatever was on them. To me the big difference is that he may have damaged the property of those who actually were doing something wrong. He didn't just go randomly destroy the property of people who had nothing to do with the wrongdoing.

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