Riots in Minneapolis

Bad teachers don’t kill students, and when they do, they are not shielded from justice. But other than that, I totally see your point. Well made.

Red herring. Union's and their abusive manner is something that is not recognized by the Left. It's a well known fact.

The trick is to say what you said when comparing it to the police union and in another context of unions in general you would say things like who gave you weekends.
Matthew 23 is more appropriate for these times and your people.

Woe to you, teachers of the law and Pharisees, you hypocrites!

I don't know why you say that. You have a hard-wired sound bit broad brush assumption about conservatives. Your responses are very low-level typical. Just a base belief system that Nazi's = Hornfans Conservatives. You have flattened everything out. It's wholly unsophisticated and completely emotional.

If you've followed me you would know that I have a complete disdain for fundamentalists and as a Democrat I support gay marriage and legalized abortion within certain parameters. I just can't stand how despicable LIBERALS are. They are wholly separated from the Democrat Party. An entity unto themselves. The worst political movement in the modern era.

But dissent is the swastika to you because you are too far gone to be reached.
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Garcetti v. Ceballos (2006), the court declared that when public employees make statements pursuant to their official job duties, they have no free speech protection at all. Like a racist cop can’t be trusted to not be racist on the job. I know, right? Go figure.

But you knew that, too. Being the red blooded American attorney that we know you to be, MrDeez.

You haven't read the opinion.
Where are you going in two months?

my wife wants to move to UK or somewhere for an “adventure” after the kids are out. I’m not “all in” on that.

What kind of work does your wife do? Also, what keeps you from being "all in?"
That clip with him holding the Bible (upside down I think) like it was a plaque he picked up for the team for winning the Area Consolation Finals was straight out of a North Korea photo op. They cleared the area with tear gas and rubber bullets just for that little excursion. He’s about as religious as you guys think Barry Switzer is.

Really dispicable.

Or as religious as say Obama, Clintons etc. None of them are without blood on their hands. Jimmy Carter always took me as religious, as did Bush Sr, but not many more.

The Don is pandering to his constituents just like Hillary did when she was talking about keeping Hot Sauce in her purse all the time. It's what they all do. I was in sales for the greater part of my career, I can tell when someone is lying to me, Hillary never fooled me and neither does Don, but he was doing a great job with our Economy, and with the pandemic and he is handling this crisis well.

Be happy our president doesn't have my temperament, I would have secret service collect all the ANTIFA in the streets and taken them to Guantanamo and had them tortured and executed. But not before I found out their money source. Oh, and I would not give one penny to blue states to clean this mess up.
You explain the nice things remark, and maybe I’ll explain my connection to the area, as if that has any bearing on the facts, but I’ll allow it, counsel.

Racist cops is goofy stuff to MrDeez. Not worthy of his concern. Noted. Proceed.

I know a racist cop down here in San Antonio, good cop, but hates white people. I know him because he is my cousin. Are you going to call SAPD and ask why he isn't removed? Of course you aren't you only care to stamp out white hate, not the other way around.

This is the problem I have with you and your leftest buddies, your a bunch of hypocrites, I mean I could respect it if you were trying to use this crap to get into some woman's pants, but you are the woman.

This is why I know if there ever was a civil war your side would be easily beaten. You are not a warrior, but I guess this is why you pander to black people and brown people, they can do the fighting for you.
For those actually interested in facts the Park Police said the peaceful protesters were throwing frozen water bottles at their heads, and people were climbing up on the remains of the restroom facility that burned the night before. So they chose to clear the park, and used smoke canisters to do so. They didn't use tear gas.

Trump is Hitler and this is totally comparable to Tiananmen Square.

Yeah, but that to me just sounds made up. It is like they admit it is racism secretly but can't admit it publicly. But it totally lines up with Marxism. It is polylogism aimed at giving power to the preferred tribe. The point is to be illogical and unreasonable because all that matters is exerting power.
Can't verify this but the libs here keep putting up crap that can't be verified so I'll just put this here.

Say you’re right. How does having fewer cops solve the rampant racism in law enforcement that lead to the murders, the protests, and eventually more riots?

Law of averages, counsel?

Rampant racism, you are a paranoid child. I'm going out on a limb and guessing you were picked on as a child.

He’s in Germany. We’re in the US.

But what do you believe it says about me?

I was hoping you were nothing more than a lacky living in China working for the CCP, it actually makes more sense, but I have to admit you are nothing more than a leftist prick.

Garcetti v. Ceballos (2006), the court declared that when public employees make statements pursuant to their official job duties, they have no free speech protection at all. Like a racist cop can’t be trusted to not be racist on the job. I know, right? Go figure.

But you knew that, too. Being the red blooded American attorney that we know you to be, MrDeez.

There is no racism among black and brown and yellow people. They can use their position to spread hate about white people but if a white person hates other races then they are evil and need to lose their job. If white people were made slaves, you would be the white Uncle Tom.

He loved it so much, he probably colored it. With his crayons. He also loves Levi 501. Huge God stuff.

A.) What the hell is wrong with 501 jeans, they made my *** look good.

B.) If he did color it with his crayons he would use more than one color. You color with one crayon and everyone who is not like you is like bad and colored that way.

You are feeble at best, at worst, you are a complete prick.
LULZ. Great job persuading people what needs to happen. Have you heard a single proposal from these rioters?

Can't verify this but the libs here keep putting up crap that can't be verified so I'll just put this here.


ANTIFA needs to be put down like rabid dogs. Be very happy I'm not the president. I would collect them, torture them and find out as much I can about their leadership and money and then make them disappear forever.

They are well funded and I want to know who has given them money. They are to blame for the riots and should be held accountable.

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