Riots in Minneapolis

This is scary funny

Here is another. This will not end well for protestors if more people defend their property and libs will go crazy when a looter is shot
I don’t think he’s hitler. He’s not disciplined enough, smart enough and he speaks like an 8th grader at the high school moot court proceedings. He also doesn’t have evil/twisted motivations. Just ham handed ones.

If you can’t see the picture and not be a little chilled then I don’t know what to do with you.

He can buy and sell your *** 500x over

You simply come across as being jealous of him. JMO
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The city is fully under control and overwhelmingly calm and peaceful. That's just reality. I'm seeing it with my own eyes,
Bill de Blasio at 9.40pm while looters pillaged stores in Midtown
Play football and STFU. Free ride, well deserved, from UT. Any complainers, kick them off the team. This isn't the government and the 1st Amendment here.
While I agree with the sentiment, the waters get muddied when it is a State that point, there IS a triable matter as to whether the government action is a suppression of a Constitutionally-protected activity. Now...if rules are put down as to WHEN they can engage on social media and they violate those rules, the legal terra becomes a little more firma.
Trump accidentally holds a bible upside down and he's now Hitler. Now I've heard everything. Maybe he should have he used the "O" hand signature to signal to his base as well [/tinfoil hat]
The real shame of the hand signal being 'outed' is that we now know all of those basketball refs are racist...its an underground network.
In 20 years when 80% of the cops are going to be multi-racial, who is the left going to blame?
Trump accidentally holds a bible upside down and he's now Hitler

It's quite disingenuous to pretend that it's all about the Bible being upside-down.

Matthew 23 is more appropriate for these times and your people.

Woe to you, teachers of the law and Pharisees, you hypocrites!

I thought Matthew 6:5 more appropriate:

"And when you pray, do not be like the hypocrites, for they love to pray standing in the synagogues and on the street corners to be seen by others. Truly I tell you, they have received their reward in full."
I called Watkins Glen, NY, Sgt. in Charge Brandon Mathews and he refused to talk about the fact that one of his cops, Robert Brill, was a member of a couple of FB groups connected to the Proud Boys and the “Kekistani Freestate,” named for Kek.

You know what he told me?

“We don’t discuss personnel matters,” and he hung up on me. Racist Robert Brill didn’t call me back, but I only left that one restrained and very civil VM.

Maybe you guys will have better luck.
And that is actually the appropriate response to a telephone call. If you REALLY wanted to do things correctly (which we know you don't), then you would have submitted a request consistent with the Public Information Act for the jurisdiction (different States have different language that triggers the time line).

Oh, and a private individual has zero obligation to call you back and I find it offensive that you are purportedly putting out a telephone number for the purposes of harassment.
Can't verify this but the libs here keep putting up crap that can't be verified so I'll just put this here.

I'd bet that $25 that "antifa" isn't posting that.
I bet those were NOT Boston PD staging bricks.

You do remember Antifa did "hire" protestors before right? Does Portland and Seattle ring bells?
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I can't help but laugh when Bubba criticizes someone else's intelligence.
Glad I can provide some entertainment. I'll take my three degrees and 25 years in health care administration over the dementia-d old fart. He was eloquent and sharp 20 years ago.

This should be fun. Maybe he's got the 10 Signs of Frontal Lobe Dementia

Trump's Bizarre Forward-Leaning Stance Could Be an Early Symptom of Frontotemporal Dementia

I mean everyone here almost universally had HRC with neurological problems. This actually makes sense.

Look at the picture in the 3rd link.

Poor judgment
Loss of empathy
Socially inappropriate behavior
Lack of inhibition
Repetitive compulsive behavior
Inability to concentrate or plan
Frequent, abrupt mood changes
Speech difficulties
Problems with balance or movement
Memory loss
How do you know? If it was your media reporting it except it was white nationalists you'd believe it completely. If I knew a way to verify it I would be glad to take your money.
I would guess that any listing that said the same thing the other direction was initiated by someone trying to make the other side look bad.
was the hispanic cop who busted my head open in Laredo years ago a white supremacist who hated black people and hit me because there were not any of them around? Or was he an excited cop who reacted to me putting my hands down after he had frisked me and just used to occasion to vent a little neurotic anxiety?

I am guessing it was white racism. Because it is pervasive in our corrupt racist society

When a white cop overdoes it to a white person it is just a cop overdoing it.

When a white cop overdoes it to a black person it is an example of the violence endemic in the society as a whole and racist.

We are surrounded by racists everywhere. Boooo!!!!!
While I agree with the sentiment, the waters get muddied when it is a State that point, there IS a triable matter as to whether the government action is a suppression of a Constitutionally-protected activity. Now...if rules are put down as to WHEN they can engage on social media and they violate those rules, the legal terra becomes a little more firma.
Okay, I'll give you that.

3 of the 4 involved in the Floyd death were "minorities", so I get tired of hearing how this affects people as "black" men or women.
Glad I can provide some entertainment. I'll take my three degrees and 25 years in health care administration over the dementia-d old fart. He was eloquent and sharp 20 years ago.

This should be fun. Maybe he's got the 10 Signs of Frontal Lobe Dementia

CurePSP | Frontotemporal Disorders | Frontotemporal Dementia | FTD |

Trump's Bizarre Forward-Leaning Stance Could Be an Early Symptom of Frontotemporal Dementia

I mean everyone here almost universally had HRC with neurological problems. This actually makes sense.

Look at the picture in the 3rd link.

Poor judgment
Loss of empathy
Socially inappropriate behavior
Lack of inhibition
Repetitive compulsive behavior
Inability to concentrate or plan
Frequent, abrupt mood changes
Speech difficulties
Problems with balance or movement
Memory loss

Speculation without facts. People in their 70s even without dementia have bad memories and balance problems. Biden is in much worse shape. He doesn't even know where he's at half the time.
was the hispanic cop who busted my head open in Laredo years ago a white supremacist who hated black people and hit me because there were not any of them around? Or was he an excited cop who reacted to me putting my hands down after he had frisked me and just used to occasion to vent a little neurotic anxiety?

I am guessing it was white racism. Because it is pervasive in our corrupt racist society

When a white cop overdoes it to a white person it is just a cop overdoing it.

When a white cop overdoes it to a black person it is an example of the violence endemic in the society as a whole and racist.

We are surrounded by racists everywhere. Boooo!!!!!
I think the more troubling stories are the DWB and the cops being so paranoid about things that they have their hand on their gun. Happened to a friend of mine with his two boys in the car. The AG from Florida got pulled over for nothing. I watched a hilarious video of a FBI agent getting detained and cuffed because they thought he was someone else when he told them he wasn't. It was a priceless look the two officers gave when they pulled out his billfold and saw his badge.
She's a college instructor.

She could likely get hired in some capacity, especially if she's flexible on what kind of work she's willing to do.

I'm just not a "traveler". I like it here.

Before moving overseas, I wasn't a "traveler" either and had little interest in even visiting Europe. What really changed things for me was that I took the wife to Germany, Austria, and Italy as a compromise for making her turn down a job offer in Bamberg, Germany the year we got married. I enjoyed it a lot more than I thought I would, and that opened my mind to it. If you've never visited or haven't gone in a very long time, I'd suggest doing so. Just have a taste of it and see what you think.

And believe me. I loved where I was too, and I didn't live in a dump like Oklahoma. I had a nice place in the Great Hills area of Austin. Despite that, I still consider moving to Europe to be a big improvement. It isn't just about traveling. I do some of that, but it's also the quality of life. I don't spend 2 or 3 hours in traffic everyday anymore. I don't have to deal with 90-100 degree heat from late April until October anymore. I also get to experience something called "seasons." The leaves change colors in the fall and fall off the trees. It's beautiful, and for 27 years, I never saw it. Now I see it every year. I don't have to seek out and pay a big premium for good beer and wine anymore. It's the norm. If I want to take my son to a historic site or great museum, I can do that with ease, because they're everywhere.

If you like Mobilhoma and like guzzling Mad Dog and malt liquor until the muffin-topped, Red Man-chewin' chicks start looking sexy to you, then by all means, stay where you are. However, you should open your mind a little. Your wife's idea may not be as nutty as you think. You'd likely enjoy it over here.
A group of morons have now moved into Pflugerville. One of my employees daughter works at a phone store that was completely vandalized in broad daylight today with every electronic stolen. She is ok though.

I'm starting to believe it's liberal electronic companies like Apple funding these idiots. On the flip side I've seen a couple different videos of already looted areas with red wing boot stores not being touched. I couldn't make a joke like that up because it's a real thing.

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