There's kind of no point to bringing this up as if you do not have a link, it apparently is not factual on the internet. However, I bizarrely happen to work with someone originally from the community who knows many of the people involved and has an immediate family member who is an attorney involved in this case.
@huisache "I have been lawyering for 40 years, first 6 as a prosecutor and last 10 as a defense attorney
my advice: wait until the evidence has been sifted before calling people burglars, thieves, racists or murderers."
^ assuming what my colleague has told me is accurate (and I really do not have any reason to doubt my colleague), a LOT of facts have not yet come out on this one. I will advise everyone against defending any of the three involved. None of these three are people you will want to defend beyond the fact none of them had the right to murder or attack one another.
What I will say, which is something you can discern from what has already been released, the victim was not wearing jogging shorts and his pockets of his very much not jogging shorts were not empty.