President Biden Accountability Thread

Just as in the Soviet Union, you’ll have to read between the lines about things, as the media will cover it up. For instance, if you only see Slow Joe from the waist up on TV, it means he’s not wearing pants and his diaper is showing.
Thank goodness five time (edit: six times!) draft dodger President Asthma can't breathe so he doesn't realize when he has shat himself. I wonder if his time in jail when he was arrested trying to visit Mandela gives him a unique perspective on the criminal justice system?

Regardless, his three undergraduate degrees (in reality it was having a double major), a full academic scholarship (actually only half for financial need) and finishing in the in the top third (actually 76 out of 84) of his law school class probably makes President Asthma overqualified for his position. Fortunately, he solved all of the country's problems when he spent 8 years with Obama, so this time there is nothing to do.
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The tireless work of keeping the mad mullahs in power in iran has begun

INS has a vetting process for immigrants. Let them manage the process. It's ludicrous to believe that they'll be allowing anyone in that they can't vet or verify.

ICE does not get to vet the people getting on a plane elsewhere...the no-fly list helped to ensure they were not ON the plane to begin with.
Setting an example?
So, then...tacit admission that either the vaccine or masks (or both) are utterly useless against the sniffles.

The mask was claimed to give protection to OTHERS. If he has been vaccinated and the vaccine is effective, then he has nothing to spread, making the mask just more theatre.
They will need to pack the courts first, but you are a fool if you don’t think they want to restrict your second amendment rights. Before packing the courts, expect high taxes on ammo and registration of all weapons in your possession meaning your grandfathers 12 gauge shotgun.
A. They're not packing any courts.
B. The most that they could get done would be universal background checks, which most people are OK with.
Did I read right? Biden issued order for any school that gets federal funding to allow males who claim to be female to participate in female sports.

Do you Biden supporters agree with that?
Not to worry Pelosi et al will bail out the unemployed. I’m sure they’ll be happy to collect their Govt checks. Sickening.
A. They're not packing any courts.
B. The most that they could get done would be universal background checks, which most people are OK with.
So even though they have said they would (or said it was on the table), would you support packing the courts?
So even though they have said they would (or said it was on the table), would you support packing the courts?

That guy is a troll. Which means he does not actually believe what he posts. Which means replying to to him is a pointless exercise. He is just a lonely sooner looking for some attention.
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1. This pipeline isn't built yet, right?
2. Aren't we already claiming to be "energy independent" as the worlds biggest energy producer?
3. It's not actually our oil but rather CA tar sands oil traversing the US to be refined/shipped from the Gulf.

As a former Nebraskan, that pipeline traveling thought the Ogallala Aquifer is the most dangerous component. A pipeline break would potentially devastate the agricultural based economies of multiple states. All pipelines eventually breakdown.
1. This pipeline isn't built yet, right?
2. Aren't we already claiming to be "energy independent" as the worlds biggest energy producer?
3. It's not actually our oil but rather CA tar sands oil traversing the US to be refined/shipped from the Gulf.

As a former Nebraskan, that pipeline traveling thought the Ogallala Aquifer is the most dangerous component. A pipeline break would potentially devastate the agricultural based economies of multiple states. All pipelines eventually breakdown.

1. No. The part in question is an extention to bring oil to other refineries.
2. Yes. But US refineries process heavy oil which comes from Canada and other foreign fields. Most US oil is light, sweet, which US refineries can't process. So we need pipelines and importing still.
3. Yes. See above for the explanation of need.

"All pipelines eventually breakdown" Not sure what that means. Does it mean all pipes need maintenance? Does it mean all pipes have huge leaks?

I don't think all pipelines leak. They are actually the most safe and cost effective means of transportation.
1. No. The part in question is an extention to bring oil to other refineries.
2. Yes. But US refineries process heavy oil which comes from Canada and other foreign fields. Most US oil is light, sweet, which US refineries can't process. So we need pipelines and importing still.
3. Yes. See above for the explanation of need.

"All pipelines eventually breakdown" Not sure what that means. Does it mean all pipes need maintenance? Does it mean all pipes have huge leaks?

I don't think all pipelines leak. They are actually the most safe and cost effective means of transportation.

All pipelines have leaks and spills, eventually. Heck, the first 3 phases of the Keystone project which started operation in 2010 have already had 3 spills. To date they've been fortunate not to leak into water sources. Keystone XL is designed to run straight through the Ogallala Aquifer meaning a leak polluting the water would be a certainty.

In 2016, about 400 barrels were released from the original Keystone pipe network via leaks, which federal investigators said resulted from a "weld anomaly".[159]

On November 17, 2017, the pipeline leaked around 9600 barrels [160] onto farmland near Amherst, South Dakota. The oil leak is the largest seen from the Keystone pipeline in the state. The leak lasted for several minutes, with no initial reports of damage to water sources or wildlife. Although the spill did not happen on Sioux property, it was in close enough proximity to potentially contaminate the aquifer used for water.[161][162] The pipeline was immediately shut down,[163] and TransCanada began using the pipe again 12 days after the leak.[160] For much of late 2017, the Keystone pipeline operated at reduced pressure during remediation efforts. The federal Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration said that the failure "may have been caused by mechanical damage to the pipeline and coating associated with a weight installed on the pipeline in 2008". Later, the National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) found that a metal tracked vehicle had run over the area, damaging the pipeline.[159][164] In April 2018, a federal investigation found that 408,000 gallons of crude had spilled at the site, almost twice what TransCanada had reported. That number made it the seventh-largest onshore oil spill since 2002.[165][166]

In April 2018, Reuters reviewed documents that showed that Keystone had "leaked substantially more oil, and more often, in the United States than the company indicated to regulators in risk assessments before operations began in 2010."[163]

On October 31, 2019, a rupture occurred near Edinburg, North Dakota, spilling an estimated 9,120 barrels[167] (383,000 gallons / 1.4 million litres) where the 45,000 gal that were not recovered from the 0.5 acre containment have spread contaminating 5 acres.[168] This occurred while the South Dakota Water Management Board was in the middle of hearings on whether or not to allow TC Energy to use millions of gallons of water to build camps to house temporary construction workers for Keystone XL construction.[169]

Again, the Ogallala Aquifer supplies water for a significant volume of the US food supply. My family in Western Nebraska draws from it for their farming. Were it to get polluted, they'd lose their farm within a year because there simply isn't enough water coming from the Rocky Mountains to serve Great Plains farmers.
All pipelines have leaks and spills, eventually. Heck, the first 3 phases of the Keystone project which started operation in 2010 have already had 3 spills. To date they've been fortunate not to leak into water sources. Keystone XL is designed to run straight through the Ogallala Aquifer meaning a leak polluting the water would be a certainty.

Hm. Never heard that before. Every pipeline. With a spill that is environmentally significant. Not sure I consider certainty the same way you do. Oil will be absorbed by the ground and eaten by microbes, so the amount of the spill would have to be very large with no mitigation plan.

If the Keystone XL pipeline was the threat you claim, I would think the EPA would have outlawed it if it was that problematic. But instead it is started or stopped by EOs and/or protests.
Hm. Never heard that before. Every pipeline. With a spill that is environmentally significant. Not sure I consider certainty the same way you do. Oil will be absorbed by the ground and eaten by microbes, so the amount of the spill would have to be very large with no mitigation plan.

If the Keystone XL pipeline was the threat you claim, I would think the EPA would have outlawed it if it was that problematic. But instead it is started or stopped by EOs and/or protests.

The State Department has been managing the process because it's an international agreement with Canada. The EPA did balk in 2010 forcing them to do some more analysis then formally approved the new analysis in 2011, recognizing that there is risk for spills/leaks but that the mitigation procedures were appropriate assuming they are followed. To me that means leaks like the ones above but more significant will occur (it's a larger diameter pipe) but the that's an acceptable risk to assume. I vehemently disagree when other viable forms of energy are in the market that this is a risk my family needs to accept. I'm just one voice though.
"other viable forms" -what a joke. You appear to live on a coast that cannot even keep the lights on, so what do you think happens when people take on added debt for electric cars (that have no meaningful range to begin with).

And before you say there are cars with 300-350 miles of range, note that I said MEANINGFUL range.

The left bitched and moaned about a cheap power alternative for utilities, decrying nuclear as not being safe. Never mind that incidents are generally few in number. Then they whine about natural gas, something which we have plenty of in this country. But they want the rational people to adopt solar and wind as a primary means despite the significant problems that exist with those grids...
SH, you and your family better get out your shovels if you want to avoid the risk of a spill in the aquifer. There are 100s of miles of existing pipelines running above it now. Unlikely that one more will make much of a difference.


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