President Biden Accountability Thread

Wow you guys are really worried about a mass gun confiscation aren't you?

I'll give you a bet. I'll bet $10,000 to anyone on here that by the end of Biden's presidency, whether it be in 4 years or 8 years, that there will be zero laws and zero executive orders passed that provide for the confiscation of all guns from Americans.

If you're so convinced of that threat, it should be an easy decision to take that bet.
would you take that bet for "any guns"? Politicians (particularly the "progressive" version) live by incremental invasion. Of course they won't start out with "all". They will start out with "assault weapons" and then they'll likely move to handguns, and then rifles with anything more than a single round load capacity. Politicians never tell you their end game truthfully.
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would you take that bet for "any guns"? Politicians (particularly the "progressive" version) live by incremental invasion. Of course they won't start out with "all". They will start out with "assault weapons" and then they'll likely move to handguns, and then rifles with anything more than a single round load capacity. Politicians never tell you their end game truthfully.
He still has not named who he wants to escrow with. Don't expect a meaningful reply to your questions...
Biden picks transgender woman as assistant health secretary

In general, I'm not bothered by transgender people. I know someone who's child is transitioning and it's tough on the ground level but they are supportive of their young adult.

But this is more Liberal social engineering. What are the odds that this particular person is THE BEST AND BRIGHTEST we have to manage a pandemic that has strangled the world. They don't care one bit about the country. They only care about appearances and that is why they are unfit to govern.
Biden picks transgender woman as assistant health secretary

In general, I'm not bothered by transgender people. I know someone who's child is transitioning and it's tough on the ground level but they are supportive of their young adult.

But this is more Liberal social engineering. What are the odds that this particular person is THE BEST AND BRIGHTEST we have to manage a pandemic that has strangled the world. They don't care one bit about the country. They only care about appearances and that is why they are unfit to govern.
All one need to do is look at PA and you realize their lack of qualification to manage the situation...
There was a time when conservatives supported a terrorist no-fly list. Up is down, light is now dark.
the left is supporting placement of ANY individual that simply exercised their 1A right to assemble, no matter whether they even climbed the steps or not. Just being IN the District is enough for them to try and cancel people and screw with their ability to fly and to earn a living.

Big difference.

There was a time where we would have given you the benefit of the doubt, but those days are long seriously believe half the nation is somehow a racist or terrorist.
the left is supporting placement of ANY individual that simply exercised their 1A right to assemble, no matter whether they even climbed the steps or not. Just being IN the District is enough for them to try and cancel people and screw with their ability to fly and to earn a living.

Please point me to the evidence.
His new Treas Sect is already talking about "climate change'

Yes. This is one way Marxists discuss to give the government more and more control over the economy. AGW is a claimed fault of capitalism. So the Marxists have their way to convince the people to give over their freedom and power over to the government.

It's working by the way.
Yes. This is one way Marxists discuss to give the government more and more control over the economy. AGW is a claimed fault of capitalism. So the Marxists have their way to convince the people to give over their freedom and power over to the government.

It's working by the way.

I love the excuse to retell this story, so thanks
The Soviets thought they could control the economy too. But, of course, their inefficiencies were legendary. Among them their mineral extraction methods, lol

In 1963 in southern Uzbekistan, the commie system of centralized economic control led directly to a gas well production fire. It burned deep and wide, and they did not know how to stop it. And they were sure not going to ask the evil Americans to come fix it for them. So they just let it burn For years! LOL

Finally, they got so embarrassed by this constant reminder that they were full of crap and their entire system was full of crap that they ......

It was a perfect metaphor. And yet, for some reason, this is where Biden, Harris, Pelosi, Schumer, AOC and the ghost of Ruth Ginsburg want to take us. This is their model. It is a form of insanity

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Now the Left is trying to cancel My Pillow
Hopefully this goes like their attempt to cancel GOYA

Imagine that...Kohl's and Bed, Bath & Beyond don't want their brand images sullied by a crackpot who proposed implementing Marshall law to the POTUS on Friday. When did Trump Supporters (not conservatives) start hating capitalism?
Now the Left is trying to cancel My Pillow
Hopefully this goes like their attempt to cancel GOYA
GOYA at least had a product many liked. I personally find the MyPillow to be uncomfortable compared to other sorts of pillows...

But the canceling efforts are absolutely appalling. The left are also going after Kroger and Amazon because they allow a 501c3 program access to the kickback set up that Kroger operates.
Imagine that...Kohl's and Bed, Bath & Beyond don't want their brand images sullied by a crackpot who proposed implementing Marshall law to the POTUS on Friday. When did Trump Supporters (not conservatives) start hating capitalism?

Is that related in any way to Marshal Mallow?
would you take that bet for "any guns"? Politicians (particularly the "progressive" version) live by incremental invasion. Of course they won't start out with "all". They will start out with "assault weapons" and then they'll likely move to handguns, and then rifles with anything more than a single round load capacity. Politicians never tell you their end game truthfully.

From 1994 to 2004 there was a ban on the manufacture of assault rifles. I don't seem to remember any mass outrage about it at that time. But I'm willing to listen and would appreciate any links to mass protests or riots when that law went into effect.

And the bet is for the confiscation of personal handguns. Everybody on this board seems to think that Biden's first order of business is to come after everybody's handguns, which is a load of ****. That's why I made that challenge.

Even if Biden is in office for 8 years with Democratic House and Democratic Senate, there's zero percent chance that any law is passed regarding the confiscation of personal handguns. Not going to happen, period.
the left is supporting placement of ANY individual that simply exercised their 1A right to assemble, no matter whether they even climbed the steps or not. Just being IN the District is enough for them to try and cancel people and screw with their ability to fly and to earn a living.

Big difference.

There was a time where we would have given you the benefit of the doubt, but those days are long seriously believe half the nation is somehow a racist or terrorist.

So you're OK with a flight ban for the scumbags who actually breached the capitol building?
Clinton himself blamed the gun control bills of 94 for the loss of Congress to the Republicans that year, including the House, for the first time since the 50's. So riots no, outrage and huge political change yes.
So you're OK with a flight ban for the scumbags who actually breached the capitol building?
If the conduct can be linked in any way to something impacting FAA operations, then it should be evaluated. I don't subscribe to slippery-slope one-size fits all approaches and don't agree with the ban for the ones that gave grief to Mittens in the airport just as I don't agree with sanctions against the ones that chanted USA-USA-USA on the planes while enroute to their destination. Sanctions without due process are anathema to our way of life...

And guess what...I also do not agree with the banks that blindly close accounts just because they learn a customer was convicted of a felony. Yet that goes by without anyone batting an eye.
At least we have the media to hold Joe's feet to the fire


Here was CNN just now
The lights around the reflecting pool are “an extension of Joe Biden’s arms embracing the country”
There are posters on this very site, in this very forum, who will argue that the media is fair and "down the middle"
If the conduct can be linked in any way to something impacting FAA operations, then it should be evaluated. I don't subscribe to slippery-slope one-size fits all approaches and don't agree with the ban for the ones that gave grief to Mittens in the airport just as I don't agree with sanctions against the ones that chanted USA-USA-USA on the planes while enroute to their destination. Sanctions without due process are anathema to our way of life...

And guess what...I also do not agree with the banks that blindly close accounts just because they learn a customer was convicted of a felony. Yet that goes by without anyone batting an eye.

Various No Fly lists were first created more for overseas flights, for non-USA citizens, as a response to Islamic terrorists who hijacked planes. Over time, it's slumped down to a huge listing of thousands of people, with a multitude of errors, and it's a nightmare to get off of if you're ever placed on it by mistake, or conditions change.

Now of course, it's proposed to be used as a political weapon against people the left doesn't like. Attend a rally we don't like - no fly. Chant USA on a plane - no fly. Heckle a Senator the left likes to hold up as their tame and impotent opposition - no fly. Donate to a republican - no fly.

It's all a part of the left's drive to privatize the creation of a dictatorship, with restrictions on free speech, movement, and ability to engage in commerce. All allegedly legal, as it's not the government who's restricting your rights, merely their trusted private partners in business.

What's it called again when the government is in cahoots with politically connected companies, in a mutually beneficial partnership to stamp out their enemies? National S something?
At least we have the media to hold Joe's feet to the fire


Here was CNN just now
The lights around the reflecting pool are “an extension of Joe Biden’s arms embracing the country”
There are posters on this very site, in this very forum, who will argue that the media is fair and "down the middle"

Ahh once again Democracy Will Die in Darkness, as there's not enough oxygen in Slow Joe's *** to support the life of the media who have their head shoved up there.
Ahh once again Democracy Will Die in Darkness, as there's not enough oxygen in Slow Joe's *** to support the life of the media who have their head shoved up there.

Dont you feel the warm embrace of Joe now?

Speaking of warm embrace, I honestly cannot believe the nitwits elected a guy that has been caught multiple times molesting children. And that's on camera. Can you imagine what he had done off camera? Oh lord! They have no principles. It's staggering. Here is he pinching the nipple of an little girl, for everyone to see. How does he get away with this shyte?

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