President Biden Accountability Thread

Our new country is going to be great

Here's an idea, let's have 6-year olds run the $21 Trillion US economy!
What could go wrong?

From 1994 to 2004 there was a ban on the manufacture of assault rifles. I don't seem to remember any mass outrage about it at that time. But I'm willing to listen and would appreciate any links to mass protests or riots when that law went into effect

As I already pointed out to you, Democrats lost control of the House for the first time in 40 years, and this was a major factor. Some of the most powerful and entrenched members in the House (the Speaker and Judiciary Committee Chairman who were 30 and 40 year incumbents) lost their seats almost entirely because of it. I'm not sure where you were in 1994, but it was a very big deal at the time.
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It's going top be really tough for Harris is she continues to get such harsh criticism as this. And it could get worse, they may ask her favorite brand of mascara.
Women Are Donning 'Chucks and Pearls' for Kamala Harris

I find it amusing that the party that prides itself on caring about the poor and middle class are signaling their feminist virtue by wearing pearls, which are pretty expensive. Next time a Republican wins the White House, I think I'm going to launch a "sport your Rolex" movement in their honor.
As I already pointed out to you, Democrats lost control of the House for the first time in 40 years, and this was a major factor. Some of the most powerful and entrenched members in the House (the Speaker and Judiciary Committee Chairman who were 30 and 40 year incumbents) lost their seats almost entirely because of it. I'm not sure where you were in 1994, but it was a very big deal at the time.
It also pushed Clinton to the center to work with Gingrich. My guess is 24 is too young to remember that.
It also pushed Clinton to the center to work with Gingrich. My guess is 24 is too young to remember that.

And I wouldn't fault him for not knowing. What were the electoral and political implications of turning over the Panama Canal? I don't know. I was 2 at the time.
How many people has the Biden administration killed the last two hours by not acting on this COVID (i.e. Biden virus) pandemic? I'm sure Pelosi wants to know.
Biden's First Executive Orders Endanger U.S. National Security

knew the wall issue was happening but SH please tell me why the second one here is a good thing? I’ll shut up and listen.

Let's remember the genesis of that ban. Initially it was a Muslim ban that was shot down by courts. This Stephen Miller special was then pulled, recrafted to remove a Muslim country and add 1 non-Muslim country (NK from memory) and badda-bing it was billed as not a Muslim ban. The recasting of the plan didn't change the original intention but simply made it legal.

INS has a vetting process for immigrants. Let them manage the process. It's ludicrous to believe that they'll be allowing anyone in that they can't vet or verify.

The removal of this ban, just like when it was put in place, was a show EO for their base.
I think old Joe is past actually molesting anyone or anything, but I know the instinct remains strong, especially with little girls. He could play his own inauguration speech and EO press conference to put himself to sleep every night at 7:00. The guy has no energy or charisma. He's just old. It's funny/sad/disturbing watching him read notes for simple announcements, and to see his handlers rush reporters out of the room when questions start. Are they going to do this for four years, or are we going to get some good comedic relief from this old fart?
interesting that not one Dem/ leftist on WM has posted confidence in demented Joe to be an actual POTUS
Come on. Dems Are you supportive of ol Joe?
Note our dumbass President is wearing a mask in the Oval Office after being vaccinated. party of stupid science.

Thank goodness old Joe is going to use his vast business experience to rebuild the economy.

So all of Biden's ******** about COVID comes down to asking people to wear masks.

Do we now have to wear a mask driving on an interstate highway?
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Note our dumbass President is wearing a mask in the Oval Office after being vaccinated. party of stupid science.

Maybe he wiped his *** with his mask and just wants to enjoy the smell? Senile old fools do things like this, so expect it often from Slow Joe. Remember, he’s older right now than Reagan was when he left office.
Thank goodness old Joe is going to use his vast business experience to rebuild the economy.

So all of Biden's ******** about COVID comes down to asking people to wear masks.

Do we now have to wear a mask driving in an interstate highway?
That’s not true, he also fired the Surgeon General. But yeah, he’s out of ideas after that. Science!!!
That is why I'm hoping the old fool at least gives us some laughs before he f's the economy up with higher taxes and more regulation.

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