President Biden Accountability Thread

How ducking stupid do you have to be?

The seven-day rolling average of coronavirus vaccines administered to Americans is 914,000, according to the Bloomberg vaccine tracker, with 1.6 million doses administered on Wednesday alone. Biden’s plan calls for a million Americans to be vaccinated each day.

When asked by a reporter whether the goal to vaccinate one million people per day is not ambitious enough, Biden said that the goal was a “good start.”

“When I announced it you all said it wasn’t possible. Come on, give me a break, man,” Biden said

Ben Shapiro discussed this today. Ms. Psaki said that under Trump they were only giving an average of 500,000 vaccines per day over the previous 40 days I believe and that under Biden they would double that.

What she failed to say was that we are already at 1 million per day. Trump had to ramp it up but we are already there, so basically, Psaki is a lying stooge.
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So Biden makes NG sleep on cold floor with the 2 rest room stalls for thousands and Trump offers his hotel for them.
Dems you must be so proud. :lmao:
Aug 31, 2020 - “I am not banning fracking. Let me say that again. I am not banning fracking, no matter how many times Donald Trump lies about me,” -
Jan 20, 2020 -
: Biden to ban new fracking on federal land.

Suck it PA. You voted him in.
Another example of why Texas liberals spend so much time and money chasing Paxton around. It has nothing whatsoever to do with something he may have done or not done in the past. It is purely a calculation of the threat he poses to their agenda. It is that simple. They fight dirty

After destroying the energy sector, Biden was still feeling greedy for more power, so he then destroyed all girls sports, forever

It's been posted already but the Daily Wires article is pretty crushing over this as well....

Biden: ‘There’s Nothing We Can Do To Change The Trajectory Of The Pandemic In The Next Several Months’

It is pretty incredible but people will say had Biden or Hillary been in office last March none of this would have ever happened in the first place.

Great start Joe. Fantastic.
I told my lib friends at the time that whatever screwup occurred last Feb-May, it was the CDC at fault, not Trump. TDS is a powerful drug.

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