President Biden Accountability Thread

Bystander, you may have just posted the best summary ever regarding Kamala. You're absolutely right on two key points:
(1) She's in over her head in the VP job.
(2) Intimidation is her best tool.


There are too many activists from the Left in positions of power. They are used to an aggressive echo chamber, the self-annointed moral superiority and the inability to consider anything except the burning egomania in their mind as they believe they are the equivalent of a Dr. King. They are not designed for power; they should stay in positions of moral power which is to say on the streets and keeping politicians honest. But when they become the politician, the anarchy inherent in their feelings of anger, revenge and retribution are too dangerous. Self-righteousness does not equate to competence. It only equates to the elevation of the self.
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Bystander, you may have just posted the best summary ever regarding Kamala. You're absolutely right on two key points:
(1) She's in over her head in the VP job.
(2) Intimidation is her best tool.

And it all started with Willie Brown's junk. Before she had the power to intimidate, she used his junk to intimidate. I'm sorta making a joke, but it's not far off. Everything that she has done in her career goes back to the fact that she nailed Willie Brown. Without that, she's probably a relatively unremarkable assistant DA somewhere.

There can't be anything dirty here. He must just really be that good.

Gotta love this quote.

“I don’t paint from emotion or feeling, which I think are both very ephemeral,” Biden said of his work. “For me, painting is much more about kind of trying to bring forth what is, I think, the universal truth.”

The dude has been an artist for about ten minutes, but he's already trying to sound deep and artsy. I wonder what real artist he ripped off for that comment.
Biden says Republican Party is 'fractured,' thanks to Trump

“I would suggest that the leaders I’m dealing with in NATO and the G-7 are leaders who know our recent history, know generically the character of the American people and know where the vast center of the public stands — not Democrat/Republican, but who we are,” Biden said."

Bystander says: So Biden is saying we should trust the judgment of the totalitarian socialists in Europe.

“What’s happened in terms of the consequence of President Trump’s phony populism has happened,” Biden said before turning his focus to Republican efforts to block the creation of a bipartisan congressional commission to investigate the Jan. 6 riot. “It is disappointing that so many of my Republican colleagues in the Senate who I know better have been reluctant to take on, for example, an investigation, because they are worried about being primaried. In the end, we’ve been through periods like this in American history before where there has been this reluctance to take a chance on your reelection because of the nature of your party’s politics at the moment. I think this is passing; I don’t mean easily passing. That’s why it’s so important that I succeed in my agenda.”

Bystander says: NO. Your agenda needs to be stopped cold, no matter if Trump is here or not. You are going to ram the worst legislation through via executive orders if you have to and if you do, then that would officially make you the first dictator which have ever had.

Reparations, abolishment of ICE, defunding the police, forgiving student loan debt, playing footsie with the UN on climate change etc. HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH TRUMP.
Biden is embarrassing us. Do you leftists think the other leaders can't see?

I guess as long as the USA goes back to giving money with no accountability or reciprocity they will pretend along with all of you.
How many times will he say,"i am going to get in trouble" going off script my handlers wrote.
If any of you have ever dealt with people with dementia you know the more people try to control them the slyer they get
And the more they do and say things they know will get to the controllers
We are seeing more of this in Joe
totalitarian socialists of europe? The NATO guys are neither totalitarian or real socialists in the mold which American rightists stereotype them.. They are democratic socialists in a few cases but have to be responsive to active electorates who like to vote themselves various advantages. Like in the US.

Reading the brayings of the various political factions with their purported solutions to straw man problems I am reminded of a thought expressed by Jorge Luis Borges, who postulated "the world is perhaps the rudimentary sketch of a childish god, who left it half done, ashamed by his deficient work."

That seems a possibility to me, at least as likely as the standard four feet good, two feet bad formulation used by us----for example in my repeated characterization of a recent president as Bone Spur, for no other reason than that he dodged the draft, as did a whole lot of my friends during the period of time when the nation was fighting totalitarian socialism (which turned into capitalist authoritarianism after a few years) in southeast asia.
There can't be anything dirty here. He must just really be that good.

Gotta love this quote.

The dude has been an artist for about ten minutes, but he's already trying to sound deep and artsy. I wonder what real artist he ripped off for that comment.

This seems as dirty as Ivanka Trump getting 9 trademarks in China the week leading into Trump meeting with Xi Xinping. I loath children of POTUS profiting off their parents accomplishments. There should be rules in place against it because there is too much risk for abuse.
Biden gave Putin 16 critical infrastructure entities “off limits “ to cyberattacks.

How about no cyberattacks for one.

So is he saying the other infrastructure is OK to attack?

Next he just gave an adversary US top 16 to target, brilliant.
Biden gave Putin 16 critical infrastructure entities “off limits “ to cyberattacks.

How about no cyberattacks for one.

So is he saying the other infrastructure is OK to attack?

Next he just gave an adversary US top 16 to target, brilliant.
Jimmy Carter chuckles.
Hiding in your basement or holding a rally in front of 20 people is neither adult nor presidential. Mind boggling some here still think Biden got 80M votes.


So the Russians can attack some things, but not others. Got it.

Or what? What's President Depends gonna do - soil his diapers as usual? He already surrendered to Putin on:

Gas pipeline
US Navy in Black Sea

His handlers were so afraid of Putin dominating this tired old fool who vote by mail frauded his way into office, that they has to insist on separate news conferences. Plus the Russian media might not have sent Slow Joe's staff their questions in advance, the way the US media lapdogs do.
He stayed hunkered down with few public appearances. That wasn't acting adult.
That was hiding so his dementia wasn't exposed.

He didn't have to act like an adult. He only had to act more like an adult than Trump. That's pretty easy to do. In fact, it's pretty hard not to do.

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