President Biden Accountability Thread

Yes there are idiots in the Alex Jones world, but if we are talking strictly policy and the outcomes of said policies, there's zero question as to results of Mr Cheetohead versus Mr Dementiabrain.

I mostly agree. That's why I voted for Mr. Cheetohead over Mr. Dementiabrain. That isn't the point. The point is that some people aren't going to tolerate Mr. Cheetohead. Personally, I barely did. It took Biden cozying up to court-packing for me to do that rather than voting third party. My point is that we shouldn't be making it a choice between Mr. Cheetohead and Mr. Dementiabrain. We should present an option that is more attractive than Mr. Cheetohead. For example, Ron DeSantis, Nikki Haley, Kristi Noem, and Tim Scott would all be much better.
Well, Joe is beginning to recognize the limitations of the slim majority the Dems hold in Congress - Biden calls out 2 Democratic lawmakers for blocking agenda ( Hope Manchin and Synema will continue to show a bit of common sense - at least until the mid-term elections. The GOP needs very little swing in the mid-terms to take over both houses of Congress and really put the kibosh on the liberals and their socialist agenda.

What an unprofessional pile of crap. You'll notice that this jackass of a "journalist" calls the Democrats' voting bill a "must-pass" piece of legislation. That is not what Biden called it. That is not what the Democratic Party called it. That is what a supposedly unbiased journalist called it in a non-editorial column. It is not a "must-pass" bill. That characterization is usually reserved for legislation that, if not passed, will lead to some sort of significant fiscal problem like a government shutdown or a default on the national debt. It's not typically used for one party's policy preferences.

If the voting bill doesn't pass, all it will mean is that Democrats and Republicans will have to win or lose the same way they have for 200+ years, and life will go on. There's nothing "must-pass" about it. That's just editorial horse **** injected into what's supposed to be a news column.
Democrat Melanie Stansbury wins US House race in New Mexico

"Stanbury reiterated her push for a $15 minimum wage, economic and racial equality and police reforms. She said there’s a lot of work to do and she wants to give everyone a seat at the table as the country and its infrastructure is rebuilt.

Amid Election Day voting, she emphasized the need for a major round of federal infrastructure spending."

The money is owned by the Democrats. All they have to do is say spend it. They own it. Not us. Them. Wealth redistribution and "shovel-ready" infrastructure projects are political patronage pay-offs. Then you say you're for equality and all the weak-minded losers spring to action.


It is not extremism to them as Seattle likes to say; it is who they are and what they will do.
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Anyone who can listen to this 5 year old screaming in terror at being left alone,(except for his teddy bear) at dusk, doesn't have a heart.
I have a sick feeling that his "parents" didn't forget to pick him up, but maybe sex traffickers were on the way. Luckily a French news team was there to film this, and border patrol was alerted.
I wonder how many times this happens and no cameras are around.
I wonder why climate change is more important than fixing this terrible situation.
I wonder why no Democrats seem to care one bit.
I wonder why the President or the VP hasn't seen it important to visit the area.
Meanwhile, in other news, I read that Joe and Jill had a leisurely bike ride on her birthday.
Maybe he even got an ice cream cone afterwards. Chocolate chocolate chip, I'll bet.
I wonder why no Democrats seem to care one bit.
I wonder why the President or the VP hasn't seen it important to visit the area.

I would say it's Liberals who don't care. The Liberal leadership and their sycophantic "progressive" morons are so ruthless and pathologically emotional that the only thing that matters is THE MESSAGE. They will lie without remorse. The face of Diane Feinstein going after Kavanaugh is all you need to know. They are sociopaths, which I define as a complete lack of empathy because power is all they care about. Anyone in the way of the message is to be destroyed.

Anyone who can listen to this 5 year old screaming in terror at being left alone,(except for his teddy bear) at dusk, doesn't have a heart.
I have a sick feeling that his "parents" didn't forget to pick him up, but maybe sex traffickers were on the way. Luckily a French news team was there to film this, and border patrol was alerted.
I wonder how many times this happens and no cameras are around.
I wonder why climate change is more important than fixing this terrible situation.
I wonder why no Democrats seem to care one bit.
I wonder why the President or the VP hasn't seen it important to visit the area.
Meanwhile, in other news, I read that Joe and Jill had a leisurely bike ride on her birthday.
Maybe he even got an ice cream cone afterwards. Chocolate chocolate chip, I'll bet.

It's amazing how AOC was sobbing for kids who were given three meals a day and protected from smugglers but couldn't give a crap for kids left to die. Not everybody involved in illegal immigration is a monster, but many are.
The Biden executive actions is just going to make him look worse. I flew over the weekend. The federal mask mandate was hated by most everybody on the plane, was my unscientific assessment. Only going to get worse.
White people have been bludgeoned into submission. They voted Biden because the Democrats have successfully turned this thing into an activist political patronage complex and white people feel the guilt. The economy and foreign policy doesn't mean anything. They don't have to execute or achieve positive results. The media will find the results and report the cherries they pick.

The Democrats have successfully made innocent people feel the pain, guilt and accepting of the retribution for the sins of the past. And it doesn't even matter if it's not the sins of YOUR FATHER! In the end, these white people have stopped thinking about what is really happening and instead are hysterically trying to apologize as quickly as they can and prove they too would have walked across the Selma Bridge.

Meanwhile, the AOC's and Beto's continue to creep forward with the worst possible outcome for our nations future. Literally, the cult of personality is the tool to success for the Left.
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I think what we are seeing is the left going apeshit as their plans are going in the toilet. If it wasn’t Manchin in the way, it would be Sinema. If it wasn’t her, it would be the female senator from NH who barely won in 2016. And so on for about 7 other senators. Now they see their majorities going away in 2022. In about 6 months, the Biden agenda is done. It will be Obama retread of EO’s but without Obama. Biden and Harris are just fronts for the looney left. For the next year all you are going to hear is climate change, trans, and white supremacy. Go home, you lost you mother duckers.
I think what we are seeing is the left going apeshit as their plans are going in the toilet. If it wasn’t Manchin in the way, it would be Sinema. If it wasn’t her, it would be the female senator from NH who barely won in 2016. And so on for about 7 other senators. Now they see their majorities going away in 2022. In about 6 months, the Biden agenda is done. It will be Obama retread of EO’s but without Obama. Biden and Harris are just fronts for the looney left. For the next year all you are going to hear is climate change, trans, and white supremacy. Go home, you lost you mother duckers.

As someone said on here, people have short memories. They are being reminded how out of touch and totalitarian the Left truly is, in spite of their constant bleating about Democracy.
As soon as GOP sweeps the House and Senate, I want to see a list of articles of impeachment against Joe and Kamala.
You won’t need to wait that long. Tribunals will go public before then. Which means the list of crimes committed by R’s and D’s. Biden is a pedo but he has ALOT of company in that department!
Trump did collude with Russia or at least tried to (if it's later in the fall I'd love it). The military intelligence think he either ignored Russian bounties or missed it in the briefing. If you think they didn't clear Lafayette Park for a photo op you're loopy.
Trump did collude with Russia or at least tried to (if it's later in the fall I'd love it). The military intelligence think he either ignored Russian bounties or missed it in the briefing. If you think they didn't clear Lafayette Park for a photo op you're loopy.
Once again, something other than CNN might enlighten you.
Joe's accountable for Kamala. He selected her to "make history" for women. We all knew she was a Queen Bee but that's sexist right? Here is more evidence of "her highnessing" someone; she's basically in over her head and is used to intimidating people with power (think DA) to get what she wants. But she can't slap Latino's around with accusations of racism; she has to actually think.

Kamala Harris, questioned on border crisis, snaps at TV interviewer: 'I'm not finished'
she's basically in over her head and is used to intimidating people with power (think DA) to get what she wants.
Bystander, you may have just posted the best summary ever regarding Kamala. You're absolutely right on two key points:
(1) She's in over her head in the VP job.
(2) Intimidation is her best tool.

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