President Biden Accountability Thread

Good grief. Don’t buy into the “be presidential” narrative. I can put on high tops and a jersey, but it doesn’t mean I can play in the NBA.

That isn't the point. The point is that how one acts makes a difference in how people perceive that person. It's shocking to me that this is actually a point of contention here.

When I tried cases I wore a suit and tie, didn't use foul language, and didn't scratch my nuts in the presence of the jury. There was a reason for that.
My guess is you are an above average attorney who competently represent your clients. I’m also guessing they could care less what you did as long as you won the case. We both agree Trump is a despicable human being. However, his policies were competent and good for the country. I’ll take him scratching his balls over Biden any day. With that said, Desantis 2024.
My guess is you are an above average attorney who competently represent your clients. I’m also guessing they could care less what you did as long as you won the case. We both agree Trump is a despicable human being. However, his policies were competent and good for the country. I’ll take him scratching his balls over Biden any day. With that said, Desantis 2024.

We might prefer his policies to Biden's, but good policies aren't enough. Perceptions matter if you want to meet the people in power who will continue those policies.
Also, by backing DeSantis aren't you sorta admitting that you agree with me? Isn't he basically everything you like about Trump without the political liabilities and lack of discipline?
Also, by backing DeSantis aren't you sorta admitting that you agree with me? Isn't he basically everything you like about Trump without the political liabilities and lack of discipline?
I think Desantis is fiscally better. If Trump runs and wins the nomination, I will gladly vote for him again over the more presidential acting bj queen.
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I don't think you're dumb enough not to see Trump's style and behavior as a significant liability. I think that's a big reason why you all back DeSantis. By the way, I think that's a good reason.

People are not as bothered by Trump's behavior as it's made out to be. Before you go on with the myth that's what caused him to lose, that's not true either.
People are not as bothered by Trump's behavior as it's made out to be. Before you go on with the myth that's what caused him to lose, that's not true either.
The hundreds of thousands of rally attendees are no measure of the enthusiasm that Trump brought. You only have to look at the socially distanced 20 people at a Biden chit chat to know that 80M people turned out and voted for him.
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The hundreds of thousands of rally attendees are no measure of the enthusiasm that trump brought. You only have to look at the socially distanced 20 people at a Biden chit chat to know that 80M people turned out and voted for him.

People have let themselves become gaslighted. We're all supposed to ignore common sense, witnesses, and a buttload of statistical improbabilities. I won't.
People are not as bothered by Trump's behavior as it's made out to be. Before you go on with the myth that's what caused him to lose, that's not true either.

Damn, why did I hold by stomach in the courtroom all those years? I had no idea I could have just let it rip and it wouldn't have mattered.
Yes, to suggest that Trump was so objectionable as to liken his behavior to laying down farts, using expletives, and scratching his nuts in public is quite a stretch.

I'll just say that with the media screaming from the mountain tops that his behavior was objectionable, that is why many people believe it.

Yes, to suggest that Trump was so objectionable as to liken his behavior to laying down farts, using expletives, and scratching his nuts in public is quite a stretch.

The argument can be made that the farting and nut scratching is more uncouth. I wouldn't necessarily argue that point. What you all are missing is that because of the importance of the office and the stakes, the standards for the leader of the free world are supposed to be higher. He's supposed to be more disciplined and more polished than a relatively small time courtroom lawyer.
Trump did just fine on the world stage.
Who can deny we, USA, were getting screwed every which way by other countries not paying what they were obligated to pay?
Who can deny Trump got Mexico to keep illegals in Mexico instead if what is flooding our country now.
Does any intelligent person reallly think any leader who interacted with demented Joe respected him as the leader of the free world. MPs in UK made fun of him not remembering anything that went on
Respect for Joe from abroad is based on one thing; he's much more pliable than Trump. As for Trump's manner; well we all knew what he was, a brash NY developer. Don't let Liberals fool you about objecting to his lack of Presidentialness; they savaged George Bush who was a dignified man even if he wasn't exactly Winston Churchill in the pulpit. It's all about power and the rest of it is designed into luring you to abandon your core values by making you believe your leader is Hitler.
Trump did just fine on the world stage.
Who can deny we, USA, were getting screwed every which way by other countries not paying what they were obligated to pay?
Who can deny Trump got Mexico to keep illegals in Mexico instead if what is flooding our country now.
Does any intelligent person reallly think any leader who interacted with demented Joe respected him as the leader of the free world. MPs in UK made fun of him not remembering anything that went on

It's my feeling that the Liberal gushing over wanting to be respected by Europeans is our weakest link. They tell Europeans that Bush and Trump are not their Presidents. They act embarrassed. Do they really think that Europeans accept them as equals just because they bash our leadership? Heck no they don't. This is common sense knowledge of how humans work. It's pretty sad to be an American and feeling inferior to Europeans. Why?

If we're going back to 1619 to create massive levels of white guilt and reparations, then why isn't Europe held to the same historical standards? Because if they were, then they would be savaged by Liberals for being the incubator of white privilege and the marauding imperialism that conquered the world over.

Why do they say the sun never sets on the British Commonwealth. Think about it. What did the French do? What did the Dutch do?

And where did Hitler come from? Germany. A European country. The worst evil imaginable.

Yet the sick disease that is Liberalism is drowning in pathetically political hypocrisy and we know why: POWER AND MONEY.
My guess is you are an above average attorney who competently represent your clients. I’m also guessing they could care less what you did as long as you won the case. We both agree Trump is a despicable human being. However, his policies were competent and good for the country. I’ll take him scratching his balls over Biden any day. With that said, Desantis 2024.

DeSantis must be the nominee. His track record and pedigree is as good as anyone I've seen. He's unflappable and on point. He also doesn't scratch his balls in public.
^Mchammer, I think you're right. The more the Squad pounds away on Biden, the more they cause voters to identify the Party with the extreme left - and the 2020 election was not a mandate for the far left.
^Mchammer, I think you're right. The more the Squad pounds away on Biden, the more they cause voters to identify the Party with the extreme left - and the 2020 election was not a mandate for the far left.
The infrastructure bill is being hijacked by the looney left as they claim not enough money for green communism and what not.

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