President Biden Accountability Thread

Reality may be setting in - Biden and Democrats look for a new '3rd way' as political reality sets in ( There are a coupe of interesting points in this article:

(1) "...a number of Democrats in the Senate appear uncomfortable with their party’s left-wing tilt." These Senators are concerned with their own races for reelection and don't want to be branded as fringe lunatics.
(2) "A rise in violent crime over the last year, for example, has marginalized left-wing lawmakers looking to “defund the police.” Rep. James Clyburn, D-S.C., continues to denounce the slogan as the type of posturing that alienated some during the civil rights movement in the 1960s. Republicans, meanwhile, are seeking to batter Democrats with it." "Law-and-order" was a great rallying cry for the Silent Majority in the late 60s, and the fear of rising crime contributed to the election of Nixon.
(3) "Biden’s pivot to the center may make a good deal of political sense. Recent Democratic studies show that working-class nonwhite voters are not as liberal as college-educated whites and younger voters. The New York city mayoral results bolster this finding. Among Democratic strategists, there is widespread concern that left-wing policies will push key voting blocs, such as Latinos, toward the GOP." The further the party moves to the left, the more they will risk losing their traditional blocs - certainly showed up in the Latino vote in the last election.

This is a fragile bloc in the Senate - the 50 GOP Senators plus Manchin and Sinema - but that fragile bloc is all that is blocking the Democrats from ramming their progressive agenda down our throats. It is absolutely critical that the GOP take back the House and the Senate in the mid-term elections.
And what I find interesting is that when they practice tokenism, it's treated as historic and righteous. When a Republican practices tokenism (or arguable tokenism), it's treated like tokenism, and cynicism is presumed.

I am trying VERY HARD not to be sexist. I am sure that I am in some ways. But Kamala is completely over her head. The thing is, women believe that men admire the male traits that are being lambasted in women. And it's not true. None of my male co-workers over the years admire a defensive, lying, a-hole egomaniac as a boss. But the Liberal stipulation is that we do.

It is clear that Kamala has no intention of getting to the bottom of the border problems in South Texas. It was a photo-op and a lie. She refuses to be questioned. This is because she is used to bull-dozing her way through life as a DA and an activist. That has it's place. Just not this one.

AS you say, Biden will be "historic." Meanwhile, we will have activists in positions of power which is a travesty because they are arrogantly idealistic anarchists in the sense that their results won't matter; accountability is off the table. All failure will be blamed on the problems of racism, sexism, homophobia and the like. It will be seen as the impediment to the Liberal progressive society, one rid of all manner of reality.

Here is another example of Liberal accountability:

Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot blames '99%' of criticisms on sexism or racism

"Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot claimed most of her critics do not attack her over her policies but because of her gender and her race.

"About 99% of it,” Lightfoot responded during an interview on WTTW's Chicago Tonight when asked how much of the criticism she faces is either race-based or sex-based.

She later contended that she receives comments that her white, male predecessors would never have received.

"Look at my predecessors. Did people say that Rich Daley held tea sessions with people that he didn't disagree on? Rahm Emanuel was a polite guy who was a uniter? No,” she said."

Bystander says: This Mayor said she wouldn't meet with any reporters who were white. Then she has the audacity to say what she said in this article. This is Liberalism and there is no reaching people like this. That is why it we need to vote them out.

And I don't believe for one minute that Rahm Emanuel was admired for his personality. Here are his approval ratings from Wikipedia:

Rahm Emanuel - Wikipedia
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Liberals are world-class liars. That is why their complaints about Trump ring hollow. They lie and they give us Beto, AOC, The Crew, Sanders, Warren, Pelosi, the White Privilege campaign, the defund the police campaign, the open borders campaign and an army of OCD, reality denying, cancel culture sycophants across the fruited plain, Twitter and Facebook.
When the Washington Post calls ******** on a Democrat, it's bad . . .

Ain't nothing but a tiresome-*** lovers quarrel. The Bezos Post is merely letting Slow Joe's handlers know how bad the Defund the Police! idea plays out besides the twats on Twatter, and that they need a strategy that's better than the horse **** they've been peddling so far.

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