George Lucas uses the USC football team to stand in as Storm Troopers in all his Star Wars movies. After OJ Simpson's storm trooper bumped his head on the doorframe in the opening scene of Episode IV, he was not invited back.
Regie Bush told his therapist (he rolls in Cali, remember) that he cries every time he sees Neo beat countless Agent Smiths effortlessly in the schoolyard in Matrix Reloaded.
Apparently, the world is a very lonely place when your only equal is a fictional futuristic sci-fi digital kung-fu superman.
Pete Carroll always kicks everybody's *** online in Ages of Empire III. Then he likes to rub it in by commenting on his recipe for success afterwards, which usually involves some Victoria's Secret Enchanted Apple hand cream and playing some Nick Carter in the background prior to battle.
When Reggie Bush had sex with Paris Hilton, the sex tape made its round throughout the world like wildfire. However, it wasn't what Paris offered that got us interested in the tape...
AP (Narnia)--Director Andrew Adamson announces that for future installments in the Chronicles of Narnia, Aslan will be renamed "Reggie Bush" because he, while sinless, gave up his life as substitutionary atonement for another's wrongdoing. Then he was resurrected from the dead and destroyed the White Witch (Vince Young) and her forces of evil. Also, Christmas is moved to March 2, Reggie Bush's birthday.
Reggie Bush is suing the San Diego Chargers for copyright infringement. He says the lightening bolt on their helmet is a blatant copy of the one coming out of his ***.
In a never aired celebrity episode of the Smurfs, Pete Carroll was cast as Gargamel and Reggie Bush was Azrael. The episode was left on the cutting room floor, because Bush and Carroll quickly discovered the Smurf village and slaughtered all of the Smurfs before the Intro theme song was even over.
On a related note, Bush uses Papa Smurfs white blood to paint 619 under his eyes.
Steve Irwin (the crocidile hunter) was scheduled to go to Southern California to study the rare and dangerous USC Trojans. He changed his mind. He was just too damn frightened.
Due to illness tonight Santa Claus will not be able to make the deliveries for only the second time in history. Mrs. Claus made the deliveries the last time but she is ill too. Both have colds and have been ordered by doctors to rest for a few days. Both are expected to make a complete recovery but too late for the toy deliveries tonight.
But be encouraged because Reggie Bush has said he is willing to make the deliveries from the North Pole. He will be running back and forth from the North Pole for each delivery rather than be slowed down by riding the sled tonight. A record time is expected to be recorded tonight so enjoy your Christmas and presents from Santa Bush.
ESPN was going to record this historic event but as one executive said: "There isn't a camera made that could record Reggie's speed."
Coach Pete Carroll when asked if he were concerned with Reggie getting fat like Santa after consuming so many Christmas snacks tonight replied "No. Not to worry. He will use up the calories running back and forth from the North Pole."
He will be running so fast that we may not be able to hear Santa Bush as he yells "HO! HO! HO! MERRCY CHRISTMAS TO ALL AND TO ALL A GOOD NIGHT!"
In 201 AD the barbarian Mongols led by Mo Du pierced the Great Wall with an army of over 300,000 men. Reggie Bush sealed all the holes with his endless supply of Trojans. He did it so fast that he still had time to make it back to LA to go loofah shopping with Petey.