60 Minutes has been changed to 0.0001 seconds, because even after slow motion has been reduced to 1 frame per hour this is the only usable footage they could get of Reggie Bush, he is just so dang fast! In a related story, 60 Minutes has a new extended contract to expire in 4065 as they will be airing Reggie Bush clips during each show. The rest of the show's time will be dedicated to how Pete Carroll and company plan to end world hunger, convert CO2 to food and use Reggie's old skin cells to make light travel possible.
NASA said our manned mission to Mars would have been completed by now, but Reggie Bush already ran over there and checked it out.
A new summer blockbuster due out in July 2006 entitled Quatro will star Bush, Leinart, White and Jarrett and they will perform without any stunt doubles as Carroll portrays their Commander. The fab four will of course be saving the Universe. Spielberg was asked to direct it, but requested to be Pete's assistant instead and he will in fact direct the movie.
Sales are expected to be the highest grossing ever and will eliminate our national debt, as well as put approximately $5.8 million in the hand of every American.
Just watched the 700 Club.....turns out they've been folding it backwards all this time. From henceforth, it shall be known as the Shroud of Trojan. It ain't Jesus; It's Reggie:
A group of distinguished Texas A&M scientists and engineers met in a conference room and the chairman announced "We have comcluded our computer and field study gentlemen and have come to a definite conclusion - the cow did jump over the moon."
However they failed to notice that Reggie Bush had given the cow a light kick enabling the cow to complete the jump.
Remember the stories about the Christians and the lions. History would have been changed if Matt, Reggie, and Lendale would have been there. Reggie and Lendale would have run the lions down allowing Matt to toss them into seats to devour the Romans.
Top classified documents recently declassified show that pete carrol was hired by the defense department and was the mastermind behind the successfull "desert storm operation." He was the brain behind removing saddam from kuwait.
Reggies flatulation created one of natures most awe inspiring places on earth, a place of astonishing beauty and breathtaking scenery, a majestic place where the greatness that is Reggie is fully displayed....
I just saw on E! where Norman Lear has hired Reggie to star in remakes of the following:
Monday: My Mother the Car
Tuesday: afterMASH
Wednesday: CopRocks
Thursday: The Adventures of Brisco County, Jr.
Friday: Greatest American Hero
Saturday: Superstars Competition (Reggie vs. the World)
Sunday: NFL during the fall; Pro Bowlers tour rest of the year.
Word has it that RB is making room in this trophy cabinet for the forthcoming Emmy Awards
Finally, they said he's currently reading scripts for sequals to Ishtar, Gigli and Police Academy VIII. The Academy is watching with interest.
Reggie Bush shot a man in Reno, just to watch him die.
Then, of course, with his lightning-fast, better-than-Teddy Lehman speed, he ran around the earth a few times, reversing its orbit, until the man was alive again, and Reggie Bush said, "Just kidding."
Man, that Reggie Bush is some kind of great humanitarian. I hear Jonas Salk got the recipe for his vaccine from Reggie Bush, too.
after a month of thought, Pete Carroll has astonishingly determined that :
pi = Reggie Bush
and pi x pi = usc's 34 game winning streak
if you multiply pi and usc's unprecedented chance for a threepeat, the result is einstein's theory of relativity.
Pete is already spending a month on that, the whole world will be turned upside down (again, which I guess would make it rightside up) when he finishes his work.
WASHINGTON - Bob Woodward and Carl Bernstein admitted today that it was not them but rather the dynamic duo of White and Bush that uncovered the Watergate conspiracy. They called themselves Thunder and Lightning to hide their true identities. Find out more at the UT Harry Ransom Center.
The Old West... not much left of it now... a few crumbling buildings, some dusty relics, and many, many legends.
Like the story of Matt Leinart, the rifle-armed quarterback who called himself "the shootist."
And fleet-footed Reggie Bush, who outraced the Pony Express from St. Louis to old Frisco, stopping only to rob the Union Pacific train and five stagecoaches, all of which he accomplished undetected by human eyes.
And then there was Lendale White -- so mean he once shot a man, just for snorin.'
Get these stories and more with your 450 volume set of Time Life /ESPN Legends of Old USC videos, now playing 24 hours a day on ESPN.
i heard one time reggie bush decided to play minesweeper on difficult. the majority of the mines imploded immediately, due to the gravitational shift occuring upon bush's grasp of the mouse.
the only squares left intact were around the edges. luckily, pete carroll was standing nearby, and quickly instructed reggie to click on the corners, because pete knows there are always mines in the ******* corners.
needless to say, reggie beat minesweeper on difficult in 0.8 seconds, a North American record.
Just saw the remake of Scar Face with RB playing Tony Montana... Naturally they had to change the ending, apparently no one bought into the idea that 50lbs of hot lead would kill him, the world is still his.