Florida Passes Bill To Eliminate Disney Taxing District

This thread only validates that desantis is not an idiot. He’s appealing to the trump base nationwide, the local impact on Floridians be damned. He’s more concerned about Iowans.

If he pisses off Floridians, he won't be in reelected, which would end his chances for '24. (It wouldn't end his entire career, because he's still young, but it would be a massive setback.) He was willing to do it, because he knows it won't ultimately hurt Floridians - certainly not enough to matter, because the company isn't going to move. Furthermore, he knows that voters are willing to hurt a little if they think the cause is just.

And again, the company announced that it supports talking about dicks with 5-8 year olds, and its producers now admit to injecting "queerness" and a gay agenda into its children's programing. Other than woke idiots, nobody is going to sympathize with Disney. Remember, when asked neutrally, most Democrats support the underlying bill.
CNN is still calling it the “don’t say gay” bill even though there is no reference to that. The left has jumped the shark with moderates and independents. I hope he doesn’t run, but they would welcome Trump back given the **** show the democrats have created. DeSantis 2024.
CNN is still calling it the “don’t say gay” bill even though there is no reference to that. The left has jumped the shark with moderates and independents. I hope he doesn’t run, but they would welcome Trump back given the **** show the democrats have created. DeSantis 2024.

This is what was so smart about the bill. It's very moderate, but because Desantis supported it, Democrats couldn't support or even dismiss it. They had to go to Defcon 1 over it and scream, "yes, teachers SHOULD be talking about dicks to little kids!!"

They call it "don't say gay" as a diversion, but that lie simply can't hold up and they're starting to just look stupid. It's a little like when they denied that CRT was taught in Virginia even though it was on the state educy agency's webpage and there was a mountain of evidence that it was. They eventually had to come clean and admit that they don't think parents have any right to decide what's taught to their kids.
God forbid Florida treat Disney like every other company in the state. God forbid Florida treat Disney like any other state is treating companies.

Disney's Corporate Welfare Is Modern Mercantilism | Ryan McMaken

Now. My policy preference would be that every company in America gets the level of sovereignty Disney had over their property. It is actually the direction we should go. But Disney was getting special treatment. Now there is a level playing field. Universal Studios is thinking, "Finally!"
I will listen to your argument. I don’t understand how this move hurts Floridians any more than if Jerry Jones had his own property in Texas that had the same rights were taken away. What’s the downside to Florida? Disney isn’t picking up and moving anywhere.
This is a national issue. Desantis is engaging in issues to make his name national. It has worked. He’s being talked about here. Stitt is jealous.
Its not going to hurt Floridians at all. Libs are learning it sucks to taste the **** they shovel. I find it hilarious.
if Abbott did something to “punish” Jerry Jones that resulted in giving Jerry $168,000,000 extra money AND all property taxes increasing by 25% that would be labeled doing government badly. All Disney lost was the ability to move quickly. That has a dollar value. Likely lass than $168,000,000.
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if Abbott did something to “punish” Jerry Jones that resulted in giving Jerry $168,000,000 extra money AND all property increasing by 25% that would be labeled doing government badly.

Yes, but if Jerry was advocating for adults talking about dicks with small children, nobody would care. Spiting Jerry would be more important.
Yes, but if Jerry was advocating for adults talking about dicks with small children, nobody would care. Spiting Jerry would be more important.
You’re characterization of people against the bill is a little much. I don’t think the bill is that bad but I can see some negatives. Not enough to argue against it.
Teachers don’t need to talk about anything sexual in classroom especially at that age. Hard to imagine they needed to write a bill about this subject.
You’re characterization of people against the bill is a little much. I don’t think the bill is that bad but I can see some negatives. Not enough to argue against it.

I'm using coarse language for the purpose of humor, but that is pretty much what the bill is talking about. It deals with teachers (adults) talking about sexuality and gender identity with k-3rd grade children. We shouldn't need legislation like this, because ****** up adults who want to talk about this stuff with children shouldn't be allowed to be around children, but they are, so we need laws like this.
Remember woke MLB screwed GA by moving the all-star game over the GA election law. Why should people take this lying down?
I'm using coarse language for the purpose of humor, but that is pretty much what the bill is talking about. It deals with teachers (adults) talking about sexuality and gender identity with k-3rd grade children. We shouldn't need legislation like this, because ****** up adults who want to talk about this stuff with children shouldn't be allowed to be around children, but they are, so we need laws like this.
Are we legislating unicorns?

humor? Seems to me like you’re demonizing anyone with the temerity to not support it 100%.
Are we legislating unicorns?

humor? Seems to me like you’re demonizing anyone with the temerity to not support it 100%.

Not really. Good faith disagreement over some of the nuances is fine. I do care about legislative draftsmanship. I'm also not mad at you or judging you for good faith criticism. However, we know that the broad political opposition to this isn't about that. If it was, they wouldn't have to lie about the bill. The opposition actually is about the merits, not the specifics.

It's very laughable when liberals say Republicans shouldn't retaliate against companies for speaking out against laws. Meanwhile, Democrats push companies to ... speak out against laws and vote to retaliate against companies. NBA in NC for the bathroom bill and MLB in GA last year for the election bill are two good examples. Others are the SA City Council for banning Chick-Fil-A at the SA airport for its donations and bakeries getting sued by governments for refusing same-sex wedding cakes.
Teachers don’t need to talk about anything sexual in classroom especially at that age. Hard to imagine they needed to write a bill about this subject.
It is hard to imagine until you see the wokist crap being spewed by the millennials on various sites...some even posting from their official education accounts where they were employed...
It's very laughable when liberals say Republicans shouldn't retaliate against companies for speaking out against laws. Meanwhile, Democrats push companies to ... speak out against laws and vote to retaliate against companies. NBA in NC for the bathroom bill and MLB in GA last year for the election bill are two good examples. Others are the SA City Council for banning Chick-Fil-A at the SA airport for its donations and bakeries getting sued by governments for refusing same-sex wedding cakes.
You don't even have to look at corporations...all one need do is view the incessant push from the libtiles to silence the speech of anyone even in the center who dares speak against the approved narrative.

Raskin was actually likening it to a cult and proposing 'deprogramming' for conservatives. Although nowadays, it is clear that conservative means anyone with a functioning brain cell who sees through all the progressive crap that is ruining the nation.
Apparently it’s okay when corporations ask and receive subsidies (green or whatever) for political reasons as well as Uber-regulation that limits competition, but it’s bad when government ends it for political reasons? No one is holy in this “grift for all” government economy.
The tax revenue does not go away, it just shifts on who collects it. It’s my understanding that local citizens will see no difference in property taxes.
if Abbott did something to “punish” Jerry Jones that resulted in giving Jerry $168,000,000 extra money AND all property taxes increasing by 25% that would be labeled doing government badly. All Disney lost was the ability to move quickly. That has a dollar value. Likely lass than $168,000,000.

It will cost them more for abiding by zoning and regulations too.

I see that Ds are saying property taxes in Florida can increase by 25% for some people. I don't see how that is true unless you are talking about people who lived in the Disney village and were virtually paying nothing before. Outside of that area nothing changes. Sounds like a very dishonest criticism to me.
Wait they can’t collect the taxes Disney was? Somebody was paying and somebody was collecting. The taxes don’t disappear.
You are lapping up liberal propaganda again. You need an intervention at Tolbert’s. That gal is tweeting about Obama two tweets down about misinformation.
So all news that doesn’t fit your world view is fake news? This is pretty simple. The inability to tax Disney would certainly be changed. But it’s there.
Yeah the counties will collect the taxes from Disney and provide the services. This is a Progressive fever dream. They assume nothing will change except for the change to regulate Disney. Not true. Kind of like the comments about Kurds when the US pulled out of Syria. Nothing happened to them even though the Ds said they would all die.
So all news that doesn’t fit your world view is fake news? This is pretty simple. The inability to tax Disney would certainly be changed. But it’s there.
That’s not news. It’s a biased opinion on Twitter. Why people think a tweet, on either side, is factual news baffles me.

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