
China News = the China News Service = the Chinese Communist Party
The is the Chicoms thanking Hillary for her support
Which raises the question of how much they gave to the Clinton Foundation? Are they still giving?

The above tells me that China is butt hurt over Trump forcing them into the phase 1 trade agreement with tariffs and such. I don’t think they get it - we don’t need them as bad as they need us. China acting like an unhinged ex.
The above tells me that China is butt hurt over Trump forcing them into the phase 1 trade agreement with tariffs and such. I don’t think they get it - we don’t need them as bad as they need us. China acting like an unhinged ex.

I think the loss of over half their piggy supply had a lot to do with it as well.
They do love their pork.
And bats, koala bears, shark fin soup, snakes, etc.

I was reading somewhere the average Chinese person does not actually eat that stuff. At least not anymore. And the exotic animals they raise and slaughter (like bears and tigers) are for the rich class only.

But everyone eats pork.
Virologist Dr. Giorgio Palù (Professor of Virology and Microbiology at the University of Padova), appearing on CNN, basically said political correctness killed people in Italy --
“There was a proposal to isolate people coming from the epicenter. Then it became seen as racist … ”​
Italian doctors hope for a sign the coronavirus lockdown is working, because there's no plan B - CNN

Italy still peaking
Some people say they are just ~2 weeks ahead of us
Hopefully we stopped the flights in time to avoid this
Larry Summers was in the Clinton Admin. You would think he would already know the answer to his question. In fact, I would be willing to bet he does, he just doesnt want to say it.

The answer is that we outsourced manufacturing to China and Mexico so companies could pay workers less in wages, while polluting their environments. But that answer is inconvenient because Bill Clinton (with Summers help) passed NAFTA and granted permanent normal trade relations to China*

*the story here Bill Clinton’s Last Great Victory Is the Reason Hillary Gets Hammered on Trade Today
"On May 24, 2000, Bill Clinton clinched what many believed would be the last great legislative victory of his presidency. That afternoon, the House of Representatives voted to award China permanent normal trade relations, effectively backing Beijing’s long-in-the-making bid to join the World Trade Organization. The historic deal had been Clinton’s top priority in the waning days of his last term—a move he hoped would improve relations with the world’s most populous nation, while cementing his own legacy of using free trade to advance America’s foreign policy interests. It had been opposed by labor unions wary of competition from poorly paid foreign workers and championed by corporations salivating over 1.3 billion potential Chinese customers (the business lobby had spent millions on TV ads supporting the pact). In the end, after much wrangling, 73 Democrats joined 164 Republicans to pass the agreement, which was expected to glide through the Senate."
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...He also forgot to mention which 4. They don't appear to be the most fit bunch. Is it the heavy ones who succumbed?

One interesting aspect about Italy is that, despite the high relative casualties, no one below 30 has died

Also, the two most common underlying conditions found among the dead in Italy, are hypertension and diabetes mellitus.

So if you go back above and look at the physical build of the people in the photo from Nassim Taleb, it looks like he may have been onto something with his 'genetics' comment

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Gabish? What type of Italians is that? It’s capiche.

I dont know what he meant. At first glance, I thought it was yiddish. Then I thought it might be reference to social media (as in he was afraid Twitter would not leave it up).
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Larry Summers was in the Clinton Admin. You would think he would already know the answer to his question. In fact, I would be willing to bet he does, he just doesnt want to say it.

The answer is that we outsourced manufacturing to China and Mexico so companies could pay workers less in wages, while polluting their environments. But that answer is inconvenient because Bill Clinton (with Summers help) passed NAFTA and granted permanent normal trade relations to China*

*the story here Bill Clinton’s Last Great Victory Is the Reason Hillary Gets Hammered on Trade Today
"On May 24, 2000, Bill Clinton clinched what many believed would be the last great legislative victory of his presidency. That afternoon, the House of Representatives voted to award China permanent normal trade relations, effectively backing Beijing’s long-in-the-making bid to join the World Trade Organization. The historic deal had been Clinton’s top priority in the waning days of his last term—a move he hoped would improve relations with the world’s most populous nation, while cementing his own legacy of using free trade to advance America’s foreign policy interests. It had been opposed by labor unions wary of competition from poorly paid foreign workers and championed by corporations salivating over 1.3 billion potential Chinese customers (the business lobby had spent millions on TV ads supporting the pact). In the end, after much wrangling, 73 Democrats joined 164 Republicans to pass the agreement, which was expected to glide through the Senate."


Globalist multinational corporations say screw your countrymen and the good ol USA. Increase profits by moving manufacturing overseas where you can pay virtual slave wages with few workers’ rights. Wage arbitrage. Patriotism, and loyalty to those who built their company, are irrelevant and archaic to these a$$holes.
So, if you are young and seemingly healthy and become infected, go home and rest. If the high risk people have been staying home and the young spring break people don't go visit them and everyone stays home, what's the big deal?

I'm not getting it.

I had to fly 5 days last week. Tons of old people who looked like they would die from walking a flight of stairs were out and about.
Tons of 65+ people shopping at Spec's every day too. Maybe it's different in cities along the Eastern seaboard where people live in significantly higher density clusters, but I'm not seeing panic among the high risk demographic here in Central Texas.
Michael Levitt, a Nobel laureate and Stanford biophysicist, began analyzing the number of COVID-19 cases worldwide in January and correctly calculated that China would get through the worst of its coronavirus outbreak long before many health experts had predicted.

Now he foresees a similar outcome in the United States and the rest of the world.

While many epidemiologists are warning of months, or even years, of massive social disruption and millions of deaths, Levitt says the data simply don't support such a dire scenario — especially in areas where reasonable social distancing measures are in place.

"What we need is to control the panic," he said. In the grand scheme, "we're going to be fine."

Why this Nobel laureate predicts a quicker coronavirus recovery: 'We're going to be fine'

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