Boyer' open letter to Kaepernick

At risk of what? being detained simply because they are black?

That may very well be ... but don't stop there. CONTINUE to educate. WHY are they more likely to be detained? Because they are part of the 30% of black kids who have their father. So understand what you initially represent to an officer and make it abundantly clear YOU are not a threat to them. THEN you can expect to be treated as you would like to be treated. BOW up at em "because you're black" and you'll be treated that way.

I hope he's not suggesting they are at a greater risk of being shot by cops simply because they are black. That's patently FALSE.

Yes, I believe that's what he told them, they are at risk of being statistically more likely to be shot than a white person. I didn't argue with him. The manner in which he said it was that is was as true as it is true that he is black and I am not.
It's true. What Trump said took it to another level but I believe everyone had formed their opinions long before that...

That is accurate. But how to you explain an avid poster here on the political board missing this so badly? How does that happen? It has to be a conscious, intentional act, right?
....Anyhow ... IF ... the "cord cutting" is a major factor, seems to me that'd only validate the change. I think "Barry" has tried to separate the two also ... kneeling/ratings....

Cord cutting is a factor, no doubt. But some of the cord cutting acts as a double down on this "disrespect the flag" issue as some of the cord cutters are specifically dumping ESPN. Part is the high cost, but part is that ESPN made the corporate decision to go political. I suggest the timing of the increase in the dump ESPN movement corresponds with ESPN making the determination to go into full SJW politics mode. It is all related. The flag squatting has only exacerbated the subscriber problem for ESPN.

15,000+ PER DAY is alot (to run a quick check, assume $7 per subscriber)

ESPN has already had one giant wave of layoffs. How long before another?

From my perspective, ESPN made some of the same bad choices that the NFL front office is making now. They are being sold a false reality, and they are paying for it. Analysis and judgement do matter. It might not mean much on an internet board, but it matters alot when you have money and jobs on the line.
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I'm VERY CYNICAL. I believe in my heart that the networks are not simply analyzing data gathered in a completely unbiased manner. It is my firm belief that they are in fact attempting to influence voting patterns.

It does seem that way. But they blew it. Go figure. They are wrong on everything else too.

Which probably means, instead of learning and growing from their mistakes, they will just double down on their bad strategy the next time. We have already seen a tiny bit of this in 2017.
@NJlonghornWe were dragging bodies out of WTC 6-8 months after the event. Waiting for the memorials to be "complete" would have been irresponsible.

Twitter wasn't a thing then, so reactions didn't spread as quickly. But I remember politicians (on both sides of the aisle) making political statements that same evening, and the chorus grew very loud within 24 hours.

shootings haven't required NEARLY that much time to process the crime scene.

Okay, so to give a more apples-to-apples comparison, how do you feel about President Trump blaming Senator Schumer for yesterday's terrorist attack in NYC, and calling for policy changes?

What makes the efforts disrespectful is the degree to which they are relevant and proper. So I submit, the analysis isn't exclusive of respect degree.

So it is disrespectful when someone makes a point that you disagree with, but if you agree with the point, all is good?

Glad to hear you support the 2A.

I agree that most forms of gun control would be ineffective and, in many cases, counterproductive. In particular, I don't think gun control would or could have stopped the Vegas attacks. Thus, I don't find the call for gun control post-Vegas persuasive.

That said, I don't think we see eye to eye on the Second Amendment.
Cord cutting is a factor, no doubt. But some of the cord cutting acts as a double down on this "disrespect the flag" issue as some of the cord cutters are specifically dumping ESPN. Part is the high cost, but part is that ESPN made the corporate decision to go political. I suggest the timing of the increase in the dump ESPN movement corresponds with ESPN making the determination to go into full SJW politics mode. It is all related. The flag squatting has only exacerbated the subscriber problem for ESPN.

15,000+ PER DAY is alot (to run a quick check, assume $7 per subscriber)

ESPN has already had one giant wave of layoffs. How long before another?

From my perspective, ESPN made some of the same bad choices that the NFL front office is making now. They are being sold a false reality, and they are paying for it. Analysis and judgement do matter. It might not mean much on an internet board, but it matters alot when you have money and jobs on the line.
I don't know about you but I can't cut just ESPN. It's all or nothing for me.
That is accurate. But how to you explain an avid poster here on the political board missing this so badly? How does that happen? It has to be a conscious, intentional act, right?

The long and short of it from where I sit is this: we have two parties. You're either Left or you're Right. The stakes are very high. Supreme Court nominees are the highest stakes of all in my book and what happened? The Republicans thwarted Obama's nomination efforts, Trump won and Gorsuch is now on the bench. This outcome is very significant. The battle has become so Machiavellian (my favorite word or phrase it seems) that it is not about what is right; but instead WHO is right. And winning is all that matters. So in that kind of an environment our emotional bias does the thinking for us and we look for the answer that justifies our party politics. The blogoshere or echo chamber is fed by all of these biases. I try to think in a balanced manner. I try to challenge everything I see and confirm if the meme or whatever is factual or has it been debunked. I listen to everyone. I want what is right; not for Trump or Hillary to be right. It's taken me a long time to get to this point. I'm not saying I'm some elite critical thinker but I am aware of my bias (My Cuban Father was a fiscal/government conservative minus the religious influence which he considered to be a personal matter and should not be the basis of our laws) and I have adopted some view from the Left in spite of his opinions over the years. I "decoupled" my brain, took a look around and started thinking for myself INDEPENDENT of party politics. But in the end, we are stuck with two choices and I'm as helpless in that regard as anyone else.
Twitter wasn't a thing then

I have a twitter account. I think I checked it in May ... of last year.

Didn't need twitter to know about 9/11 ... so I'm not sure what you're implying here. The time factor I mention is in the time of memorial ... and processing the crime scene.

The degree of alignment with my personal views is irrelevant to the degree of respect. I'd expect there'd be a suspension of more regulation calls after an airplane crash while the investigation was conducted/concluded ... but there are not.

It's the emotional response which is the problem for policy changes.

An act which presents clear and present danger needs to be addressed ... NOW.

Trump's framing of this clear/present danger unfortunately used political mudslinging ... even if it wasn't FACTUALLY wrong ... but this event DEMONSTRATED the fallacy of the immigration policy we have, which has been supported by those on the left, primarily.

... and we have dead Americans on American soil as a result.

I'm not sure how this topic got into the NFL protest/BLM fallacy/black family disintegration ... but anyhow.
It does seem that way. But they blew it. Go figure. They are wrong on everything else too.

Which probably means, instead of learning and growing from their mistakes, they will just double down on their bad strategy the next time. We have already seen a tiny bit of this in 2017.
The sale was of the shares of company with ownership going from Canadian to Russian. The uranium stayed where it was and wasn't to be moved. 9 different people had to approve it and Clinton had a deputy Sec State that handled that committee. Here's the list: They say that they'd approve the same change of ownership today. This all took place at a time when we were trying to reset relations with Russia. That has failed miserably. The nuclear proliferation crowd says this is not a threat to our safety. It's much ado about nothing.
... This all took place at a time when we were trying to reset relations with Russia.....

Some people say what is was really about was getting Russia to get on board with Obama's Iran deal. If you like getting poked in the eye (which it seems like you may), well there you go.

In any event, what I asked you was how agreeing to this sale was in the best interests of the US?

It was definitely in the best financial interest of the Clintons
But that's not the question on the table right now.
I am asking you to articulate how the Urianium One deal was in the best interests of this country?

So far, all you have offered is excuses and claims that it might not be as bad as some think.
That's a pretty poor standard for making a deal like this.
....They say that they'd approve the same change of ownership today. ....

Baloney. Maybe if HRC won, but she didnt

Do you really think a Trump Admin, in this environment, would approve a transfer of US uranium to Russia? It could have been the best deal in the history of the world and it still could not/would not happen. Take a moment and think about what people like you would be saying about that transfer.
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I don't know about you but I can't cut just ESPN. It's all or nothing for me.

It was not alleged that ESPN could be dumped a la carte. Although that day is almost upon us. Something ESPN is keenly aware of.

It was alleged that part of the cord cutting generally was due to a choice to dump ESPN. And part of that was due to ESPN's decision to regularly force politics into sports.
Up there yonder a ways I made a comment about role models in the black community. I did not wish to be simplistic and ignore the role teachers, coaches and the church have in establishing role models for black children. On the surface, watching three minutes of kneeling each week wouldn't seem to be very impactful at all. Maybe I overstated the effect. But seeing young black kids kneeling before their football game is what really caught my attention. The youth coaches are bringing the message to those kids. And it is possibly true that because those kids look up to professional athletes that the three minutes of kneeling is in fact VERY IMPACTFUL.
the fallacy of the immigration policy we have, which has been supported by those on the left, primarily.

Just the facts, this program legislation was Co-Sponsored by Schumer but had bi-partisan support and was signed by a Republican President. The Gang of Eight also proposed legislation that would have ended this program but that wasn't mentioned by our POTUS.

Personally, this sledgehammer approach (lottery for the sake of diversity) to immigration is not good. It certainly needs to be modified and/or ended in favor of something better.
Some people say what is was really about was getting Russia to get on board with Obama's Iran deal. If you like getting poked in the eye (which it seems like you may), well there you go.

In any event, what I asked you was how agreeing to this sale in the best interests of the US?

It was definitely in the best financial interest of the Clintons
But that's not the question on the table right now.
I am asking you to articulate how the Urianium One deal was in the best interests of this country?
I did poke myself in the eye with a stick 2 weeks ago and sliced my retina.

I don't find anything about the uranium being exported. I think I read that we are a uranium importer as it stands now anyway.
You're right, SH ... and I apologize for oversimplifying this particular application ... but it IS the left which is generally supportive of open borders policy.

ED: and I'm not blindly supporting GOP policy in this. They brought us NAFTA, afterall. Immigration is a clear and present danger and should be reformed to a proper method ASAP. But, like the national debt, it won't.

Another rabbit chase from the OP ... but hey, we're having fun.
It was not alleged that ESPN could be dumped a la carte. Although that day is almost upon us. Something ESPN is keenly aware of.

It was alleged that part of the cord cutting generally was due to a choice to dump ESPN. And part of that was due to ESPN's decision to regularly force politics into sports.
Only a freakin' mule would dump their whole cable/sat over ESPN's "politicizing" of sports. Talk about looking for a fight. Sounds like Jade Helm level crap...LOL
Baloney. Maybe if HRC won, but she didnt

Do you really think a Trump Admin, in this environment, would approve a transfer of US uranium to Russia? It could have been the best deal in the history of the world and it still could not/would not happen. Take a moment and think about what people like you would be saying about that transfer.
To paraphrase a proliferation expert, that deal was as damaging to the safety of the US as it was if they lit that money on fire.
Only a freakin' mule would dump their whole cable/sat over ESPN's "politicizing" of sports.

If sports is the primary program viewed, why not?

This is another example of false analysis ... and in fact it seems to have more credibility than that for which you'd give credit ... hello cord cutting!

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