Band and Cheer Stuff

CU's Ralphie is female And not a Buffalo but a Bison.
Kinda like gluing Longhorns on Hereford.

LSU used to have a cool real Tiger. Not sure if they still do
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I love the Texas Drums. About 90 minutes before KO of every home game they perform Percussion on the Green on the west side of the Butler School of Music.
My younger son was in the band from 2010 to 2014...trumpet player. We used to tailgate by the music building so we could watch all the warmup. We'd finish the game at the same place, tailgating, waiting for the traffic to break a little bit. The band plays Texas Fight when they finish the march at the music building. If you haven't stood 10' in front of the band while they're playing, you're missing something. In my case I have done that many times. I'm sure what I'm missing is some of my hearing.
LSU also would put "Mike"'s cage right outside the visitors' locker room door and hit him with a cattle prod while the stadium chanted "tiger bait".

They also did not have AC in the visitors' locker room, but did pump in humidity.

FWIW, Bevo sent Mike a Get Well card when he was sick and dying, and I believe flowers when he died.
My younger son was in the band from 2010 to 2014...trumpet player. We used to tailgate by the music building so we could watch all the warmup. We'd finish the game at the same place, tailgating, waiting for the traffic to break a little bit. The band plays Texas Fight when they finish the march at the music building. If you haven't stood 10' in front of the band while they're playing, you're missing something. In my case I have done that many times. I'm sure what I'm missing is some of my hearing.
I love the trumpet fanfare at the San Jacinto Garage
CU's Ralphie is female And not a Buffalo but a Bison.
Kinda like gluing Longhorns on Hereford.

LSU used to have a cool real Tiger. Not sure if they still do

The little black bear at Baylor is pretty cute. Not intimidating but cuddly if that's what they were going for.
The little black bear at Baylor is pretty cute. Not intimidating but cuddly if that's what they were going for.
Ears are too sensitive, remember? It was cute sitting on the block of ice in the plastic swimming pool holding that bottle of Dr Pepper with both paws. Wonder how it handles the plastic bottles.
I defer to Bevo's opinion of the Bailor bear.
Was sitting on the one yard line at Floyd Casey stadium when the bear handlers thought it would be cute to parade the bear by Bevo. Bevo snorted in disgust lowered his horns and went after that bear like any LongHorn defender would. We all laughed and cheered. Bailor never did that again.
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I defer to Bevo's opinion of the Bailor bear.
Was sitting on the one yard line at Floyd Casey stadium when the bear handlers thought it would be cute to parade the bear by Bevo. Bevo snorted in disgust lowered his horns and went after that bear like any LongHorn defender would. We all laughed and cheered. Bailor never did that again.

But those handlers grew up to later to work as advisors to ESPN at the Sugar Bowl
The feature twirler from every College Football Band of note in the Lone Star State, including our Ayden Mentry:

It's absolutely amazing how similar the twirlers look compared to what you would think they look based off the school. SMU yep, TCU yep, Bailor yep, etc.

I mean its across the board except for Tx State in my opinion. They got all of our normal pretty people who now can't qualify to get into Texas like they could 30 years ago. Their twirler doesn't fit that mold to me.
Ok, Hornfans, set aside some beer money for the Longhorn Band. This is the 125th anniversary year of the LHB, and there is fundraising in progress ... and ongoing. Money will be used for student support and scholarships, also for travel and associated costs of making the Showband essential to the SEC game day experience. Click the link, Back the Band. Thanks!

Back the Band - Giving to UT


And ... My closest friends today are people I met in the LHB. We date back to the '60-70s, have made it through marriages, divorces, kids, job changes, deaths, cross-country moves .. you know, Real Life. We still laugh about bus rides, box lunches (always KFC), sweating in those wool uniforms, aggie jokes ... and how OU still sucks!
FYI, Longhorn Alumni Band will perform at Sept. 21 game! (Not me, I'm too old and it's too hot.)
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Do you know if Don Hart is still alive?
I don't know, but I'll post here if I find out.

Thank you. My daughter started sitting in her seat #9 when she was two years old. Every band alumni game, she would start clamoring, "Is he here, Daddy, is he here"?

The only way to recognize him was to find those old Puma shoes with the white stripe. From seven stories up, all the former drum majors look pretty much the same, but only one had Puma shoes. She couldn't wait for the baton tosses.

in 2009 or 2010, my girlfriend and I were walking in El Patio as he was walking out. I asked him if he would take a picture with us. Maryann was going to find a place to hang it in the dining room but lost it. If I can figure out how, I'll post it on this thread. I really wanted to have him autograph a copy.

My daughter burned or shredded hers because she really didn't like my girlfriend.
That man was amazing. I think he'd hurl the baton as high as half way up the Upper Deck and catch it! One of the LHB and LHAB's all time greats.
Agree. For years every time the alumni band would perform I felt like he was the spectacle, not the giant band itself.

Sorry, Don was, particularly for those of us in Sections 5-18. For my daughter from around early 80s until just a few years back I would have to find him with the binoculars before she would stop pouting and start cheering.

It has always bothered me that members of the Alumni Band either resented being asked about him or really didn't know who he was. My thought was that members of the football team knew who Earl, Ricky, Kenneth Sims, Nobis, et al were, why didn't band alums know who the greatest of all time was. When Don performed, restroom and concession lines were nonexistent.


The USC Trojan man just tried to thrust his sword into the artificial turf at midfield. It didn’t work.

I give props to the Fighting Texas Aggie Band for playing the Trombone King March by Karl King in their first halftime show of the season.

(I was a trombonist back in my high school/college days. Never got to play the Trombone King, doggone it.)