Band and Cheer Stuff


I saw her perform at the Frank Erwin Center, in the early 1990s, when she was the 3rd opening act for headliner "La Sombra" from the Valley. Very impressive on stage, even before she was famous.

Their "fight song" is a joke literally. Go back and look at the old Art Metrano comedy routine with his fingers. Songs seem to be close to the same, hence I do his hand routine every time I hear their crap.

Their "fight song" is a joke literally. Go back and look at the old Art Metrano comedy routine with his fingers. Songs seem to be close to the same, hence I do his hand routine every time I hear their crap.

Compare it to the fight songs of:

TCU - generic
aTm - weird and mostly about UT
SMU - she'll be coming around the mountain, ok I guess
Tech - not bad
Baylor - blah
Rice - ?
I think the closest Rice comes is constant playing of "Louie Louie".

Probably the best is Boomer Sooner. Yes, we hate it, but you have to admit it takes weeks to get it out of your head after the game.
I think the closest Rice comes is constant playing of "Louie Louie".

Probably the best is Boomer Sooner. Yes, we hate it, but you have to admit it takes weeks to get it out of your head after the game.
The problem with BS is that it’s not so much a whole song but a refrain that’s repeated incessantly and most irritatingly through the course of a game. (Maybe that last part makes it an “ideal” fight song, since it gets on the nerves of the opponents very quickly and just won’t go away.)

I like the UH fight song melody.

Tech’s fight song could best be described as kind of pleasant and inoffensive. Which makes it a not-so-good fight song.

I never can remember TCU’s fight song without looking it up on YouTube. An easily forgettable fight song is a bad thing.

As for Baylor’s … it kind of brings to mind a Vaudeville pratfall. All it needs is a slide whistle.

I think the closest Rice comes is constant playing of "Louie Louie".

Probably the best is Boomer Sooner. Yes, we hate it, but you have to admit it takes weeks to get it out of your head after the game.

That is because it is only 4 notes played over and over! Jr High kids could learn that song first day...