Band and Cheer Stuff

Before the game the Longhorn Band was trolled unmercilessly all over social media for being put up in the highest furthest part of Bama Stadium.
But pay attention when you watch the replay you will hear the LHB loud and proud all through the game
And hearing the Eyes at the end as all players coaches staff and fans there sang was awesome.
Hope someone can post a vid of it

Hook'em LHB:hookem2:
I think ESPN mic’d it up that way.
I think it’s kind of par for the course at a lot of D1 schools for the visiting band (if one makes the trip) to be stuck in the upper levels, and for only a smaller traveling band to make the trip rather than the whole cohort. There are exceptions, of course. I’m glad that the full LHB and OU band perform at the RRR (of course nowadays they are seated (or standing) behind the end zones, but that’s better than the alternative).
Part of the faux outrage from Bama and other SEC SEC people is last year the Bama band did not come to DKR because they objected to being high in the corner.
I think most of the big 12 schools place bands in similar locales. BUT Texas does have the biggest stadium and high in the end zone is higher than most.
What I can't find is where Bama usually places visiting bands. I find it hard to believe they get 30 yd line seats
From Tuscaloosa:

So I was watching Frasier last night on Paramount Plus and caught this episode that includes the classic tune that inspired the aggy war hymn - (from Season 6, Ep 2)
Pretty vanilla program, but likely planned that way to prevent any of the Old Band Geeks from dropping to the turf in the heat! More than 500 there for the 60th anniversary of the LHAB. (No, not including me - too old!) Hook’em!
Pretty vanilla program, but likely planned that way to prevent any of the Old Band Geeks from dropping to the turf in the heat! More than 500 there for the 60th anniversary of the LHAB. (No, not including me - too old!) Hook’em!

I signed up to march but bailed out on Wednesday when I saw the forecast for 95 degrees. Didn’t want to melt in the upper deck. Instead I got to sit in the shade in our seats on the west side with my wife, sister and brother-in-law. Enjoyed seeing my old friends from Alumni Band on the field. Maybe next year…