Band and Cheer Stuff




Which Cougars should we fear more - these or the UH ones?
^It would be better than their real one which clearly aggy inspired.
"When the going gets so rough and tough We never worry cause we got the stuff."

aggy lyrics
Rough, Tough, real stuff Texas A&M
surely they could have been more original.
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UH has overtaken Tech in academics. The Coogs are hot on the heels of UT-Dallas and TCU. Once derided as "Cougar High", the University of Houston has now achieved "Tier 1" research university status.

But academic smack merchants: keep your eyes on UT-Dallas. I suspect in a decade they'll be right behind Rice and UT-Austin for the tops in Texas.

So has Tech been jerking around all this time, as UH rose up and surpassed them...


That is "research status" not academic standing, where Third Ward is nowhere near "Tier 1". (Figures don't lie, but liars do figure)

As for UT-Dallas, either Forbes or USNWR did an article in the past 2-3 years on return of investment for an MBA - cost of MBA vs starting salary and salary the first few years. UT Dallas was #6 in the country.
Not band or cheer exactly, but Houston Cougars track and field:

Now here's a former Houston Cougar track-and-field athlete who set the Southwest Conference record for the discus throw:
(betcha didn't know that...)





A big-budget movie is coming out about him and his brothers, and hitting the big screens around Christmas. I think the guy who starred in the cooking drama "The Bear" will play Kerry. He (the actor) must have really hit the weights.
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If "The Bear" chef can play Kerry convincingly, we need to look at his personal trainer for an assistant S&C position...

(he broke the SWC discuss record by 12 feet!)
He also qualified in discus throwing for the 1980 Olympic Team USA that boycotted the Moscow Olympics. :usflag:

Kerry Von Erich - Biography - IMDb
"Kerry was a standout discus thrower at University of Houston, and actually held the SWC discus record; coincidentally, Kerry's father Jack was the previous record holder."
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If "The Bear" chef can play Kerry convincingly, we need to look at his personal trainer for an assistant S&C position...

(he broke the SWC discuss record by 12 feet!)
He also qualified in discus throwing for the 1980 Olympic Team USA that boycotted the Moscow Olympics. :usflag:

Kerry Von Erich - Biography - IMDb
"Kerry was a standout discus thrower at University of Houston, and actually held the SWC discus record; coincidentally, Kerry's father Jack was the previous record holder."

Wheels Completely Off family
Wheels Completely Off family
I don’t know this, but I think you had a mixture of a lot of steroids plus a lot of recreational drugs, pain killers, along with each brother enduring the death(s) of his other brother(s). And young dudes with a lot of money and fame.

Sad story all around. Kevin survives as do some of Fritz’s grandkids.

Kerry is still one of UH’s all time great track and field stars.
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Dave Campbell's All Half Century team featured OGs Gene May and Jack Adkisson. May I had the pleasure of watching at Rice Stadium against Galena Park and featured the single most controversial play in Texas HS history. I only ever saw Adkisson as a rassler.

Of course the Horns benefitted from having the two sons of Big Bad Bobby Duncum (sp)
What was issue with band members not all getting in or having to leave instruments outside? Announcers mentioned but did not explain.

If "The Bear" chef can play Kerry convincingly, we need to look at his personal trainer for an assistant S&C position...

(he broke the SWC discuss record by 12 feet!)
He also qualified in discus throwing for the 1980 Olympic Team USA that boycotted the Moscow Olympics. :usflag:

Kerry Von Erich - Biography - IMDb
"Kerry was a standout discus thrower at University of Houston, and actually held the SWC discus record; coincidentally, Kerry's father Jack was the previous record holder."