Band and Cheer Stuff

Im pretty sure every school in the SEC has racist, segregationist ties and there are buildings and statues and other things that are directly tied to those racist beginnings. How far down this stupid rabbit hole are we really going to go?
Not one player on this team is at Texas because that was the only offer received. Every one of them had multiple offers. Honor & participate in your schools traditions or go to a school whose traditions you can support or a school with NO traditions - say KU.

Wait! What happens when the little darlings find out that KU bragged for years about one of its Fraternities having the world's largest Confederate Flag? (No, it was not KA)
But I thought Kansas was a free state.....maybe some of those danged Missouri fellers came over and started a fraternity....
Im pretty sure every school in the SEC has racist, segregationist ties and there are buildings and statues and other things that are directly tied to those racist beginnings. How far down this stupid rabbit hole are we really going to go?

Considering the message I've heard for many years is that this entire country was founded on racism, I'm pretty sure they'll stop at nothing until our history is erased. Because, you know, that will make everything better....
Yeah really.

Maybe we could have a sort of cultural revolution. Erase the nasty past and culture in its entirety and start over. I wonder if that's ever been tried before. If so, I'm sure it was a great success--for human rights, economically, for the arts, for agriculture and food security, in every way. We could take a really big leap forward. It would be great! What could go wrong?
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but the committee has found no clear evidence. it's time to move forward.

all of us.
Yeah you think that's the end of it. Would like to hear your peace and love comments on opening day when the band sits on their hands and the players stroll on to the locker room. Guess it'll be known before kickoff whether the song is played by the band, played by the jumbotron or not played at all.
Considering the message I've heard for many years is that this entire country was founded on racism, I'm pretty sure they'll stop at nothing until our history is erased. Because, you know, that will make everything better....
Agree. These people will never be happy, and that’s the fundamental message. A classic case of, “Give them an inch and they’ll take a mile.”
Trivia question: what is the only school in the old SWC whose charter explicitly forbade Blacks from ever attending. (It had to be amended.).
Yep. Rice Institute.

When NASA was looking at where to open the Manned Space Center (later the JSC), Rice (and Silver Dollar Jim West, and other Bayou City bigwigs) were huge in luring them to Houston. Rice had to get with the times, so there was a lawsuit and they amended Rice’s operating documents to allow all races and women.

I believe the land was Jim West’s and he gave it to Rice, which gave it to be used for NASA. If you go right past NASA towards Seabrook when you get to Clear Lake, you can see West’s mansion off to the left.
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The "mansion" at Clear Lake was a weekend place. West's home was on River Oaks Blvd, later the home of Bob & Liz Lanier.

Also a huge portion of what became NASA and Clear Lake was owned by Friendswood Development (Exxon). Unfortunately for the residents of Clear Lake, Exxon would never guarantee the water bonds, which meant the City of Houston HAD to annex that area since the water district was broke and had been for ten plus years. (see also Kingwood)

As far as William Marsh Rice's will and integrating of Rice, NASA was coming to Harris County as long as Mr Sam was drawing a breath. (Yes, the same Mr Sam who shoved the Civil Rights Acts of 1957 & 1960) As opposed to "surface reading", try looking at the contracts let for the building of those facilities, then tell me that William Marsh Rice, his will, or Baker Botts had anything to do with that.

I trust you will be fascinated enough by your findings, that they leave you smart enough to never openly discuss them.
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Interesting stuff.

I had thought Silver Dollar Jim West owned much of what became Clear Lake, along with much of the Friendswood oil field land (which isn’t actually in Friendswood), and leased and sold mineral rights, and actual land, to Humble (Exxon) and drilled some of his own wells. That particular salt dome oil field turned into a monster—one of the giants of the Gulf Coast. But that’s all just recollection and hearsay, not inside information or anything...
Yeah, I’m pretty sure that Clear Lake land that became NASA (in fact much of what became Clear Lake) was Jim West’s. The Wests sold much of it to Humble (Exxon) and either West or Humble donated the piece that became NASA.

But I’m confident there’s more to it than old stories from old timers and my remembrances of old Houston Chronicle articles can tell us.
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This isn't going away, and the media is happy to tell only one side of it:

UT students react to 'The Eyes of Texas' report with disappointment

Incredible nuggets:

"Wallace said the university is just now starting to address questions and issues that Black students, who make up 5.3% of the student body, have been considering for decades."

Say what? I can clearly remember being a student in the 90s and this was am issue back then. It's why we had affirmative action and the top 10% rule. Whose lying to this Wallace fellow? How are they so ignorant? UT has literally been going out of its way to boost Black enrollment for DECADES. And honestly, equity would look like 13.5% Black students. Would Wallace and his wounded feelings be happy then? I'm not so sure...

“It is a unique experience going to the University of Texas at Austin as a Black student and a very small minority on campus,” he said. “There are things these young people engage with and think about that people who are not part of represented groups haven’t faced. ... The university has to remind itself of things that people like me always knew: that there was a long space in time where people like me were not welcome socially or legally by admission. The university is having to reconcile with that on a mass level.”

Exactly. And yet here you are. At a university that didn't allow your race for 70 years. Those buildings on the original 40 acres? You weren't allowed. That stadium? You weren't allowed. But it's the damn school song you're uncomfortable over? Lololol

“I think that if there are people who are being affected by the song saying that it's racist, I think that it's racist,” Irwin said. “If someone who is a person of color is saying that they feel uncomfortable by the origins of the song, no matter what the intention is, I think that it should be classified as being racist.”

WRONG! This is emblematic of the brain washing of our youth. Like, even though the song has been shown to not be racist, if some people insist that is, then like, it must be racist, because feelings...

"Emma Anderson, a freshman journalism student, said she found the university’s handling of the controversy to be “disappointing but not surprising. The report was made solely to justify UT not wanting to alienate their donors,” Anderson said. “It is confirmation of what a lot of us already knew: the school is not willing to listen, at least in a substantial way, to its Black students.”

Idiot spouting left wing talking points.

"Anita Shiva, a UT freshman studying human development and family services, said handling of the song has been “really disrespectful.” "I’m a person of color, but I can’t imagine being a Black student and having to listen to that song at games,” she said.

Bwahaha! Oh the horror of listening to the school song if one is Black! You're literally at a university that was segregated for 70 years you ignorant freshman. And its the song you're worried about?

And then the band:

"For Hayden, a Black student who plays saxophone in the Longhorn Band, that creates a host of complications.

“Saying that they want to keep the song but also that no student will be forced to sing the song? That’s a contradiction for all 400 members of the Longhorn Band,” he said. “Those two things can’t coincide with each other. You can’t say that students don’t have to sign the song and tell student organizations or bands to play the song.”

Hayden serves as president of LHBlacks, an organization for Black students who are members of Longhorn Band. Throughout the months of debate over the school’s alma mater, Hayden said the group was part of conversations within the band and with some university leaders.

“What do I do as a band student who is being told this about keeping the song?” he said. “It frustrates me to no end. We spend so long trying to get our foot in the door and then these things aren’t even being considered. That has been a lot of my frustration with the university. We are here and if you want this controversy to go away, you need to deal with this and have a space for us to talk about this because there isn’t one right now.”

What you can do Mr Hayden is recognize you were wrong about the song. Its that simple. It's not a racist song any more than the university of Texas isn't a racist university. If you're going to say the song is racist then the university is racist. You can't have it both ways...

And then this:

Wallace said “only time will tell” whether the university’s efforts on this front will be fruitful.

“This current moment was because of the young people, the University of Texas student athletes, forwarded by other young people on the campus, every 18 to 22 year old, give or take, that was motivated to make this an issue,” he said. “The best way for us to see what the university does in the future is to listen and look at the young people that are everyday representatives and stakeholders at the university.”

Thanks stupid professor who taught this garbage and thanks Tom Herman for oking this with your players. We've already seen how dumb the students can be. Why should we listen to you Hayden? You lack critical thinking skills.
You have to be intelligent to have critical thinking skills.

We have become a laughing stock by the handling of this entire situation by the feckless administration and made to look even worse by forming a commission/committee to investigate our school song. What a clown show.
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Assist them in finding a school more coinciding with their infringed upon hardship. Perhaps I am wrong but I think they can be readily replaced by students who feel differently. They need to spend their college years happy. Those are important years and they are obviously feeling oppressed and unhappy here, over a song they interpret,completely on their own, to be racist.
Assist them in finding a school more coinciding with their infringed upon hardship. Perhaps I am wrong but I think they can be readily replaced by students who feel differently. They need to spend their college years happy. Those are important years and they are obviously feeling oppressed and unhappy here, over a song they interpret,completely on their own, to be racist.
It was only racist to them after someone told them it was racist. Brains full of mush.
Dunno - given the quality of these quotes, it appears only the brainwashed and gullible believe the eyes are racist.

Yeah but if the Statesmen and Tribune and Monthly only publish this kind of reaction then public opinion will sway towards thinking the song is racist.
It was only racist to them after someone told them it was racist. Brains full of mush.
ALL of this started when a career criminal was freaking out while being told to step out of his vehicle and he doesn't the unthinkable and swallows what fentanyl was in a plastic wrapping in the car...(he also was trying to hide the counterfeit bills inside the car....
then, as time elapses he can be heard that "HE CAN"T BREATHE"...this was before the officer got near him....

the officer was an idiot for staying on his neck....

well, what he ingested was noted as FOUR TIMES the LETHAL AMOUNT of fentanyl (which alters your breathing)....

then, this was turned into a BLM movement within 2 days ....and BLACK LIVES MATTER banners painted in streets in TWO DAYS of the DRUG OVERDOSE of Mr. Floyd.
ALL of this started when a career criminal was freaking out while being told to step out of his vehicle and he doesn't the unthinkable and swallows what fentanyl was in a plastic wrapping in the car...(he also was trying to hide the counterfeit bills inside the car....
then, as time elapses he can be heard that "HE CAN"T BREATHE"...this was before the officer got near him....

the officer was an idiot for staying on his neck....

well, what he ingested was noted as FOUR TIMES the LETHAL AMOUNT of fentanyl (which alters your breathing)....

then, this was turned into a BLM movement within 2 days ....and BLACK LIVES MATTER banners painted in streets in TWO DAYS of the DRUG OVERDOSE of Mr. Floyd.

Well yes. The media, as I stated, is massively complicit in pushing these narratives. When they tell only one side and are partisan themselves, these things turn into movements that never should have been.
All of this is a symptom of the real issue.

We have raised a generation of coddled morons who can't think for themselves, or communicate without the use of emojis and cell phones.

This is the real problem, imagine what happens when this lost bunch of morons becomes actual leaders of this country. The Chinese must be licking their chops knowing how they are going to rule the world while America becomes a country of virgins masterbating in their mommas basement.

Welcome to the future.
I believe the land was Jim West’s and he gave it to Rice, which gave it to be used for NASA. If you go right past NASA towards Seabrook when you get to Clear Lake, you can see West’s mansion off to the left.

Not anymore. The West mansion recently found itself on the business end of a bulldozer. It’s gone.
You have to be intelligent to have critical thinking skills.

I actually disagree with this. Anyone can be taught to critically think, having more intelligence gives you more ways to think about things. Critical thinking is really nothing more than questioning things and researching to come up with your own thoughts based off what you find. Kids in public schools are specifically taught NOT to question things and to believe what they are told to believe. I don't think that's necessarily the teachers fault, that's the way the curriculum is built.

This particular topic is so shallow that if even the dumbest person did the most basic research they would see it is not racist, but instead they just follow along with the things they know and fall for it.
Not anymore. The West mansion recently found itself on the business end of a bulldozer. It’s gone.
Another piece of history gone. I like colorful, larger-than-life characters like Silver Dollar Jim West. Something about our State seems to produce plenty of them.
The West Mansion, The Ross Sterling Mansion, the Moody (beach front) Mansion - all three could have been bought "for a song" in the 80s. Of the three, only the Sterling Mansion is still a shadow of its former self.