Band and Cheer Stuff

I don’t believe Sark is a liar.
He has already spoken unequivocally on this topic.

@Chop you do realize Sark said that in January, then time happened (as it does) and now in March, Hartzell has said the team and band do not have to sing it/play it/be there for it, etc? Sark saying something in January, then being overruled in March by his boss does not make him a liar. It appears the band will not have to sing, the players can run off and it will be a ****show.
@Chop you do realize Sark said that in January, then time happened (as it does) and now in March, Hartzell has said the team and band do not have to sing it/play it/be there for it, etc? Sark saying something in January, then being overruled in March by his boss does not make him a liar. It appears the band will not have to sing, the players can run off and it will be a ****show.

And this would be the worst mistake UT brass could make.
Somebody please show me where Harzell said the band does not have to play the school song.

This may be your best post of all time. They can't because he didn't, BUT certain media types have reported it without having been present. The man told the football team they would stay on the field. The band doesn't have to play, but neither do they HAVE to be part of the band.

People listen to the numb nutt news, then read it online (must be true if it's online), take it as gospel and run with it.
How many people try out for the marching band every year? The question should be if you join the marching band you have to play the school song. If you cannot do that for any reason, sorry but you are not eligible for the marching band. Nothing wrong with the decision either way.

Same reasoning for the Music Department leaders. The Eyes of Texas is the school song. If you cannot be a part of it, your office should be cleared out by the end of the day, and we will mail you your last check.
I'm very much ok not making the team sing (just stand around with your hook em horns hand in the air, whatever, while the song is played). Plus, those guys probably don't sing very well anyways. They can try or pretend, or whatever, on the field, respectfully towards the fans and school

The band is a much different situation. A college football marching band is there to play the school song and the fight song. That's why we have a football band. It's their very purpose. That and some of the other misc songs like March Grandioso, Wabash Cannonball, Texas Texas Yee Haw drums, etc.
I want to be on the football team, but I don't want to have to play the first or the fourth quarter. And I still demand my full scholarship, perks, and uniforms.
This whole cancel culture circle jerk is like a draining battery. Nothing, absolutely zero, will make this s***show better. Continue 120 years of rich history focused on accountability and the fact that what we do at UT defines the world. And you’re a racist. Stop it and put in what,’Inagoddadavida’ and all is good. ********. I personally love and enjoy the band, but hold a marching competition on fall Saturdays and see if a football game breaks out and a 100,000 people come to watch. Fire the ******** and replace them with the 3X applicants that got rejected. Or, better yet, let them march on the soccer field and play whatever the spirit moves them to play. Hell charge admission to defray costs for new uniforms. Now that is a legit reason to *****.
I'm very much ok not making the team sing (just stand around with your hook em horns hand in the air, whatever, while the song is played). Plus, those guys probably don't sing very well anyways. They can try or pretend, or whatever, on the field, respectfully towards the fans and school

The band is a much different situation. A college football marching band is there to play the school song and the fight song. That's why we have a football band. It's their very purpose. That and some of the other misc songs like March Grandioso, Wabash Cannonball, Texas Texas Yee Haw drums, etc.
From the Hartzell interview, it appears that no one is going to be forced to even stay on the field. Maybe they'll sing it on their way to the locker room or while showering or driving home. Maybe I'm wrong-headed but I let this bs piss me off to no end every now and again..... I thought Herman got fired because he handled this whole Eyes thing incorrectly (because he won more than he lost, improvement over CS). Now Sark (who is NOT a liar) has said the fight song will be honored and here comes upper management with the strong edict of "well, gee, sorry there's hatefulness, you know what, stick with last year's plan and do what ya gotta".....
Lots of official statements & static since Sark's statement. Unlike TH, if he was still in the picture, I trust Coach Sarkasian will address and make it clear how in a POSITIVE way the players WILL conduct themselves during THE EYES before and after the game.
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This may be your best post of all time. They can't because he didn't, BUT certain media types have reported it without having been present. The man told the football team they would stay on the field. The band doesn't have to play, but neither do they HAVE to be part of the band.

People listen to the numb nutt news, then read it online (must be true if it's online), take it as gospel and run with it.

Hartzell is on video/audio saying students won't have to stand, stay on the field or sing. I don't think he specifically says "the band" but it is implied as they are also students.
"implied" doesn't make it so.

No one HAS to do it, but neither does anyone HAVE to participate in extracurricular activities.

Jay is not going to contradict what he has already said face to face in meetings, and certainly not to some fishwrap or (I would say something worthless, but $300 million isn't exactly worthless) something like LHN.
Then why doesn't he come right out and make a concrete, definitive statement instead of all this wishy washy ******** that is ripe for (mis)interpretation?

Find one politician, corporate executive, or football coach that does that. THEY DON"T EXIST! That's why "coach speak" was invented, then you can sit back like Barry and laugh your *** off while reading what was heard as opposed to what you said.
He already has the audience interpreting what they want to hear rather than what was or WAS NOT said.

And this is the problem. He needs to clarify his statement because band members have already stated that they are interpreting his statement as applying to them as well.
If the band for some reason refuses to play our school song, disband them (pun fully intended) and strip them of their scholarships.
He needs to clarify his statement because band members have already stated that they are interpreting his statement as applying to them as well.

Jay doesn't need to clarify **** to band members. They have a leader. It is his job (if he still has one) to communicate with the band, get answers to their questions that are reasonable. If the band director or chairman of the music department doesn't get the answers "they want", then replace the leaders and/or band members or both.
Jay doesn't need to clarify **** to band members. They have a leader. It is his job (if he still has one) to communicate with the band, get answers to their questions that are reasonable. If the band director or chairman of the music department doesn't get the answers "they want", then replace the leaders and/or band members or both.

I'd email Dr Hanna myself but I don't think I have the clout to really make a difference but I agree with you. Someone needs to put the rubber to the road on this.
I have no use for Hanna, and never have had, BUT he has always been very approachable by phone or email. Personally, I think he's worthless as tits on a boar hog. Hope he isn't on payroll come September.
Find one politician, corporate executive, or football coach that does that. THEY DON"T EXIST! That's why "coach speak" was invented, then you can sit back like Barry and laugh your *** off while reading what was heard as opposed to what you said.
Elon Musk
Trey Gowdy
Nick Saban
Daryl Royal
Bum Phillips
Donald Trump
Robert Unanueus
Im pretty sure every school in the SEC has racist, segregationist ties and there are buildings and statues and other things that are directly tied to those racist beginnings. How far down this stupid rabbit hole are we really going to go?
This really is the point for many of the agitators. The evolution of this argument is that everything is racist because it was at some point tainted by the historical act of racism. Once that argument becomes mainstream then you can cancel anything you want due to its proximity to something else that is racist. At that point all traditions, all expectations, all belief systems that are based on the foundations of the university and the country are by extension racists and REQUIRE complete overhaul with guessed it....demands that diversity and inclusion and quotas be the primary deciding factor on how to structure new programs. Meritocracy will be cast out in favor of inclusion. Achievement will be cast aside for equality of outcomes.
Hartzell said this, meant that, coach speak, blah blah blah. Come September, I'd lay odds that no one on the team or in the band has to change anything they're doing and will still be full members of the football team/band. Although the donors pulling money seemed to have to do with the Eyes of Texas, I call bs. It was because Herman didn't keep the team rolling after "We're Back" and didn't meet expectations on the field. It's ludicrous to think that the cigars will pull their money mid-season if the song isn't honored. Starting to believe nobody really believes in it otherwise there'd be obvious change. Ready for September when no one stays on the field or plays "the song" and we hear about "oh, yeah, the money guys really put their foot down". If I'm wrong, then tell me what they're going to do that won't be obvious.